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  1. M

    indicators of interest what ones are cool?

    1. Laughing at your stupid jokes 2. Leaning in when you lean in 3. Smiling 4. Picking up the converstation when it drops (Peacocking helps here) 5. Touching you for the sake of touching you.
  2. M

    Cheating ass b*tch?

    Look, the girl did you a favor. She basically told you that 'I'm not worth your time and effort.' No longer will you have to wonder. Being Cheated on is only a big deal if you make it one. Take it from me, if you allow yourself to remain bitter than your attitude will reflect that. In turn...
  3. M

    HipHip music for a party

    Oh Hey. Find the Jay Z Moment of Clarity (Just died in your arms tonight remix) Trust me
  4. M

    HipHip music for a party

    When the party looks like its dying down and everyones drunk use one of the following: Vanilla Ice: Ice Ice Baby MC Hammer: Can't touch this It ceases to amaze me the reactions these songs produce ~16 years after their release. Nevertheless the girls will go crazy unless your actually...
  5. M

    to those who feel that approaching confidently/****y is counter intuitive

    I'd say this an example of being assertive, not C&F.
  6. M

    ****y & Funny Answering Machine Message

    One things for sure, in the pickup world, C and F is probably the most misunderstood technique.
  7. M

    Tips on LTR's

    Staying Spontaneous 1. Get a dice 2. Write 6 nice things to do for your girlfriend (Such as cooking for her, bringing her flowers, sending a nice thinking of you e-mail/ BTW: Very AFC when done in excess but very DJ when done in moderation) 3. Write the next 6 days your available...
  8. M

    The Official List of Pickup lines

    Pick Up Line Counters I know how to please a woman. Then please leave me alone. I want to give myself to you. Sorry, I don't accept cheap gifts. May I see you pretty soon? Don't you think I'm pretty now? Your hair color is fabulous. Thank you. It's on aisle...
  9. M

    sticky a jokes section

    HB: Sorry, I have a boyfriend DJ: I'm not intrested in him. or DJ: I've only known you for like 20 seconds and your already telling me all your problems. This relationship is over (walk away or turn your back).
  10. M

    Friend who just don't "get it".... (c***blocking)

    I like your attitude. Its refreshing to see someone that shares my views on dealing with stress once in a while. As for your friends and their stupid nicknames, well I suggest you just start hanging out with some other people. After a while they'll start blowing up your phone and when you...
  11. M

    NO Masturbation for 6 weeks

    I never said don't do it. I just said make sure that if you don't get an F-Close an you've been stimulated throughout the evening to make sure you clear everything out. I've had blue balls before, and believe me its a pain that you don't want to deal with. I'm well aware of the purpose of...
  12. M

    How to better "think on your feet"?

    I enjoy watching sitcoms were relatonships are part of the story. During the course of the show I'll come up with responses to statements the women on the show make when they're interacting with a guy their intrested in (weather it be a husband, boyfriend, date, or a guy their just flirting...
  13. M

    How to better "think on your feet"?

    Online Chat. Also known as the Women Simulator. "Napoleon, don't be jelous just because I've been talking online to hot babes all day."
  14. M

    NO Masturbation for 6 weeks

    While this is a noble quest, you eventually might find yourself playing with fire. What happens if you dance with a chick all night and only get a number close? Blue balls aren't exactly good for your health. Look step away from the ledge, no one needs to get hurt. While I think that...
  15. M

    FR: God mode on Friday, completely lost it on Saturday

    My advice to you is if your ever in non-God mode to change the goal of every approach from a phone close or f-close to just making the people or person in your set smile. I actually do this one all the time and go from there. I understand that it sounds a little gay but it works for me.
  16. M

    Do HB10s really want to be f*cked?

    I disagree. I believe all HB10's want to remain pure and become nuns.
  17. M

    Telling her you like her

    Push then pull. Pull then push. This is the art of seduction in a nutshell "You know I like you, but it would never work out. Your not Greek."
  18. M

    Friend who just don't "get it".... (c***blocking)

    What good is talking to them like a man going to do when they act like children? I would bring them along slowly, if at all. Once this stuff gets harnassed it becomes really powerful, like a social machine gun. You don't want it falling into the wrong hands. The main concern being that...
  19. M

    Listen to seduction material while sarging

    I actually ended up using your tip (I always bring my I-Pod around anyway that way I can hook it up to her stereo or computer if I end up at her place). My I-Pod and I sort of have this oneitis thing going on now, but thats besides the point. Actually I'd like to do you one better. The...