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  1. R

    i lied

    This is what this website has turned into over the last few months, where have ll the real DJ`s gone. Age is relative, i would date anyone over the legal age of 16 in england right up to 45 and im only 27. Im intereted in what that person can give me and what i can give them not some stupid...
  2. R

    What is with his girl

    Well duly noted what you said, i just got off the phone to a DJ buddy of mine and he says the complete opposite but hey i guess we all think differently. He thinks by one of his own experiences that the girl thinks im to ****ey with my attitude so she is trying to bring me down a peg or two...
  3. R

    What is with his girl

    quote:also if i talk about any sexual experience she acts as though she is repulsed saying things like "that would be a sight" , i think i know the answer but i still feel i need to ask. I believe that’s grounds for sexual harassment. When did people like u start coming here. I came for...
  4. R

    What is with his girl

    I dont think i have pushed anything to much, but i think she has a little. Its not so much that i care or not mate, there are loads or girl around, i just have not come accross this game of hers before. Im very confident im not an AFC or anything, its just an unusual game i have not come...
  5. R

    What is with his girl

    Her tone is jokey, but has a hint of seriousness in it. Im not taking it personally im just not sure how she feels. This i not a case of harrasment, im not rude or leud the convos about sexual stuff was between a table of four of us. I I work as hard as anyone else there, we have a...
  6. R

    What is with his girl

    There is this woman at my work who i sit next to, we always have a chat and a laugh, recently i noticed she started calling me names and saying how much se hates me when we joke around , also if i talk about any sexual experience she acts as though she is repulsed saying things like "that would...
  7. R

    Withdrawal Request

    My sisters husband is catholic and uses the rytham withdrawl method. They have just had their fifth child :D Ricard
  8. R

    complex girl?

    I go with the above. He speak the truth. If you just want to hear someon say go for it. Go or it. But i would go with the above.
  9. R

    Girl STOLE Money From Us

    Read you pm`s guy people are not trying to bring you down. That is the most AFC quote i have read on this site in a long time. Be that girls lap dog we wont care, but dont come on here asking why she messed you around at a later date. I dont come on here to board bash people. But if...
  10. R

    Where have all the DJ`s Gone

    LOL i can see by your other posts your loosing your faith in this board as well. All i see is AFC`s and excuses. Apart from The Shezzlers posts.
  11. R

    Chicks Letting it all Go

    Its a sad but true situation there fella, but its the same in he city, girls and guy ont realie that as you get older you body slows down and you need to keep exorsising to keep he weight down. I see girls from colleg who i would have died for years ago but pardon my honsty would not touch with...
  12. R

    interesting exchange with HB9.5

    Hey dude. This woman wants you bad. You dont need to play to distant with her as you already have her in the bag how ever i do suggest you be very spontanious and adventurous with her as you need to show the girl a good time and that your not like other guys. Why not go on a dte tomorrow...
  13. R

    Girl STOLE Money From Us

    Yeah right i never get sex :D If you just want to shag her then ok pay her money loads of people do that. Im just being sarcastic but seriouly i dont alienate women by being nasty or anything but women who take things without asking are bad new but hey this i your life and if you wanna go...
  14. R

    Girl STOLE Money From Us

    Origional post He wanted change The fact of the matter is SHE felt she could take the money and he just let her. Tipping someone is fine but to take money is wrong regardless. Girls who take without asking are always bad news. Ricard
  15. R

    Girl STOLE Money From Us

    It says on one guys profile he is from florida. The one big thing you are missing is this woman walked off with the money and her little puppy dog let her. If he wants to be walked over in uture let him tip her that much as long as it isnt your money who cares.
  16. R

    Where have all the DJ`s Gone

    I asked myself this question lt night after tying to read some posts in this forum. Alot of u guys seem to be totally AFC and only use this board as an agony aunt colum. This site is here to help you all turn it around. You all NEED to read the Bible before even posting as it will let...
  17. R

    How do UK chicks compare to US chicks?

    :D :D :D Serves them right. I would love to meet one entering or leaving the dole (welfare) office
  18. R

    How do UK chicks compare to US chicks?

    I think you hit the nail on the head with the Adverts and TV stuff. My friend recently asked me why a girl who we rate as a HB 4 thinks she is a HB9. Just look at her Gucci shoes and D&G handbag all this stuff is superficial but the advertising companys make people believe if you own them it...
  19. R

    Make her jelous

    Let me just say there aint many 9.5-10hb I dont even believe a HB10 exsists. If you think someone is a 10 your putting her on a pedastool, i have not seen anyone over a 9 in my life not even my favourite actress.
  20. R

    Any video or sound files ?

    I have a small mp3 player that also doubles as a dictaphone. If i get any good stuff i will post it up no problems. Me and my friend are going into town sometime this week so i will test for sound quality. Ricard