FR: God mode on Friday, completely lost it on Saturday


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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Hey guys,

Went out for some drinks after work on Friday and also to watch the worldcup.


Set 1

Noticed two HBs. HB7.5 and HB4 standing just outside the bar talking by them selves next to the rest of their friends. (3 other HBs)

I just walked over stood infront of them, looking directly past them. They just looked over smiled, so I just smiled and pretended I just noticed they were there.

Me: oh sorry, do you know what that roads leads to???
HB4: not sure actually
HB7.5: it's a mall I think.

Then at this point, the c0ckblock friend (you can always guarantee there will be one) stepped in to find out what's going on. I instantly noticed that her dress (black with white polka dots) was exactly the same as the HB7.5s skirt!

Me: oh my god! (pointed at the dress, then the skirt)
HBs: ha ha ha ha ha
HBCockblock: I know!!! now are you observant mister!
Me: :rock:

So anyway, with the c0ck block out the way, we fluffed abit. The HB7.5 was getting prettier by the minute! gorgeous green eyes, dark brown her with red highlights. Did the "so whats your real hair colour?" line, bla bla

Me: (to HB4) so.... I gotta get back to my friends (at a hight point in the conversation) Do you think I should take out your friend next week?
HB4: sure! she is lovely!
Me: (to HB7.5) so what do you call you on...
So she game me her number...
Me: cool, so what time should i call you on sunday
HB7.5: 4PM on the dot! or I wont pick up! ha ha ha haha
Me: ok, i'll try to remember (in a sarcastic way)

So i moved on.

My manager who was out with us left, and basically said as long as you guys don't go mad, you can pay for your drinks on the company card. :cheer:

A little later on there was me and a new work colleague left. So I dragged him to one of my normal pick up bars in the financial district of London (Where i work)

Walked in, went to the bar, bought a really nice bottle of Rose Champagne, found a good spot and sat down.

Set 2

Noticed two HBS across the bar... Walked over and just sat down next to them. They looked over (with a confused look) and I just smiled.

They started smiling back and I said "oh sh!t, i forgot what i was gonna say now!" Them: hahaahahahaha

Me: Come and join us for a drink, you look so bored! :)

Them: OK!
Me: hey, but its not so easy, you (pointing at the HB8) have to give me a kiss first.

So she leaned into kiss me on the cheek and as she got close i turned my face and kissed her lips!

She loved it! "that was very smooth! you are trouble!"

So they walked over, and I arranged my self and my friend in such a way that each girl had to seat next to each one of us instead of them sitting next to each other. (must have isolation!) and i told him, then one that comes and sits next to me by choice is the one that's interested in me! so you work the other one.

The HB8 i had kissed came and sat down next to me. SMOKING body! firm titties, great legs. Gorgeous!

So I pulled some of the usual crap on her, lots of kino, lots of eye contact... after about 20 mins..

Me: hey, do you wanna kiss me?
Her: mmmm i dont know. :eek: Maybe we should find out.

Went for the kiss close! felt damn good! i was leaning back, so it almost looked and felt like SHE was kissing me. I always do this because I want them to feel that THEY are kissing me and that I am letting them. I have found that it helps reduce buyer's remorse the next day.

So anyway, I number closed her, she went to dance with her friend (because her friend wasnt interested in mine) I told her i'd call her on sunday and we went on. Did a couple more set. Almost got raped by these 3 milfs...

Milf1 just walked over, grabbed my c0ck over my jeans and said to her friends "ok, which one of us is f*cking HIM tonight????" Me: :eek:

I would have normally gone along with it, but for some reason I just felt really cheap! So i said "don't I get a say in this???" so i pushed her hand away and walked off...

Anyway I went home.

On satueday....


Parked my car and was waiting for my friend to pick me up to drive to a Brazilian bar to watch the Brazil vs France game.

Went and sat at a bus stop, and these two youngish and very nicely dressed HBs came and sat down next to me. I just ignored them at first.

HB8: oh my god! whats that smell??? I love it!
HB9: maybe it's him (pointing at me)

So the HB8 leaned towards me, oh my god! it is you. I go mad over the men's aftershave. what is it?

Me: you have to guess! plus... stop sniffing me!
HB8: ha ha ha, Le Male, by Jean Paul Gaultier
Me: well done! and for that you get another smell....
So she leaned in again, put her hand on my lap, squeezed and went "AAAAHHHH! i love it" and I was thinking ":confused: ok....."

