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  1. M

    I Want An Answer Besides Move On...

    I know your not going to like me for this but I'm going to say it anyway. Do not take on a project. I tried to save people all the time a few years ago. It was almost like I became their therapist. After a while my attitude started to mildly reflect the people I was trying to help. I...
  2. M

    What Happend To That Guy That Confessed His Crimes?

    I know, he was such a pleasant fellow. However in all seriousness I heard the guy was mentally challenged.
  3. M

    Should you ever buy a girl a drink?

    I applaud the way you handled the situation. However I'm dissapointed that your having second thoughts about this. Keep doing what your doing man. Sarge on.
  4. M

    Going to a bar alone.

    If thats the case then you should give the Mystery Method a shot. Its bread and butter is about how to approach and disarm a group so you can eventually isolate your target.
  5. M

    One of the easiest rapport builders ever

    Nice! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but after reading your reponse about how you hated Saved by The Bell my initial reaction was to engage you in a debate. Might be a nice road to take if your purpose is to get into a little verbal sparring (which can be just as fun as finding...
  6. M

    Difference between approaching 7's and 8's, and 9's and 10's?

    I'd like to follow up on that. Can you provide a link?
  7. M

    Just wanted to get this straight

    Your question is way to open man. Hate to give you this generic answer but it depends on the girl and her boyfriend. However you shouldn't be worried about that. Theres plenty of cool girls out there you can make friends with as a way of gaining access to other social networks.
  8. M

    Do you want HB8s and 9s APPROACHING YOU?!

    Actually the way it worked for me was that a 6 walked up to me first than an 8 and a 7. All I had to do was make them laugh and make them kind of earn the right to pet the puppy (I did this by acting like I was one of the puppies parents and asking them questions like "Did you wash you hands"...
  9. M

    Where to find??!?!?

    Go to a bookstore and shop in the self-help section. When you see an attractive girl reaching for a book say "No, not that one." (Credit Juggler) and then go from there. I actually got a phone/email close with this one during the past week. I'm with you man, I go for the brainy (not so...
  10. M

    Do you want HB8s and 9s APPROACHING YOU?!

    Hey don't take my word for it. Go out and try it. To tell you the truth I got the first idea from Mystery. Nevertheless it works like a charm.
  11. M

    Pull this off, get laid -- video clip

    Is it just me or does that guy look kind of like Tyler Durden (The PUA).
  12. M

    Do you want HB8s and 9s APPROACHING YOU?!

    I hear you man. However the fact of the matter is that its not practical for me. So I'll provide an alternative tip for people who don't want to or can't own a dog. Go to a pet store and ask someone that works there to let you hold the cutest puppy you can find. You'll be surprised how...
  13. M

    Going to a bar alone.

    "Find a friend who wants to get a mate out there too. Its this friend is a girl, great. You will look even cooler. But if worse comes to worse, go out alone. When I went to a new city to live, I had to go out alone. There is NOTHING WRONG with this. This isn't a loser thing, this is in fact a...
  14. M

    Your opinion on the "seduction community"

    Maybe it is. However its also dysfunctional when guys use the nice guy routine to manipulate women into having sex with them. Not only does the community teach you to interact with members of the opposite sex but how to deal with people in general.
  15. M

    Didn't even say thank you!

    This needs to be your frame of mind. My advice is to never take anything personally (especially when it comes to sarging). If you do then you'll catch yourself dwelling on stuff that doesn't matter at all. In turn you'll start projecting a negative vibe and people will not want to be around...
  16. M

    Classical Music is where it's at.

    Mix classical and techno. Thats where its at. Now what were we talking about?
  17. M

    Sex Pheromones

    Keep your money in your wallet my friend.
  18. M

    sticky a jokes section

    Hate to spoil the party but I find that girls don't like jokes unless their drunk. The humor that gets girls going are impersinations, stories, and crazy observations. Basically things that occur in the normal flow of a converstation. On the other hand it helps to have her tell you a joke...
  19. M

    Unique Situation involving stripper and me being very young.

    One thing I will tell you if she EVER brings up the age difference say something like this. Her: 20? Your so young. You: "I know, lucky you." (insert grin here) Whenever she brings this up its an IOI. Don't downplay it like any other AFC would. Your living my fantasy man. I would...
  20. M

    One of the easiest rapport builders ever

    I actually stumbled upon this one by accident about two months ago. This one entails you making nothing more than a simple statement along the lines of: "You know what show I always liked, 'Saved by the Bell." Keep in mind I'm in my early 20's so the mature DJ's might want to stay away...