Encounters with Hostile Alphas


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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Im just curious if others had run in with alphas who has exhibit rather hostile or unprovoked behaviors? How did you deal with it or what is the best way to deal with it.

-I had this happen to me a few days ago. I was on the public transportation system. Minding my own bussiness. When some alpha type guy with his girl friend apparoaches the vehical & as it was about to move off he spits at me (well the spit missed me) . Like he was trying to show off how hot & tough he is infront of his girlfriend.

-I remember years ago a friend of mine was waiting for the street light to change (my friend he was on foot) when some alpha type guys with thier girlfriends drives by and whips this beer can at my friend hitting him in the back. No provocation at all.

I'm sure some of you had this happen to you.
How do you deal with guys who deliberatly bumps your shoulders and dont apologized for it? (Not wanting to get into a physical confrontation). Like they do it to show off to their girlfriend to show how tough they are.

[If I recall correctly think Mystery himself had a run in with a hostile alpha (carrying a gun) in eastern Europe in "The Game" but he psyche the guy into thinking he had magic powers to deal with him.]
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Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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That's not alpha behaviour, that's idiot-who-shows-off-in-stupid-ways-to-compensate-for-his-idiocy behaviour. Those who show off to seem tough do that because they're not tough and they know it. Both cases would have warranted a big yelling at and possibly knuckle sandwich. If someone disrespects you, stand up for yourself. Not necessarily in the form of physical violence.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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I agree, thats not being an alpha male.

Those are insecure losers who lack the skills to entertain ppl so what he does is make other ppl look bad in hopes to look dominant. In other words, they're trying too hard. I usually find these types in high school.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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That isn't alpha behaviour. How to handle it - ignore it and walk away.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Definitely not alpha male. Alpha's wouldn't need to try hard. The alpha's presence automatically make him the leader.. That's why he is called an alpha male. Bill Clinton, for example, would be an alpha male. Do you really think he'd need to spit on someone to show off? Fighting in this day an age isn't an alpha behavior. It isn't the mark of a leader or of someone successful. It is the mark of someone who will soon be working at McDonald's and having butt sex with men in a cage. There is absolutely nothing less alpha than being drawn into fist fights. It also telegraphs huge insecurity that you are in *fight* or *flight* mode and feel threatended by other men. Suffice to say anyone that stupid is going to become the bottom of the barrel in the social heirarchy. OTOH, taking a martial art can be alpha, it makes a woman feel protected without the negative emotions and insecurities assoc. with the sort of behavior you describe. Alpha males tend to work pretty well with other people, although they will let someone know if he crosses the line too far. They are the kind of guys who rarely have to defend themselves, because people generally respect them and will jump to help them at the first sign of trouble.

What that type of behavior would fall under is sub-alpha. These guys want to be alphas but do not have what it takes. They are not accepted as alpha, when they try to assert dominance they are rejected in favor of other men, and are forced to watch as alphas effortlessly have sex with the women the sub-alphas wish they could have, get the best positions, and seem to have everything just handed to them for reasons the sub-alpha deplores or cannot understand. The worst cases, grow to hate alpha males. The worst cases hate the way life has kept them from the status they crave. Examples of this would be guys who try to act like thugs. They are telegraphing their frustration with guys who have it all: money, looks, lots of women. Now, some of these guys will manage to pull some 2nd class women, and in some cases they will get a fairly good catch for a short time. It isn't that they cannot be successful with women at all, but that in general they lead a miserable existance. The type of women they attract are generally a pain in the ass, but not always. It's more the rest of this lifestyle that make it so deplorable, like the feelings of inadequecy. Another version of sub-alphas just accept it won't come quite as easily and start learning effective behaviors without freaking out and attacking people or acting crazy. These guys can actually be pretty successful. A lot of women will feel more comfortable with someone who has a few flaws, but is basically a good catch. The feeling that one must challange the true alphas is very stressful, though. This is hard to overcome for many men.

