Women and Mental Disorders


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Is it just me or do most women have mental issues?

The most common problem women I date have is depression. I'm so fed up with dealing with women like this.

Anyone else find this to be the case?

I'm starting to think that there is a mental illness that comes with every women you meet.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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Theres a huge difference between being emotional and having mental issues. Now I just got out of a thread concerning how much emotion you should express and one thing that came up was how women are more emotional than men in general and how they look to us for stability.

Look the fact of the matter is women are prone to emotions than we are. Most of us are brought up to be 'tough and quite frankly a little heartless' however with the feminization that a lot of us have experienced with TV, movies, and basic social views we've seem to have gotten away from this more. By the same token some guys take the 'tough' attitude to heart and become those wreckless people that you see getting into barfights every other weekend. Women however are told to express themselves. Ever notice how when you overhear a group of women talking how you ask yourself from time to time, 'do they ever talk about anything that matters.'

In the end, the fact of the matter is that they just have a very different mental process and as a result they allow themselves to be more vunerable to their own emotions.

Quick quote from David DeAngelo

"Attraction isn't a choice. What this means is that if you interact with a women long enough for her to form an opinion of you and she doesn't find herself attracted to you then theres nothing you can do about it. At the same time if she does feel attracted to you, then theres nothing she can do about it."


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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Lots of people these days are complete cry babies!

Ohnoes! I woke up this mornign and didn't feel like a million $$, then i went to some online psychology site and filled out a 20 question form and it said i 'might' have a depression....


I need some help!! :(

= utter bullcrap

The only problem a lot of women have this day and age is BOREDOM. That's all they have, not depression, not PMS, no crazy mental disorders... just plain old boredom.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Socialreject said:
Lots of people these days are complete cry babies!

Ohnoes! I woke up this mornign and didn't feel like a million $$, then i went to some online psychology site and filled out a 20 question form and it said i 'might' have a depression....


I need some help!! :(

= utter bullcrap

The only problem a lot of women have this day and age is BOREDOM. That's all they have, not depression, not PMS, no crazy mental disorders... just plain old boredom.
I would disagree, women do not suffer from boredom. Even when they have the life of a little princess they always find away to be sad and complain. In somecases this is a cronic problem.

I don't have a problem with a woman that is sad ever once and a while, but when she just won't stop it and continues to bring up past events it makes me sick. I have no other option but to break up with them for my own mental health.

It is very hard to find a happy go lucky kind of girl. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, but that just seems to be the case. Even the women at work are depressive.
The more of a career girl she is the more depressive she is.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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Originally Posted by milrenkb
Jerks get laid in the short run, while nice guys get married in the long run. Its the guys in the middle that get the best of both worlds.
In the long run we are all dead.
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), British economist.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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I personally don't think it's just women who have all these mental disorders and problems, a lot of men have them to.

Depression is a big issue in our world today, i doubt you'll find many who don't suffer from it. And i personally think it's down to a lot of the crap we are fed through magazines, T.V. and music about all the so called troubles in our lives. We all know about social conditioning and it does work the same with depression to.

Just think about it, your told and shown for hours a day, 7 days a week for months, even years, about how you should be living, what you should own, how you should look. That's going to chip away at your confidence over time and make you wonder about yourself, make you feel your missing something in your life. If your strong these things don't really effect you, but for most people they do, especially women. Half of what you feel you need can not be gained ever, we all know that in the fact that on T.V. and in movies we are shown the image of the perfect, faithful woman. If we desired and aimed to find her we'd get depressed when we found women weren't like that, when our search would never be over.

Factor into that family troubles and problems with friends, regrets about things they've done that week or the night before and you can't help but not get depressed. And as has been said by other members already, women are highly emotionally. It's quite sad really. Half the people i know drink and take drus to escape this fact, to run from the reality of their lives... that really pisses me off. But that's off topic.


Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Listen man, find a girl that suites you. Have a good time. If a woman starts acting depressed. I don't deal with it. Unless, its truly tramatic. Anyways, when a woman is in a bad mood. Go away and do something fun. She will "realize" that her bad moods are causing her to loose fun time with you. If, she does not stop that crap, move on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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Mental illness is a whole world of discussion in itself. Ironically we all are depressed in life at some point. When the depression affects your life in some tangible way then its actually a condition.

Roughly 1 in 10 people have something like this going on where its a condition so that is your chances of finding a nutcase. But every women you meet will have some degree of depression at various times in their life.

Best thing you can do is try not to save them in the situation. Just be the fun person to be around and let them deal with it. Then you won't be banging your head against the wall trying to figure things out.

If the situation is affecting the relationship constantly though - run. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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V-Don said:
Listen man, find a girl that suites you. Have a good time. If a woman starts acting depressed. I don't deal with it. Unless, its truly tramatic. Anyways, when a woman is in a bad mood. Go away and do something fun. She will "realize" that her bad moods are causing her to loose fun time with you. If, she does not stop that crap, move on.
Yep that is all you can do. What happens is the girl starts to cry all the time and think there is something wrong with her.

My last girl would bite herself or sometimes try to bite and/ or hit me when I teased her. I though that was messed up and after a while I realized that she had some kind of mental problem.

The last time came when I jokingly moved her hand away (rather then hold her hand) to grab my coffee. This caused her to lash out at me and squeze the back of my neck while I was driving! My gut reaction was, "Don't f-cuken do that ****!" She didn't even say that she was sorry and that is was I had no patience for. She had a lot of stupid excuses but she never listened to what I had to say. That night I just broke up with her and ended it.