Does this make me a bad guy?

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
So my friend and I who i've known since 6th grade and i'm 22 now, got a place in town. His girlfriend moved in and 6 months later we slept together. This was about 6 months ago. Now they broke up and I want her. We went to the beach today and had a great time together skinny dipping in the ocean. I can't help my feelings for her, I haven't dated since we hooked up, i've been thinking of her. Am I a dirtbag for this?



Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Feelings are difficult to control, if at all, so you're not necessarily a dirtbag for liking her.

But for sleeping with her, you're scum.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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T Money said:
So my friend and I who i've known since 6th grade and i'm 22 now, got a place in town. His girlfriend moved in and 6 months later we slept together. This was about 6 months ago. Now they broke up and I want her. We went to the beach today and had a great time together skinny dipping in the ocean. I can't help my feelings for her, I haven't dated since we hooked up, i've been thinking of her. Am I a dirtbag for this?


Yeah I think your a dirtbag but not for the obivious reasons. I think more than anything else you are desperate. Because of your desperation your clinging to this girl because you really have no idea when the next girl is going to come into your life.

BTW if you slept with her while they were still going out, you are a total AFC if you get into a relationship with her. Why? Because she'll cheat on you eventually and then you'll be in the same boat as your roomate.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
KillaCam saved you from having me put a full court press on you with his logic so..thats pretty messed up man. I know this is duh duh duh da (think Carlos Mencia) but you should have never slept with her. Plus think about this she cheated on your friend with you, his best friend i assume. Where are her limits? Whats to say she won't turn around and do the same thing to you? (Pimpcicle alluded to this already)

This is nothing but trouble but at the same time I know some 21 yo over the internet is probably not gonna change your mind. You've hypnotized yourself into falling for her so much that its gonna take a long time to reverse the process. GET AWAY FROM THIS GIRL. RUN AWAY. GET HER OUT OF YOUR LIFE. look heres what could happen

A. Your friend finds out and thru his addreniline and your guilt he kicks your ass. I don't know if your bigger or what.

B. This girl decides she doesn't want to be with you and leaves or cheats on you with one of your friends

C. Your friend finds someone falls in love and this girl falls in love with you and everyone lives happily ever after.

BTW C is probably not gonna happen. Get away from this. And one day when the time is right tell your friend the truth. Hopefully someone can give you some better insight to this whole situation but thats my 2 cents. And despite not being the most religous person 'may God have mercy on your soul.'


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
T Money said:
So my friend and I who i've known since 6th grade and i'm 22 now, got a place in town. His girlfriend moved in and 6 months later we slept together. This was about 6 months ago. Now they broke up and I want her. We went to the beach today and had a great time together skinny dipping in the ocean. I can't help my feelings for her, I haven't dated since we hooked up, i've been thinking of her. Am I a dirtbag for this?

I think you should drop a load or five in her backdoor. Then whilst you're in the throes of ecstacy your buddy should jump out from under the bed and sodomize you with a chainsaw. Ya rat bastard:down:


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
You are a scum bag sh!t mate for sleeping with her while they were going out.

Its a simple case of following the RULES:

A single girl......Fair game
A single girl a mate fancys.....Fair Game
A girl in a relationship with an unkown person.....Fair Game
A girl in a relationship with a mate.....NO GO
An ex of a mate......NO GO without permission

You have already broken one of them so rules prob dont apply to you and you are a backstabbing mate.....glad your not one of my mates. Its not like hes a minor mate....Sound likes hes your best mate.

Just wrong dude......He should find out and never talk to you again.

Never let pvssy get in the way of friendship

Just my opinion.

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
I appreciate the comments. Let me explain a little more about the subject:

He found out about us sleeping together the first time 6 months ago and we're JUST now cool again. He's the type of guy that doesn't like confrontation, he's defenitely afraid of me. So he just let the dust settle and buried it in the past. We haven't spoken about it at all. So if I approached him about her and I, I think he would throw a hissy-fit and probably pull an ak and start shooting people. he's got issues, but that's besides the point.

I really do really like this girl. I mean, when we were all 3 living together, we connected on a level that they didn't, and he didn't like that. He got too threatened by me and got jealous. So she got sick of it and hooked up with me one night.

By the way, let me say this to save my dirtbag-ness...I was NEVER persuing her. I was never like "Hey, we should hook up." She was in my room and took her top off, then when I denied her, she called me gay and said I was acting like a girl. She was like "What, you don't like titties?" I CAVED IN DAMMIT! I'm a man, after all. Yeah I was pissed off at her for a while, but I got over it. She gave me a call the other day apologizing about it and we hung out yesterday and I really had an awesome time.

