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  1. M

    I did it!

    Its always nice to see someone else succeed. However I'd like to remind you to stop being so excited. You didn't get the point where you could ask out a perfect 10 by being the one that danced everytime you got into the end zone. Instead you pulled a Barry Sanders by handing the Ref the ball...
  2. M

    Move On: The most important bit of advice

    I believe its important. However I've come to the conclusion that believing in yourself, and realizing that you have value is when everything else will fall into place.
  3. M

    Not a problem just a question.

    Doesn't seem like your having any problems in the intamcy department. Instead you've just decided to raise the bar a little higher. If you can, get a hold of some Cialis. Obviously I can't tell you were to get it, but if your goal is to give her multiple orgasms than this is the way to go...
  4. M

    Your favourite ebooks/products and your fav seduction gurus?

    I didn't know Durden had an E-Book. I became convinced that he was an instructor that only ran workshops. Durdens a guy that part of me felt was a little weird, but the other part of me really believed in the guy. Of course this is only based on his interview with DeAngelo. Where can...
  5. M

    Your favourite ebooks/products and your fav seduction gurus?

    Personally I've read Xuma (Secrets of the Alpha Male and Seduction Method), DeAngelo (DYD), Thundercat (Art of Approach), and even attemted a little Ross Jefferies (SS, not for me). As of now I'm reading 'The Game' by Neil Strauss and the Versuvian Arts Handbook by Mystery. I've also read some...
  6. M

    guys need your help on this one

    You've been given the gift of freedom my friend. Cheerish it, go out and find other people. See this girl as little as possible and do your best to forget about her. Look ask yourself this...Do you see yourself marying this girl? Shes consdiered herself scared of commitment, you say shes...
  7. M

    How do you guys overcome approach resistance?

    The Etiquite Shutdown: "Look I dont know where you're from, but where I'm from, etiquette and protocol are not optional, and just because your mother failed to equate you with the precepts in the embly post book of etiquette doesnt mean I should have to suffer due to your ignorance." (turn...
  8. M

    Approaching girl in your apartment complex

    This is nothing more than my own personal view, but I try to stay away from approaching girls that I'm going to end up seeing on a daily basis without effort (effort meaning arranging times to meet in order to see one another). Given that you described your apartment complex as a small one, I...
  9. M

    Getting her to miss you?

    Its good to see that your treating her with respect, but thinking like this will get you in trouble. You have the right idea by trying to get her to miss you. Remember this isn't manipulation, its giving her the emotions she wants. Hard as it is right now, try to get some distance from her...
  10. M

    A DJ Example from Friends

    Ha ha, theres no way I would've typed all that. I mean I like you guys, but not that much. This is nothing more than a cut and paste job. The scripts are available all over the net. I was actually surprised that the first one I found described the scene and the reactions of the characters so...
  11. M

    Neil Strauss: Marketing Ploy

    I'll look into it. Expect my report in a month
  12. M

    A DJ Example from Friends

    Yesterday I was watching a few rerun of Friends while I was getting ready to go out. During the course of my viewing an excellent example of how to be a DJ came up, which is ironic considering 2 out of the 3 male leads on the show base their characters around being AFC's, but I digress...
  13. M

    If you aren't married by 26, can you still be happy for the rest of your life?

    Please see Cathrine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas
  14. M

    how about post a something on how to make her fall for you

    Not to put you down or anything, but do we even do that here? I was under the impression that was about a few main things 1. How to cultivate the right attitude 2. How to approach women 3. How to deal with the early phases of the, for lack of a better word, relationship. 4...
  15. M

    The most chumpiest website I've ever seen.

    *Lauging* You are going to hell. Who are you to shatter the ideoligies of these poor helplous souls who believe that when people fall in love that it was meant to be, written in the stars? However wait up a second. I'm thinking about joining now as my DJ alter ego (i.e an AFC) MilrenkNO (not...
  16. M

    I slept with her now what?

    The most important thing in this situation is that you demonstarte a laid back and confident attitude (By the way this also appies to awkward silences which you can use to your advantage by showing that even in the most awkward of situations you can remain cool and collected). Show her that...
  17. M

    biggest blue balls in the ****ing world right here

    "I think therefore I am." Look put your head back on. You'll never get anywhere by beating yourself up like this (not to mention cursing like a sailor). Heres a quick psych leason for you. The subconcious mind will answer any question you ask it. So when you ask yourself "Why am I such a...
  18. M

    Why Women Don't Answer Phones

    As long as you deliver it with confidence it'll work. Plus if she does feel weird about it you can bust on her by saying something like "I don't want you calling me 40 times a day." However I've never had a problem with this so in turn I've never had to use this response. Plus think about it...
  19. M

    Getting it from your GF?

    The sick thing is that your proud you stole this girl from this guy in Iraq. Otherwise you would have never mentioned it.
  20. M

    Being an Alpha Male - how to handle sh1t?

    Clearly an example of someone who gets it. Look you've already got the correct answers to your questions. I say you can trust yourself more. Stick to what your learning in both your alpha male and martial arts training and you'll be fine. Remember A man who stands for nothing will fall...