Girl Embarrasses Herself Chasing Me. What To Do Now?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
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This example is from a conversation with a girl I find strikingly attractive. However, I think she's embarrassed at her behavior since she might have telegraphed a bit too much interest the first day we met. In essence, she began running after me down the street to talk to me. I was caught off guard, and didn't really reciprocate interest, so I think she might be a bit embarrassed.

I've seen her twice since. Initially, I spoke to her, but she seemed pretty cold to me. I saw her again a week later, but she walked by, neither of us spoke to the other. However, when she saw me, her eyes bugged out wide open for a split second. She seemed just as nervous at that moment as she was the first time we spoke. Perhaps she's still attracted. How do I get her feeling comfortable around me after these awkward interactions?


First conversation, about three weeks ago:

I take the morning bus, at around 9 AM. A tall thin brunette dressed down in jeans and a winter jacket stands next to me waiting for the bus also. A very pretty girl; her face has a distinctly Eastern European cast, with slight but clear Asian features, in the cheekbones and eyes. She's wearing glasses today, but I've seen her before without glasses and she is strikingly attractive.

I'm nervous, but I'd really like to get to know her:

me: 'excuse me... (she turns) that jacket water proof?'
her: direct eye contact and smiles with her eyes and mouth: 'oh, yeah, it is.' Still smiling. Her voice is a little uneven, she seems a bit nervous.

me: 'yeah I was wondering, because everyone seems to have one of those jackets.'

her: 'yeah, and I like it because it's a windbreaker,' pulling on the front of the jacket. She's still smiling.

me: I'm watching her body language very carefully, either for signs of interest or signs of disinterest. 'Where did you get that jacket?'

her: 'you can get it'

We continue to chat. I ask her about her work and such. She asks me about what I do, and I tell her I'm working. She says 'oh wow...' when I tell her my about my job. As we are about to get off the bus, I ask for her name and shake her hand. Her hand shake is a little more reserved than the blonde's.

I see this girl again on the bus stop on my way back home. I see her, she sees me. I finally muster up the nerve to talk to her again.

me: 'so how was work?'

her: 'oooh, yeah, it was good.' Her voice rises in intonation at the beginning. She seems happy. 'how was work?'

me: 'it was good blah blah blah.'

We get on the bus, but I just go and sit, not waiting to see where she sits.

When we get off the bus, I walk past her. She catches up to me. Actually, she RUNS so that she can catch up to me. I'm a bit startled and surprised:

her: 'so......(at this point, her speech is not quite intelligible).' Her voice is quivering a bit and she's basically stuttering. It has something to do about work and how I liked my work today.

I answer, but she continues to ask questions, re-initiating conversation every time I've answered one of her questions. I initiate a slight bit of physical contact by touching her shoulder (once) as I speak to her. Finally, I have to turn off to get to my place and she has to keep walking straight. She seems disappointed that our conversation is ending so abruptly. I shake her hand goodbye (I'm still walking, with my hand behind my back).



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Flood her. Send her roses, emails, call her 12 times a day. Tell her you love her the next time you see her and you want to get married. Who knows, it might be fun. Oh wait, your actually attracted to her. Someone else want to take this one? Bump***


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
OK so it looks like this chick has some interest. Consider, she may have been thinking about you during that day, wondering if she might see you again. She may have hoped you'd get her number/ask her out. Remember ABC - Always Be Closing. She certainly does feel unsure of how to behave now, maybe a little "rejected" because she felt she seemed keen. You have to lead and take control now. Be warm, friendly and smile when you see her.

Simply ask for her number (you don't need a reason or excuse, she knows why you want it). Simple. If she gives it to you then it's all good. Anything else means no. You have to do it soon (the next time you see her), or else any interest will fizzle out and a weird vibe will be created where the two of you ignore each other a couple more times. Having a chick feel uncomfortable around you is a primo way to blow your chances.

Remember, you have nothing to lose.