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  1. R

    well this behaviour is just confusing...

    Forgive me if i am wrong but this is a Don Juan website not an Agony Aunt forum. I was reading all your posts and was going to post with an awnser similar to ~ªêQµïTª$~ However if u aint got the balls to ask the girl, why give you any other ideas. The whole point of bein Don Juan is to...
  2. R

    Random pop-in visit on g/f?

    So do all of us guy, thats why we are here. Personally i want to sift through the shallow girls and bag myself and intresting woman, the problem is Stalking does not make a relationship work and never will. One thing people need to learn is negative emotions and actions dont serve you any...
  3. R

    Random pop-in visit on g/f?

    I cant believe what im reading here Following her to clubs. Driving by her house to see if she is there or not. If i were this girl i would take out a restraining order. Listen to your head man, if you think she is cheating or wants to get out of the relationship, END IT. There are...
  4. R

    What do you think?

    It does not seem to me she was intending to be raceist in any way. The black co(k statement was not false in anyway and in refrence to the harder harder nig@er. mybe she ment Nigga which is not deemed raceist as that what black people call each other the er and the a at the end of nigg...
  5. R


    Your movin way to fast dude. That mybe explains that she didnt text you back. However, she could be out of charge, credit, her phone could have been lost/stolen, dont fret many reasons could there be. If she dont text you back her loss, find another woman. Ricard
  6. R

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    Memphis check ur personal messages in user cp
  7. R

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    If its been 8 months i dont think its a rebound thing. One thing i did notice was you said.
  8. R

    academically slower learner-girl do u care

    First of all joe, i think you need to go for a Dyslexia and Dyspracsia test, i went for them this year and found out i am both. Girls like guys who ask questioins in class, it shows your a learner. If a girl does not like someone who is a little slower at picking things up in class (fvck...
  9. R

    Gals with BF

    If you want to get either of these girls, dump the emotional tampon attitude. The amount of girls i fvcked it up with because of the attitude. Girls say the want a man who can discuss problems and be emotional with them, but this is bull sh!t. They want a Man. You need to be that MAN.
  10. R

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    Rebounding is easy to spot. The girl will tell you your everything her ex is not. She will still be talking about him e.g things he is/was. She will keep in contact with him. Just take it slow and easy mate, dont go all in on this girl untill you really know her 3-4 months at least.
  11. R


    Although i would not recommend marrige at such young age, he feels she is the one. If you try to change his mind the two of you may fall out (this happend with me and a friend a few years ago). If i were you just let him go with it, if it falls appart later you can be there for him. Ricard
  12. R

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    Six weeks is nothing man. I was apart from an ex for three months, i dumped her when she got back but that was my problem, just stick with her. You should learn to get used to a little distance evy now and again it keeps relationships fresh. Ricard
  13. R

    Cant understand ********

    Mybe i am over analysing it too much, it just seems like she blows hot n cold. Mybe i hould make a move when she is hot.
  14. R

    Onyx's Bootcamp Journal

    I wish you the best of luck, im just starting the bootcamp myself. ________________________________ Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squa
  15. R

    they should all be shot

    I had to LOL at this post as these are the words that leave my mouth at high volume last thing on a friday night
  16. R

    Cant understand ********

    Ok so this chick i have been hanging out with for a long time leaves for the summer yeterday. To cut a long story short i met her at the start of University and we got on amazingly at the time and up untill last week i was a AFC (technically still am untill i complete the bootcamp) so i...
  17. R

    i feel like an idiot

    Move on guy. Even if she was pissed. How could she not remember YOU. Go out and find some girls who are worthey of your company. Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squa
  18. R

    Being seen as a 'good guy' not a jerk....

    As the others have said, let her deal with it. Your back in her life now whats she complaining about. Be carefull she does not make you apologise for anything, i had an ex tell me if i didnt appologise we would not be gtting back together, hence she is still my ex. Women: You can't live...