How not to mess up!


New Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hey guys,

I wanted to help you out a little.
I know that as a rule you don't believe what women have to say, but sometimes we can give a few hints. :)

I'm a petite, English blonde, you guys tell me that you think I'm beautiful (thanks for the compliments!). I'm highly educated, happy, sane. I jog every day and have an exciting life. I'm married, but still get approached by men frequently (don't ever do that by the way - ask a married woman for an affair - you look like a creep).

Listen, it's so easy to be a Don Juan!

Everything they say on this site is true, but I wanted to add some very specific things that you guys should do, every time you interact with a woman, that will ensure that you NEVER screw up.

1. Love yourself.
You are who you are. It doesn't matter if you're no hotty, just be confident for heaven's sake! There is something about every man that is hot. Even Donald Trump (fat, old, baldie) has a gorgeous wife. Even Woody Allen gets to sleep with a woman 40 years younger than himself. What is it about these men? NOT the money, it is the scent of the Alpha male.

2. Don't EVER make a fool of yourself for a woman who isn't into you.
We don't need the flowers and the telephone calls if we're not open to dating you. DON'T humiliate yourself. Flowers won't change our minds.

3. Act with integrity.
This is very important.
Actually, it is critical.
I have met many players in my time, but the men who get and KEEP real woman, the type of woman you'd want to make love to for the rest of your life, are the men who behave with moral integrity. Treat others with respect and behave in a trustworthy manner.

If you can't seem to find that confidence and personal integrity, spend some time doing something worthwhile, something that helps people less fortunate than yourself, like helping out in a homeless shelter.

4. Display your education.
Don't write emails with spelling errors, do talk in proper sentences, do use good table manners, don't belch in front of us, don't be lazy, don't curse, don't mention that you watch 'Survivor', don't mention your drug habits.

5. Take an interest in the woman.
It seems to me that a lot of men on this site want to have quantity, but not quality, when it comes to their women.
So you have lots of girlfriends? So what.
Girls that come to you easily, and that you don't value, will leave you easily. You are as worthless to them as they are to you.
Place your values higher than that and spend time looking for someone better suited to you. Your high standards will set you apart as a MAN. A patient, wise, self-controlled MAN.

Don't let me down guys. It's so easy!


hot stuff

Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
IMHO this is very sound advice!! too much emphasis is placed on getting the woman here...which for me is relatively easy...however KEEPING them is a different story!!

i have messed up relationships by being too AFCish!!BUT i have also messed them up by trying to game them too much to the extent were they get pissed off and leave me!lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
cutesusie said:
I know that as a rule you don't believe what women have to say,

Everything they say on this site is true

I'm a petite, English blonde, you guys tell me that you think I'm beautiful (thanks for the compliments!). I'm highly educated, happy, sane. I jog every day and have an exciting life. I'm married, but still get approached by men frequently (don't ever do that by the way - ask a married woman for an affair - you look like a creep).

I have met many players in my time, but the men who get and KEEP real woman, the type of woman you'd want to make love to for the rest of your life, are the men who behave with moral integrity.

4. Display your education.
Don't write emails with spelling errors, do talk in proper sentences, do use good table manners, don't belch in front of us, don't be lazy, don't curse, don't mention that you watch 'Survivor', don't mention your drug habits.

5. Take an interest in the woman.
It seems to me that a lot of men on this site want to have quantity, but not quality, when it comes to their women.
So you have lots of girlfriends? So what.
Girls that come to you easily, and that you don't value, will leave you easily. You are as worthless to them as they are to you.
Place your values higher than that and spend time looking for someone better suited to you. Your high standards will set you apart as a MAN. A patient, wise, self-controlled MAN.
Oohhh boy. Here we go.

For starters, if everything said in this site is true... and " as a rule you don't believe what women have to say" why bother? :rolleyes:

Guys who tell you compliments (supposedly, sure they do) you are thankful towards, but those who "suggest an affair" are creeps. So if the ego boost gets out of hand you no likey?

I'm curious, what do you define as a REAL woman?

4- Ofcourse, don't behave like you did in highschool. Women swear much more than I do, write LiKe ThIz ... good table manners? Wtf are you talking about? Wtf is this? :down:. Not mention our drug habits? How about not having one?