Then there are betas, these guys either become hermits or accept whatever life throws at them. SOme of them are even quite knowledgeable, but they never try to push the envelope of success. I've actually seen betas with a wide range of women, I don't think there is really any general rule. These guys are basically good guys but are just really clueless or feel helpless about what's going on with them in relation to the world around them. I think betas and subalphas benefit the most from DJ forum, although alphas can definitely refine some things and get a broader understanding of what's going on, too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
... or a great title for a cult film.

everywomanshero took the words right out of my typing finger.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
I'd say you guys are trying very hard to explain away this behaviour as being un-alpha, but the fact remain is that a weaker guy got picked on by a stronger guy. It doesn't happen the other way around. The stronger guy is the alpha...

Nobody ever said that being alpha meant you had to be honorable or not a show off...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
I disagree, MacDiddy. A "beta" (or in this example, more likely gamma, delta, or epsilon) can be physically powerful and bully someone who's smaller.

I'm sure the same arschloch would not treat a 6'5" 250lb martial arts master the same way, whereas the martial arts master would undoubtedly be more likely to look up to someone like Nelson Mandela. It's not all about brute force.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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Scrumtulescence said:
Sounds like the title of a Discovery Channel program, lol.

Thats what i thought. What the fvck is going on with this site these days? Is everyone going crazy?

Hostile alphas?

Thats guys isnt a hostile alpha....hes whats known as a ****!

If he spits on you I would ****ing hit him. The day I let people spit on me is the day i die.

Read up on what an alpha is because you have it all wrong.

Sarge On


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score

I've had to deal with red necks all the time. Mainly from car to car... If you are walking, the best thing to do is ignore them or say something like "God Bless You". But if you are in a car with a group of people, push their buttons. Something along the lines of ... "Stop trying to show off in front of that girl?" Their girl will look at them and wait for their reaction... Usually it will be something like "huh....... fvck you!" Just laugh... etc...

Try to look like a predator and not prey.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Tomatoes said:
If he spits on you I would ****ing hit him. The day I let people spit on me is the day i die.
Sarge On
In this case I was on the public transportation bus and he spat when it was moving off. The guy definatly deserved a knuckle sandwich.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
1.Curse them the **** out.
2.Fight them if you have too.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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One of the best things I did for myself was learn martial arts. Now before I elaborate it might be best to summarize my beliefs.

I don't believe in fighting, at the same time I get a huge rush when I get a chance to spar. Personally I believe that when two people get in a street fight, its because someones feelings got hurt, and the only way to redeem themselves is to inflict harm on the person that "stole their pride." I do believe however in defending myself and aiding others that can't fend off an attack (actually a fun DHV routine is to teach a girl basic self-defense).

Basic psychology, if a person that dislikes you finds a button they can press to set you off then they will probably press it over and over again. In turn you become a tool. This is exactly what a rival 'Apha male' is looking for when they try to blow you out of a set. By the way, these people aren't really alpha males. They're nothing more than insecure people with a very demanding frame (often confused with a strong frame). If you send one slightly obvious putdown there way they'll get in your face. A real Alpha doesn't care what some idiot thinks of him and therefore is unaffected by AMOG tactics.

So how does this relate to your question? Well in my case, knowing martial arts gives me a sense of comfort that if things get out of hand (which never happens unless your beligerent) I'll more times than not be able to defend myself. Ironically, in most of the bar fights that I do get a chance to observe the attackers leave themselves open to the most basic strikes (like an upper cut or a roundhouse). That is unless your hanging out at a bar with Navy Seals and Marines.

Nevertheless the best thing to do when someone trys to AMOG you is to remain calm. Remember these punks only goal is to get a rise out of you. Also just be a sociable guy with lots of friends. Very few people are stupid enough to go after the guy with a large social network (especially if that network includes Navy Seals, Marines, Black Belts, and bouncers).

I know this doesn't give you all the answers your looking for but I hope it helps.

(On a side note: Even though this is no substitute for good martial arts instruction its still a nice place to start. I don't practice Judo buta lot of the moves on this site can be properly executed by anyone. http://www.judoinfo.com/animate.htm)


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
A real Alpha doesn't care what some idiot thinks of him and therefore is unaffected by AMOG tactics.
he might not care, but if he does not counter the AMOG tactics then he will be tooled in front of chicks and left to look like a goof ball if he just stands there..

