why would she...?

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Girl I broke up with called me to tell me she is back with her ex. She claims the only reason she is with him is because she does not want to be "alone", and since i'm not there she will settle for him. She initiated the break because she "needed to get him out of her head, and we rushed into a relationship right after they broke up" I agrred that we rushed. She was unsure of what to do, so i made the decision final. It got ugly, so i didnt want her back at all, because i realized she was emtoinally messed up from how her eex treated her.
Weird part is, this kid had hit her a couple of times. He was verbally abusive also, telling her she wont go anywhere in life without him, and no one else will want her, etc... When we were together, she claimed she would never ever go back with him, and would have to be an idiot to do so.

So why would she go back to someone like that? Do you think that someone can really have a hold on someone elses mind that much? She claims he controleld her mind or whatever. They are both 20 yrs old and were together for 4 years.

p.s. Im not asking because I care, I dont want her back at all. When she called me to tell me she was with him, she tried to get me back, but i said no because she was basically crazy. I am just wondering if someone that is 20 yrs old can really get that messed up from a guy...it soudns crazy to me


Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Why would she go back to him? Good question, it seems logical that she wouldn't right? WRONG. Women always do **** that makes no sense. I've heard this time and time again. We could sit here all day and try to analyze this decision......but it would be pointless. Why? Because she's a woman.

That's just the way I see it. Anytime a chick says something stupid, does something stupid or what not, it's because she's a chick.

Why the **** would she call you and let you know? Seems to me like she's trying to get you jealous, and then tells you that she would rather be with you?

Sounds like she's playing games. Stay away from her man. This chick sounds like trouble.

Most people will tell you to stay away from your ex-gf's, and most of the time there right, but only stay in contact with this chick if she has something to offer you. (This chick sounds like she doesn't.)

For example: One of my ex's works at an AMC, I'm still on good terms with her, guess who gets free movie tickets?

That's my two cents.

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score

hahaha yah your right man. I'm staying far away from this girl, she is nothing but problems for me, has too many emotional problems. I told her in plain english that she should not try to to contact me again.

I know that women are illogical, but something like this seems crazy. Oh well, women right!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Manonamission said:
Why would she go back to him? Good question, it seems logical that she wouldn't right? WRONG. Women always do **** that makes no sense. I've heard this time and time again. We could sit here all day and try to analyze this decision......but it would be pointless. Why? Because she's a woman.

That's just the way I see it. Anytime a chick says something stupid, does something stupid or what not, it's because she's a chick.

Why the **** would she call you and let you know? Seems to me like she's trying to get you jealous, and then tells you that she would rather be with you?

Sounds like she's playing games. Stay away from her man. This chick sounds like trouble.

Most people will tell you to stay away from your ex-gf's, and most of the time there right, but only stay in contact with this chick if she has something to offer you. (This chick sounds like she doesn't.)

For example: One of my ex's works at an AMC, I'm still on good terms with her, guess who gets free movie tickets?

That's my two cents.

Ha ha, maybe using words like always is a bit of a strech, but asides from that you pretty much nailed it. Women are not logical. All you need to understand is how to make them attracted to you and then take it from there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Well let me start by saying I've been there. With that, I've learned its pointless to try:

1) to figure out women
2) to save them

So don't bother any brainpower on either. Just accept the fact that this one is nutts and leave it at that - focus your time and energy on other women as you'll never actually figure out the answer to your question. Women aren't logical creatures so you'll just be banging your head against the wall and no further ahead.