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  1. M

    Need Some Help really quick with women playing w/ hair

    All the time man. Actually I think its better to go on 2 things 1. Is she engaging you? 2. Is she responsive to your kino or better yet is she iniating some kino of her own? Body language is a very intresting subject but sometimes you can get too caught up it in it.
  2. M

    David DeAngelo's war against don juans

    Are you refering to the guys on and the people who post articles on
  3. M

    clubbing for a date

    Unless your planning on using her as a pivot then your better off going elsewhere.
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    If your girlfriend has a cell phone..

    I disagree. I think that this boarders on paranoia and manipulation. Ironically I'm all for turning her phone off when we're about to get intimate. In my opinion guys get into relationships to fast. As a result girls rarely get a chance to decide if they really want to be in a...
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    David DeAngelo's war against don juans

    I did. He even said so in his e-mail I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
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    How to Keep State ?

    I don't know about how to keep that state but I think that the reason you lost energy is that early on when you were smiling at people you got good results which in turn fed you more energy. However by the end of the day you became complacent and could have cared less if someone appreciated the...
  7. M

    Will venting on sites like be useful to unwind after a sarge?

    Honestly man what are you going to vent about. Are you going to be another one of those bitter guys saying stuff like "Man girls are nothing but bitttches and slluts" just because you had an off night? Or are you going to take a step back, review your material, and get the results you want...
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    Encounters with Hostile Alphas

    In some cases that might be true, but I'm thinking that the only time to really act would be if some punk got so frustrated with me having a good set that out of nowhere he threw a punch, which is really easy to counter unless your in a set with Ken Shamrock. However the best example I saw of...
  9. M

    How not to mess up!

    I think thats the tradeoff. Girls can only do so much to change the way they look, and in most cases for girls, appearance is make or break. Guys on the other hand have it made. They can be a 6 on the looks scale, but with a few changes in personality and attitude they can drastically...
  10. M

    How not to mess up!

    Good advice. Actually I think its cool to have a girl on the forum thats intrested in helping us out. Plus the good thing about her advice is that its honest and objective. Her only goal here is to help, and thats what we need around here.
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    How to deal with shy women

    Look in most sets your going to have to do 90% of the talking at the beginning of the interaction. The basic rules of good converstation are as follows. 1. Focus on making statements instead of asking questions: Notice how when you talk to your friends you make more statements than...
  12. M

    is there a girl-version of this site?

    Actually "The Rules" is a great read for any aspiring DJ. For starters its short and you can get the e-book pretty cheap at However the best thing about it is that if you gives you a female perspective on the dating game. One of the my favorite David DeAngelo quotes is "You...
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    Encounters with Hostile Alphas

    One of the best things I did for myself was learn martial arts. Now before I elaborate it might be best to summarize my beliefs. I don't believe in fighting, at the same time I get a huge rush when I get a chance to spar. Personally I believe that when two people get in a street fight, its...
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    anyone notice this?

    Why I think the Girls do it - They want to show off that there taken. For some girls having a boyfriend is everything. Watch the first season of Friends and observe how Monicas Mom always presses her buttons by suggesting that she may never get married. This demonstrates the type of pressure...
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    Tim "THE JERK" Watch it

    Agreed. However the only thing that makes me feel a little iffy about how effective this guy was the fact that he started on top of the hill (got a running start, whatever). He was the prize not only because of his attitude, but because he was given the position of power of judge and jury by...
  16. M

    So many flakes/attention *****s

    I say you need to try and build a little more comfort when you first meet these girls. Your going to have to be more than the guy that she had a few good laughs with. If a girl feels like there could be a real connection (no matter what her goals are; relationship, sex buddy, tennis partner...
  17. M

    Tim "THE JERK" Watch it

    Personally I don't agree with how he treated everyone, but theres no doubting that the guy has a strong frame that allows women to flock to him (I love stating the obvious). Nevertheless, I have to say that I enjoyed watching Tim the Jerk. Good post.
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    Moral Dilema

    Man usually the advice I would give here would be to just flood her (call 40 times a day, bring flowers everytime you see her, write her the crappiest poems, bascially taking everything you ever learned and reverse it). Personally I think for now the best thing to do is to go on with...
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    Moral Dilema

    Well the first thing I'd like to ask you is if she falls under the catagory of Carlos Xuma's agenda chick. Agenda Chick: Girl whos sole focus is to get married and have kids. Her life centers arround the relationship. Then four years later she wakes up to the realization that this isn't...
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    Conspiracy Theory

    I want to start a thread dedicated to starting conspiracies. Heres some of my personal favorites 1. Starting my own country and appointing people to positions (Cred Juggler) 2. Whos the richest (Cred. David D) 3. Selling hot dogs in Greece (Cred. Mystery) 4. I'm George Clooney and...