I noticed an eye lash on her upper lip.

Me: hold on, you've got something on your lip.
So she leaned forward, I gave her a really intimate looked, went forward and softly picked it off.

Me: oh! just an eyelash. i thought it was part of your moustache!
HB8: OH MY GOD!!! :(
Me: ha ha, i'm kidding. here, smell me again
So she did and said "aright, i feel better now"

So I fluffed with them a little, bla bla. "you guys seem like fine, are you guys the type of girls I should invite out next time I'm out with my friends???"

Them: (qualifying them selves) yeh! look at us we are gorgeous, sexy and really nice girls! we are fun! honestly!

Me: ok, well my friend is here, so I'll call you. Bye!
HB8: wait! you dont have my number!
Me: oh sh!t! yeh, completely forgot! :woo:
So she got up, gave it to me, gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek and I said "ok, i'll call you"

So... got the centre of town and this is where it all went wrong, and I completely lost my mojo and turned AFC.

It could be due to the fact that one of my friends had a go at me for sarging everytime we go out. It kinda got to me and that i was it I think.

Went to a bar with like 10 guys and 150 women (lots of hen parties) and NOTHING! I could not keep a single set going.

Went to a club afterwards, (i dont like sarging in clubs anyway, its too loud) but I still tried, and NOTHING! To the point that I was just opening lots of sets and it was going nowhere! So I just gave up and went home. :(

Does this every happen to anywhere wher you game is just off? Everything you do or say just seems to not go the way you want it to???


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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you sound very good to me fash.. keep this way. i am rarely at that level,hope i can catch that spirit and never let it go again :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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lol nice try but you made it all up.

There is no way you'd remember whole conversations like that.
And the girls talked really weird.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA
Fash, from what I read, 90 percent of the time you are on your game man. You had some slick friggin moves there, good job. Everyone has off days bud, don't take it too hard.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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Bvbidd said:
lol nice try but you made it all up.

There is no way you'd remember whole conversations like that.
And the girls talked really weird.
Ummm the conversations snippets that I've posted are the parts I distinctly remember and each one is not really more than a single minute.

Anyway, "remembering conversations" apart, you always come across as very negative. Every post you create is very pedantic and totally useless.

I mean... here is an example:

I really really don't care what you think of what I say here, what I look like, or how much of conversations I remember.

You da man. You do your thing, I'll carry on doing mine.


Jan 14, 2006
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i wanna see some of the convos u had when u couldnt keep it going with ur sets on saturday - it would really help to see what was successful for you and what WASNT successful


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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My advice to you is if your ever in non-God mode to change the goal of every approach from a phone close or f-close to just making the people or person in your set smile. I actually do this one all the time and go from there. I understand that it sounds a little gay but it works for me.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
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Maybe this will sound dumb but there seems to be times women are open and times they are not.

I've noticed its much easier to score if you go clubbing on a Friday here than on a Saturday.

Saturday is the big clubbing night so more people. You'd think that means more chance of scoring but actually what I've noticed is that the guy to girl ratio is like 4:1 everywhere we go. All the "pretty boys" come out and girls become very defensive.

On a Friday night its usually a bit quieter here. For whatever reason on a quieter night girls tend to be more open. It doesn't ahve the same "guys are out to score" feeling and girls whill be easy to talk to and once you are talking the rest should come.

I've felt the exact same as you... Friday nights I felt like the man, you go out on a high the next night and you come home thinking "I lost it, what did I do?" Just seems to be how the game is played???


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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TommiV said:
Maybe this will sound dumb but there seems to be times women are open and times they are not.

I've noticed its much easier to score if you go clubbing on a Friday here than on a Saturday.

Saturday is the big clubbing night so more people. You'd think that means more chance of scoring but actually what I've noticed is that the guy to girl ratio is like 4:1 everywhere we go. All the "pretty boys" come out and girls become very defensive.

On a Friday night its usually a bit quieter here. For whatever reason on a quieter night girls tend to be more open. It doesn't ahve the same "guys are out to score" feeling and girls whill be easy to talk to and once you are talking the rest should come.

I've felt the exact same as you... Friday nights I felt like the man, you go out on a high the next night and you come home thinking "I lost it, what did I do?" Just seems to be how the game is played???
Dude, I think you have hit the nail on the head there. You do have a very good point...


