Search results

  1. I

    When girls play hard to get

    I've met plenty of women who had a ton on their plate, (school-work, job, etc) and still would bend over backwards to make time for some bad-boy type. Even when they had no business spending hours driving across state or partying, if they like you enough, their feelings can and probably will...
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    AFC song?

    Especially given how judgmental people get over music tastes. God(s) forbid you admit to liking something outside your "social class/niche/expectations" and all of a sudden your weird or a d-bag. I don't know how I feel about songs that push AFC messages. I know that, while certainly not for...
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    Being single is good for you!

    While I haven't quite hit MM age, looking back into the past I can say with certainty that I was less stressed and more positive-minded when single. Admittedly, I'm not a master among women. SS and practice have helped me a lot, however dating to me feels like a second job; one with no...
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    College Approach Journal

    Good way to break the ice, keep it up. Word of advice, if you plan on approaching 100s of women on campus, remember not to get labeled as "that" guy.....the one who hits on every chick in sight. Make it feel natural and you're set. Good luck.
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    Are Women honest in what they say attracts them?

    It's worth as much as the value you assign it. Just because it's worth a lot to someone else doesn't mean it is for you. Think about the AFCs who believe sex is some end-game final prize. It's that type of thinking that gets them into their messes, along with other ideological problems. If...
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    Are Women honest in what they say attracts them?

    IMHO, if women were honest about what attracts them, I don't think people would frequent these sites. I agree with above that women don't, at least initially, understand what attracts them. They have an idea of the man they hope to land (famous, wealthy, powerful) but as this site suggests, you...
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    Picking up girls on a college campus?

    I recall a guy who came to my campus and made it habit to do the exact same thing, landing him a restraining order for his efforts. Long story short, I assume he transferred. IMHO, I think growing one's social circle (male and female) and getting on good terms people with access to...
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    The Better You

    But why should anyone feel the need to improve? We can just push for more acceptance programs in the gov't and schools and force people to spoon feed us whatever we demand. /Sarcasm Especially for younger guys, I think the biggest threat to self improvement are video games. Sure they can be...
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    Is it possible to control emotions?

    IMHO the best way to limit the effects of emotions on your daily life is to redirect the energy into something the will produce a net gain for you at the end of the day. Emotions aren't a sign of weakness, the fault rests with the improper handling of emotions. Also, people tend to overreact...
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    Let the women choose you?

    I suppose in a way, but I believe that has more to do with approving of you, and wanting to be with you. In the OP's case, i think he is trying a role reversal that i don't think many women would want or feel comfortable with.
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    Don't obey your parents?

    :crackup: To the OP, I sense in a way following your parents rules to a letter is what makes someone turn into a soft AFC type. I followed most of the rules greatly due to the fact that they were basic and mostly common sense. I was the type to challenge and break the unfair ones, but in the...
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    Bottom feeder

    LOL, I swear this world gets smaller everyday. My buddies and I all refer to women who use and/or leech off of the generous people as "bottom feeders." Guess in most cases its a sense of "give and inch, they take a mile"
  13. I

    Let the women choose you?

    In my experiences some girls will approach, but often those girls have some kind of agenda, or they are just oozing with confidence and dont give a fvck about social norms. Most women on the other hand form what if experienced with give you a sort of subtle green light to approach, but they...
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    Lots of different pictures of me and different girls

    Hmmm thats an interesting debate. I know it's different if a guy has, for example, a million half naked girl posters in his room...that shows he's a horny a$$ mofo.....but in terms of your Myspace....all it shows is that you are accepted by lots of women, and that you are social. If it bothers...
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    Rejecting ugly girls

    Or if you're in a social enviroment...don't look at them, let your eyes wander....if they aren't brain damaged or uber-desperate they'll take the hint.
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    Rejecting ugly girls

    I have this problem from time to time...a fat chick or other type of less-than-desirable girl keeps flirting with me....It's not fun. I'd Say: Don't be rude, but let them know you're aren't attracted to them. Now's your chance to put all that rejection you got from hotties to good use...
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    Its whats inside... literally

    For all you know you may have just had sleep troubles...a lack of proper rest can leave just about anyone irratated. If I don't get at least 5-6 hours of sleep I go into turtle mood and don't want to talk to anyone half the time. Sometimes random mood swings happen (not just females)
  18. I

    I'm getting caught in that *texting* game.

    ^^Quoted for truth.
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    College Crash Course: Advice Needed

    I'm on and off competitive with boxing, I took a brake for a while to get situated with Uni, but I still train a lot. Thanks for the semi-warm welcome to SS.:D
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    I'm getting caught in that *texting* game.

    What sucks is many women are getting texting plans and the phones with a full micro keyboard....they can text at lightning speed. My one buddy had to block certain chicks 'cause he didn't have a texting plan.....his fees were absurd. That caused a ****storm but at least he had money to party...