Thing is, we have a LOT in common, our past, our musical tastes, our habits, pretty much everything. Plus, she's smokin' hot :) So it's hard to just forget her because we got really close and I think we would be great for eachother. My point of view is if he cared about either of us, he would want us to be happy. I personally wouldn't care if my friends dated my ex's, as long as there was about 6 months between our breakup and their hookup.

As far as her doing it to me in the furute...maybe. But if it happens, then she's not the one for me anyway. Plus, I doubt it will happen. The only reason it happened, was because of the situation. He was so jealous of me and threataned that she was going to sleep every night and listening to him lecture her about how he didn't want her even looking at me or talking to me...and we were roomates, it was really kind of sad. I hope I taught him a lesson about his lifestyle.

I wouldnt' call this guy my best-friend by any means...but we've defenitely been through a lot and had some great times. I'm pretty sure this makes me a dirtbag, but i'm still marinating the thoughts in my head.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
I've slept with one of my roomates girls before but then again that's just me. If I had the opportunity, I'll prolly do it again.

If you think I'm a dirt bag, Good!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
T Money said:
He found out about us sleeping together the first time 6 months ago and we're JUST now cool again. He's the type of guy that doesn't like confrontation, he's defenitely afraid of me.
So he is a pathetic b1tch and you are his user friend. Good combo

T Money said:
So he just let the dust settle and buried it in the past. We haven't spoken about it at all. So if I approached him about her and I, I think he would throw a hissy-fit and probably pull an ak and start shooting people. he's got issues, but that's besides the point.
That is THE POINT. You are his friend, you should help him out and not steal food of his dinnerplate. With friends like you who needs enemies.

T Money said:
I really do really like this girl. I mean, when we were all 3 living together, we connected on a level that they didn't, and he didn't like that. He got too threatened by me and got jealous. So she got sick of it and hooked up with me one night.
Let it be a lesson for all of you if you are that dumb to let your girl move in with you and you got a roommate.

T Money said:
...I was NEVER persuing her. I was never like "Hey, we should hook up." She was in my room and took her top off, then when I denied her, she called me gay and said I was acting like a girl. She was like "What, you don't like titties?" I CAVED IN DAMMIT! I'm a man, after all.
Never persuing her is not the issue, but sticking your d1ck inside her is. A man doesn't cave in, you are still a boy.

T Money said:
I wouldnt' call this guy my best-friend by any means...but we've defenitely been through a lot and had some great times. I'm pretty sure this makes me a dirtbag, but i'm still marinating the thoughts in my head.
Yep you are in essence the definition of a dirtbag, I feel sorry for your friend but if he doesn't have the balls to either kick your ass or move out and discontinue your friendship, then he will mellow in his own misery.


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
For boning your AFC mates chick? Nah if it wasnt you some other dude would have, thats fine. The bollocks rules of "honour", "loyalty" simply dont and cant apply to 1 man in the society matrix and the other out, its impossible. She "gets it", you get it (fingers crossed) but he doesnt.

Its basic math

For catching oneitis with the chick? Absolutely your scum.

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
It's actually not oneitis, because we both are really connected to eachother on an emotional and social level. DJD you made some good points, and i'm aware of everything you said. But my view on it is I hope she taught him a lesson.

See, I see relationships as a bird cage. If you keep the door open, the bird will always fly back home. If you keep it locked, the bird will want to get the F out of there.

It's the door of jealousy and trust.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Life happens.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
T Money said:
It's actually not oneitis, because we both are really connected to eachother on an emotional and social level.
Ironically the above quote pretty much proved you have oneitis.

That emotional "connection" can be replicated with thousands of other chicks believe it or not...actually your 22 so make it a couple of million.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Whether or not you pursued her is irrelevent. She clicked her fingers and you turned your back on a buddy for a piece of *****. She cheated on her guy with his best mate, she will do it again to you.

Yes your buddy is AFC. Yes he is unconfrontational, but deep down you know he would be destroyed by this, and he was destroyed by you screwing his girl. What's worse is you're willing to take advantage of his unconfrontational nature again.

You choose. It's either a buddy who you owe big time, or a woman who has proven she can't keep her legs closed.

You're scum, but you don't deserve to be hurt.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
T Money said:
It's actually not oneitis, because we both are really connected to eachother on an emotional and social level.
You're now the proud owner of your own vagina. Use it well.