Its a dog eat dog world and inner peace is just a figment of imagination..


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
Freddy1 said:
Im just curious if others had run in with alphas who has exhibit rather hostile or unprovoked behaviors? How did you deal with it or what is the best way to deal with it.

-I had this happen to me a few days ago. I was on the public transportation system. Minding my own bussiness. When some alpha type guy with his girl friend apparoaches the vehical & as it was about to move off he spits at me (well the spit missed me) . Like he was trying to show off how hot & tough he is infront of his girlfriend.

-I remember years ago a friend of mine was waiting for the street light to change (my friend he was on foot) when some alpha type guys with thier girlfriends drives by and whips this beer can at my friend hitting him in the back. No provocation at all.

I'm sure some of you had this happen to you.
How do you deal with guys who deliberatly bumps your shoulders and dont apologized for it? (Not wanting to get into a physical confrontation). Like they do it to show off to their girlfriend to show how tough they are.

[If I recall correctly think Mystery himself had a run in with a hostile alpha (carrying a gun) in eastern Europe in "The Game" but he psyche the guy into thinking he had magic powers to deal with him.]
If a guy wants to be alpha enuff to do some **** like that to me. Then I will be more than glad to be the omega of the situation. And it's gonna end with my foot up his ass.:D


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
MacDiddy said:
he might not care, but if he does not counter the AMOG tactics then he will be tooled in front of chicks and left to look like a goof ball if he just stands there..

Its a dog eat dog world and inner peace is just a figment of imagination..

In some cases that might be true, but I'm thinking that the only time to really act would be if some punk got so frustrated with me having a good set that out of nowhere he threw a punch, which is really easy to counter unless your in a set with Ken Shamrock.

However the best example I saw of what I suggested came on that show elimidate. Now I'll try to get to the point but theres only so much I can describe with text.

There came a point in the show where the girl had to eliminate one of four guys, however in this episode after she eliminated the first guy another guy would come in and replace him. The guy that came in emboided almost every alpha stereotype (muscular, relaxed, funny, well-dressed, etc). Within one minute he had engaged the girl and stole the spotlight from the other 3 AFC's trying to win the girl over.

Now at this point it was easy to see that the other 3 guys were nervous. So out of nothing more than desperation one of the guys started AMOGing the Alpha Guy by asking him something along the lines if he used steroids and was trying to compenstate for something with his muscles. The Alpha Guy looked at him for no more than a second, then continued talking to the girl as if nothing happened. Long story short, the muscle head eventually became the winner.

I really wish I could find a clip of this because in my opinion its a perfect example of how to handle AMOGing. The narative I just wrote doesn't do it justice.

Now I know this is going to sound a little corny but I'd like to ask anyone that saw the Karate Kid when they were younger if they thought that Mr. Miyagi was a punk? Think about it, in every movie the bad guy would taunt Mr. Miyagi to no end. However everytime at the end of the movie, when fighting was the only choice Mr. Miagee would easily win. In my opinion this is the best mainstream example of how to handle AMOGing.

(On a side note I'd just like to warn people that every so often you might run into some wannabe wise guy carrying a knife (or in extreme cases a gun). Truth be told you rarely know who your really dealing with when you get in a street fight. Trust me defending your pride is not worth your life. I know everyones not going to get on board with this (actually I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority as far as this forum is concerned) and say that you can't let some guy punk you out but I will say one thing. I have never felt good after a street fight. When I won I felt sorry for the guy I beat up. When I lost I felt worthless. When it was broken up I felt stupid for lossing control. In the end nothing good comes from a street fight where the only thing at stake is your inner child.)
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Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
Sometimes the counter AMOG tactics call for you to do nothing which is still something, but there needs to be an acknowlegdement from the amogger that what he has done has failed... (ie backing away, looking like a tool, poor posture etc.... ). Its very situational. You make the call at that moment, based on what cost/benefit is at stake and what leverage you have.