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  1. M

    Foreplay, make her show her hornyness.

    Ahh a fellow DeAngelo pupil. I agree with you that women are more sexual than us when it comes down to it, but ironically guys touch each more than women. I'd like to add two things to this: 1. Never take off her clothes, let her take off your clothes and hers, that way you'll have a...
  2. M

    Will a goatee repel women?

    *laughing* get a soul patch
  3. M

    reacting to disrespect

    Hey you asked for help and we delivered. If you don't want to follow the advice we gave then quite frankly you don't have to. Just remember life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
  4. M

    If I don't call, will she think I don't care?

    T-Money these are things you should commit to memory.
  5. M

    Parting words with a nice girl- advice req'd

    Second that. The people that don't get to where they want when they come here to get this part of their life handled are the ones that think that it takes parlor tricks, scripts, and other planned things to seduce women. Look the funny thing is with the right attitude and display of...
  6. M

    Girl talking sh!t about me all the time for no reason

    Who cares man. Do you care? Or is there something else going on here? Look I'm not using this as a chance to bust on you. What I'm worried about is this seems to be getting to you (otherwise you wouldn't have started a thread about it). Your not a child anymore, and neither is she. If...
  7. M

    If I don't call, will she think I don't care?

    T-Money man, my queston is why are you seeing her every day? Next time around you have to try to limit yourself to like 2-3 times a week. Why would you deny her the gift of missing you? When you do this she hypnotizes herself into thinking that your all these wonderful things, and 99% of the...
  8. M

    put any PUA videos here

    Great video. Proof that you can go from zero to hero once you put it all together.
  9. M

    How much do you tell her about yourself

    I have to say I aggree with you on the relating to her aspect you pointed out. As for not telling her my name, I do it in a fun teasing way. I usually tell them my names Ashley and act offended when they laugh. This usually leads to more laughing and by the time the approach is over I'll have...
  10. M

    reacting to disrespect

    I appreciate the respect. As for an example from my life: There was this one girl I was seeing in my early DJ days named Amy. Now at the time because of the way my day was structured I had a class that met once a week for 2 hours at 6:30 pm. So one Thursday she texts me in the middle of...
  11. M

    How much do you tell her about yourself

    Good answers so far. However I think I should point out that I'm not looking for a cut and dry answer. I'm very aware that theres more than one way to do things. All I'm trying to do is get a feel for how other guys approach this particular aspect and see if theres anything I can use. No one...
  12. M

    reacting to disrespect

    Take notes my friend. This is something you need to commit to memory. Personally when I put my foot down I keep myself in a cool and collected state of mind. You maintain eye contact, you call her out on the issue, and let it be known that you'll be on your way unless she corrects her...
  13. M

    reacting to disrespect

    I'm glad you made this post. Doing this shows me that while you look like your on the verge of loosing your cool you still have the ability to restrain yourself. Look the fact of the matter is that if your going to take the not looking for a relationship angle than your going to have to...
  14. M

    why would she...?

    Ha ha, maybe using words like always is a bit of a strech, but asides from that you pretty much nailed it. Women are not logical. All you need to understand is how to make them attracted to you and then take it from there.
  15. M

    How much do you tell her about yourself

    Personally I make my name something thats hard to come by. However this thread is about me trying to acquire wisdom from the rest of you. So on that note please share how much you tell a girl about yourself in any situation you find relevant...
  16. M

    Why am I getting jealous?

    Personally I'd like to add my own two cents but you already got all the advice and feedback you need here. The only reason I'm posting is to advise you to read and reread the advice you've been given (Especially the post by Pimp-sicle).
  17. M

    Women and Mental Disorders

    Theres a huge difference between being emotional and having mental issues. Now I just got out of a thread concerning how much emotion you should express and one thing that came up was how women are more emotional than men in general and how they look to us for stability. Look the fact of...
  18. M

    Cute but blind as a bat...

    Now thats C&F. Bravo my man, bravo.
  19. M

    I Called my gf, and it ended with her family all laughing at me

    This is the best advice your going to get. However while your at it read MacDaddy's post which is right above mine.
  20. M

    FR: A Day at the gym gone bad (bad field report)

    This is my nothing more than my own viewpoint, but the gym is the place I use to tune the rest of the world out. I would never do anything that would make me feel uncomfortable there. My advice is try to avoid cold approaches in places you frequent. However thats just me.