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Fash said:
Anyway, "remembering conversations" apart, you always come across as very negative. Every post you create is very pedantic and totally useless.
Thank you for seeing this as well. Bvbidd, Fash is the real deal, get your head out of your ass.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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skip2mylou781 said:
i wanna see some of the convos u had when u couldnt keep it going with ur sets on saturday - it would really help to see what was successful for you and what WASNT successful
The convos were pretty much on the same lines... However, I have now had some time to think and reflect and I think I know why...

The girls on Saturday was simply not reacting to me in the same receptive way as the previous night. I was doing the same sort of lines, the same style of approach, and so on...

So it got me thinking... and i've come up with 2 reasons..

1) I was not in the right frame of mind. I didn't feel very alpha (I always tell me self to believe that I am the true alpha male and I can get any woman I want). My friend having a go at me earlier, kinda put negative energy into the evening and I wasnt able to recover from it. As i failed and failed again I became needy. Not because I needed the women, but because I needed the sarging success.

2) When I became needy for success, I was making a rookie mistake. I was skipping the middle part of a pick...

As we all know from our man, Mystery, there are 3 parts to pickup. The opener, the middle section and the close. I was skipping the middle section and going straight to the close. I guess it was because I really couldnt be bothered and I had had enough AND I really didn't care if they rejected me because I had been rejected loads already.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about...

Openner = To attract a woman
Mid game = To establish comfort, trust and connection
End game = To structure an opportunity to be seduced

You can not skip mid-game and go from openner to end game.

IF you guys wanna read more on this, you can find the 3rd chapter of his book here: 27 onwards...


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Fash, that's some good sh!t.

You realize that it's all about fun and your postive attitude really shines through. It will continue to reward you with more successes with the ladies.

Saturday, someone "harshed your mellow" and joy-robbed you. I've had exact same nights. Once or twice I've been able to recover. How? I noticed my failures and changed venues. On the way to the next venue, I'd stop and take a deep breath. On the exhale, I'd imagine all the negative crap that just happened floating back to where I just left. On the next inhale, I'd suck in nothing but debauchery and good times... ready and charged back up, I bust inside a new person - a complete 180. I know it sounds corny, but you are in control of your emotions, man. If you can catch it when it's happening, you can right it. It's hard to reboot mid-evening, but even a slight turn will get the energy going in the right direction. Follow? It's easier when you point it out in your wingman or your wingman points it out to you: "Hey, dude, you are bumming. Crank it up, sh!tty!"

Anyway, good job, keep it up!


Jul 7, 2006
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It can't be an HB4! There's no such thing! If it's under 6, it's not an HB!


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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Uh, am I missing something here? Sounds to me like he doesn't even have to do much... not that he's doing anything wrong but these girls are on his jock just by LOOKING at him.

I mean, come on! How many of us have two HB8's just sit beside us on a bus and start bantering (out loud) about our cologne?

Sorry to be a party-pooper. I'm definitely jealous of his obvious attraction levels, but am I the only one that thinks he's pretty much won the game by the time these girls even see him?

Nice life you've got there! You must be damned good-looking.


Jul 7, 2006
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Anyway, mind telling me what kind of cologne you use?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Reloaded said:
Anyway, mind telling me what kind of cologne you use?
Yeh, I mentioned it in the FR. Le Male by Jean Paul Gaultier. Althought I often where the D&G classic one as well.


New Member
Jun 9, 2006
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HAhahah. Parallel Lives!

Fash, you went to Guanabara last Saturday?! Me too...

Fash, you work in finance in London?! Me too... I'm in Canary Wharf. So easy on a Thurs/Fri


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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Anjuner said:
Fash, you went to Guanabara last Saturday?! Me too...

Fash, you work in finance in London?! Me too... I'm in Canary Wharf. So easy on a Thurs/Fri
Ha! That's quite funny.

I work in the Bank/Liverpool Street side. Haven't had the chance to sarge in Canary Wharf much, but drop me a PM sometime. I need a decent wingman sometimes....

Lets hope your sarging game is tight my man!



Apr 15, 2006
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realsmoothie said:
I mean, come on! How many of us have two HB8's just sit beside us on a bus and start bantering (out loud) about our cologne?
last time I was at the bank, the girl was telling me how i smell delicious, and just kept talking about how she loves the smell. i was wearing gio. lol, i wanted to tell her she looks delicious bc she was ridiculously hot, lol (though being the fool i am, i just said "yeah i know...i smell gr8").

Hey, props Fash. I really enjoyed reading your FR, you seem like an awesome sarger to learn from. Looking forward to reading more of your posts/advice.