5- Girls that come easy.. what do you suggest? Being friends and having tea?

This gentlemen, is, supposedly, a old woman, she is now damaged goods, and men even suggesting what we do, stirs up in her head, conciously or not, and wants to do the guilt job. The same type of thinking that leads you to think that women don't like sex, let alone "dirty" sex.

And there is more bs in that single post, but whatever, you blew it by if everything said in this site is true... and " as a rule you don't believe what women have to say" why bother?



Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
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integrity? you are a big liar..for most of the today women, everything talks (first money), integrity walks....

display your education? lets say he is well educated? so what? what makes him interesting? im educated yet i like to talk dirty....

its my job to sleep with women ...i dont care whether she is married or not..if she likes , who cares..

and congrats by the way.. you got what you want.. wish you good life


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Good advice. Actually I think its cool to have a girl on the forum thats intrested in helping us out. Plus the good thing about her advice is that its honest and objective. Her only goal here is to help, and thats what we need around here.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
every woman says like that man... but what they are saying dont match what they are doing.. get some experience in this field..


Aug 22, 2006
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I wish you could just approach girls. Not have to memorize a freaking line, or learn some new technique, but just go up to them and say "Hey, what's up?".


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
I wish you could just approach girls. Not have to memorize a freaking line, or learn some new technique, but just go up to them and say "Hey, what's up?".
I think thats the tradeoff. Girls can only do so much to change the way they look, and in most cases for girls, appearance is make or break. Guys on the other hand have it made. They can be a 6 on the looks scale, but with a few changes in personality and attitude they can drastically increase their value in the eyes of a women.

hot stuff

Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
SamePendo said:
Oohhh boy. Here we go.

For starters, if everything said in this site is true... and " as a rule you don't believe what women have to say" why bother? :rolleyes:

Guys who tell you compliments (supposedly, sure they do) you are thankful towards, but those who "suggest an affair" are creeps. So if the ego boost gets out of hand you no likey?

I'm curious, what do you define as a REAL woman?

4- Ofcourse, don't behave like you did in highschool. Women swear much more than I do, write LiKe ThIz ... good table manners? Wtf are you talking about? Wtf is this? :down:. Not mention our drug habits? How about not having one?

5- Girls that come easy.. what do you suggest? Being friends and having tea?

This gentlemen, is, supposedly, a old woman, she is now damaged goods, and men even suggesting what we do, stirs up in her head, conciously or not, and wants to do the guilt job. The same type of thinking that leads you to think that women don't like sex, let alone "dirty" sex.

And there is more bs in that single post, but whatever, you blew it by if everything said in this site is true... and " as a rule you don't believe what women have to say" why bother?


man i think you are being a little too harsh here!! just because she has a woman doesnt mean she advice is balloX! There is nothing wrong with having morals and integrity, in my opinion it makes you more of a man!! A real man should have these qualities but also the game so that he can keep her on her toes!! BTW for those of you who are into affiars..YOU ARE PATHETIC and you are only being used by the woman to get a thrill!!! some of you people are living a very hollow life!!!

not that im undermining the DJ principle becase im not but some of you are so HARDCORE to the extent were you are immune to a quality relationship with a woman!! SHAZZZAAAMMMM

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
This board is full of keyboard jockeys.

cutesusie, you're message was fine and well appreciated with those who are actually successful in the field.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Overall good advice, though it's not exactly original stuff :p You basically described having good inner game.

But one thing I wanted to disagree on was the title. It's OK to mess up - infact you're better off messing up some times because that's how we learn.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Pro-cutesusies... please explain how this advice will help you in getting women. This "advice" has allready been given, and leads to niceguyishness. Yeah you should have good manners, but for your own improvement. Oh, and you should love yourself.. duh?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
cutesusie said:
I'm a petite, English blonde, you guys tell me that you think I'm beautiful (thanks for the compliments!). I'm highly educated, happy, sane. I jog every day and have an exciting life. I'm married, but still get approached by men frequently (don't ever do that by the way - ask a married woman for an affair - you look like a creep).
mmmmm :rolleyes: petite, English blonde....

Cheers for the advice. Nothing new, but cheers anyway.

Does your husband know that you are a member of this forum?

oh, ummmm fancy an affair?