Why am I getting jealous?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, I hooked up w/ my prom date on prom night, and things have been weird since then. She caleld me morning after prom and asked to hangout, we never did because she flaked. Ever since that flake she's been flaking, so yesterday I've decided to not call her for a while.

There is another man in her life that was there before I met her. Its her best friend (who also went out w/ her for a week prior to becoming my prom date). Now I think her interest has tapered, because she's focusing more on him because they're going to their prom together and she still may have feelings for him.

I've been trying to get over her, but I was on facebook and happened to see her profile, so I clicked it. I read her comments and see one from him. He goes "that is the nicest comment anyone has ever left me and I'll always be here for you".

I'm generally a jealous type of guy, so it kind of got to me.

I know there isn't anything I can do between me and her because until her interest comes back, I need to step away.

Also...in her pictures, she has one from prom, but cut me out of it and has a few of her and her "best friend" hugging and stuff. But supposedly they're only friends again and only went out for a week. After they brokeup she came running to me and thats how I asked her to prom because the 1st time she denied me because her bf wouldn't let her go.

This is kind of a rant, but any advice?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
She was on the rebound, she has cut you out of pictures. Forget about her and move on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
You were a major chump to agree to take her to prom when you knew the only reason she came running back to you was because she had a falling out with her best friend/bf guy. Did you ever think that the only reason she went to prom and hooked up with you was to make him jealous and come running back to her? Cuz it sure seems like that is what's going on right now. That set the table for her being in control and you being little chump boy. Then when she called you after prom to hangout, then later flaked out you should have NEVER CALLED HER THE NEXT DAY!! That's classic chump behavior. Now your left stocking her on facebook and seeing things you should'nt or do not want to see. She cut you out of a picture?? LOL This byatch doesn't give a fuvk about you bro, if you don't see that then you have worse vision than Ray Charles.

Now your left literally obessesed with a classic immature chick who played you like a fiddle and has about as much interest in you as I do in a transsexual.



Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Actually she didn't have to go to prom fi she didn't want to..it was MY prom, not hers (different schools) and we hit it off before prom anyway. She wanted to go to prom w/ me when she was going out w/ her best friend/boyfriend, but he wouldn't let her. So when they brokeup, she was free to go w/ me.

I madeout w/ her at prom, but denied her of sex when she was drippin wet and wanted it bad. I was in control on prom, hence why she called me the next day. She flake out w/ a legit reason...she worked 8 hours on 1 hour of sleep and hungover.

But the flakes after that, I don't get. She is probably focused on her best friend since they go to the same school and are going to prom together.

I've for the most part been getting over it. I don't plan on calling her for a while. I may drop her a call in a week or 2 with a friendly wsup and see how she's doing.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Or you could NOT call her and cut her out of your life like she cut you out.

A friendly wasup call may sound desperate.

The best thing you can do now is move on and have a great time without her.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
dont ever contact her until she contacts you. And when she does, let her know that her behavior is unacceptable. Tell the truth, move on. Chances are she will start chasing you..


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
jlazz said:
Actually she didn't have to go to prom fi she didn't want to..it was MY prom, not hers (different schools) and we hit it off before prom anyway. She wanted to go to prom w/ me when she was going out w/ her best friend/boyfriend, but he wouldn't let her. So when they brokeup, she was free to go w/ me.

Of course she didn't HAVE TO go to prom with you if she didn't want to. But your not understanding WHY she went to prom with you, FOR HER OWN SELFISH REASONS! She used you as bait to get her guy friend/bf jealous and it worked like a charm. I'm not denying that she wasn't attracted to you that night, but it sounds like she was more of a two dollar w-hore than a girl with geninue interest.

I madeout w/ her at prom, but denied her of sex when she was drippin wet and wanted it bad. I was in control on prom, hence why she called me the next day. She flake out w/ a legit reason...she worked 8 hours on 1 hour of sleep and hungover.

Why would you "deny her of sex when she's dripping wet??" That's an insult to a girl who's offering up the goods, and it was freaking PROM for crying out loud, if she flaked out the next day, this is the reason why!! Flakes are never legit bro! Its one thing to flake if you called her up to hangout, but its 10x more disrespectful to have a girl call you up, make plans then flake on them without counter-offering for another day. This all signals= LOW INTEREST

But the flakes after that, I don't get. She is probably focused on her best friend since they go to the same school and are going to prom together.

Its not your job to guess what she's focused on, its your job to look at her actions and her actions are SCREAMING "I COULD CARE LESSSSSSS!

I've for the most part been getting over it. I don't plan on calling her for a while. I may drop her a call in a week or 2 with a friendly wsup and see how she's doing.

So let me get this straight. This girl flaked on you multiple times, and your going to drop her another call in a week or two?? Let me translate what your indirectly conveying to her: "Hi, you can poop on my face, disrespect me time and not return my phone calls, but I'm still willing to call you to hangout." If I seem overly harsh then I'm getting my point across. I think you did well on prom night, but you should have f-closed her without hesitation. Girls ego's are fragile, I understand what you were trying to accomplish by not fuvking her right then and there, but the plan backfired on you. Now the BEST THING you can do for yourself is to find new girls.

Your "over it??" LOL!! Bro you've made like 2-3 different threads about this same situation!! If you want to continue to lie to yourself, to make it seem like your over it then be my guest, but in the end your only prolonging your pain until you understand that you have MAJOR one-itis and need to remedy the situation ASAP!!



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Personally I'd like to add my own two cents but you already got all the advice and feedback you need here. The only reason I'm posting is to advise you to read and reread the advice you've been given (Especially the post by Pimp-sicle).