Being single is good for you!


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
Demonicale said:
If you guy's have NO INTREST in girls and are happy being single, then why are you on this website?.
Nobody said anything about having absolutely no interest in women. A lot of guys get caught up in being with women and making her happy forgetting their own happiness. That was the last 3 years of my life that I can't get back. I focused so much on my wife then my son. Then she divorced me, I'm the happiest I have been in 3 years I refuse to date and I'm going to ***** it up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Demonicale said:
If you guy's have NO INTREST in girls and are happy being single, then why are you on this website?.
so much logically wrong with this sentence. So many assumptions and so much frustration.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
so much logically wrong with this sentence. So many assumptions and so much frustration.
Hey Warrior, you and I are in similar situations. Both of us have not been in a serious relationship, so to speak, in four years and have had flings since that time.

I am starting to appreciate being single. Sure it sucks at times, but this is MY time and I am trying to build something here.

This site is frequented by me when I am not in a relationship. It helps me keep up and try and stay not so rusty. I really enjoy hearing from other guys about women, life and anything else.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
SoldMySoul said:
Hey Warrior, you and I are in similar situations. Both of us have not been in a serious relationship, so to speak, in four years and have had flings since that time.

I am starting to appreciate being single. Sure it sucks at times, but this is MY time and I am trying to build something here.

This site is frequented by me when I am not in a relationship. It helps me keep up and try and stay not so rusty. I really enjoy hearing from other guys about women, life and anything else.

I hear ya. SS is sorta like my design and editing and financial and painting websites I frequent. I may not be doing all of the things the big boys are doing, but I like to keep up, and if I can share something I do know then I do. Plus I learn alot from other people's situations. The problem with SS is to not let it become a negative echo chamber for your fears and misconceptions. A lot of people here get caught up in that.

I'm here at home today working on a job for a client, watching Auburn beat the snot out of ULM and waiting on Alabama and Florida to go head to head. My daughter is helping cook lunch and I just made $200 bucks from a client.

Next weekend, I'm picking up an old FB and spending the weekend in Atlanta with her. Women are just for fun, it ain't that serious.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
I hear ya. SS is sorta like my design and editing and financial and painting websites I frequent. I may not be doing all of the things the big boys are doing, but I like to keep up, and if I can share something I do know then I do. Plus I learn alot from other people's situations. The problem with SS is to not let it become a negative echo chamber for your fears and misconceptions. A lot of people here get caught up in that.

I'm here at home today working on a job for a client, watching Auburn beat the snot out of ULM and waiting on Alabama and Florida to go head to head. My daughter is helping cook lunch and I just made $200 bucks from a client.

Next weekend, I'm picking up an old FB and spending the weekend in Atlanta with her. Women are just for fun, it ain't that serious.
Say hello when you are here, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm at my most happiest when I am single.

I have no responsibility to anyone else, I am free to do as I please, unfortunately when I had a girlfriend my mates were single, now I am single many of my friends are in relationships. :D

I think it's important to be happy, confident and content on your own before you pursue a woman. A woman should be a welcome addition to your life, she shouldn't be the main event.

I will steer clear of women who see me as a source of happiness because needy women are a turn off for me. I want to be wanted, not needed, if I wanted, I am appreciated, if I am needed, I am undervalued and I won't put up with such a lack of respect.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
This belief is good in theory, but nearly impossible to put into practice.

How exactly do I stop caring about getting girls or not?
make yourself busy to the point where you don't have time to think about them.

if you have time to sit at home and philosophize about how to stop caring for girls, you have more going wrong, then not getting girls

Demonicale said:
If you guy's have NO INTREST in girls and are happy being single, then why are you on this website?.
This is a good albeit misinformed question. I will try my best to answer with my personal experience.

when i came here, and i have posted this numerous times in my 8 years here i did not come here, to get girls, i came here to get a girl. everyone here who has been here as long as i have knows who i am talking about lol.

after trying to find quick fixes to getting her, a line here, no contact, everything in the book that didn't work, i realized, that the problem wasn't that i could not get her, it was that i was obsessed with getting her in the first place.

and then i had to ask myself why am i so obsessed with her? well, becuase i had nothing else going on in my life.

so i got things going in my life and then, women aren't as important anymore.

in other words, this site, taught me the proper priority i should place on a woman in conjunction to my other priorities in life.

one thing i learned along the way, is that there are some absolute truths, that you have to fix and have to get right, if you want to be in control at all times.

One of those being, you must be able to be happy being alone. if you aren't, you will be ***** driven/whipped for your entire life. it's just that simple. every decision you make will have the cloud of 'well i don't want to be single" over it. that's no way to live a life.

this ****, isn't optional. that's what alot of people don't get here. this isn't an elective part of the DJ course. you MUST be able to be happy being single, and that usually requires, being single, for an elongated period of time, and learning to enjoy it.

i went 3 years being single, for various reasons i don't have time to get into, quite possibly the best thing i could have ever done for my game. between that time and the time I found my current fiancee the second a woman started pulling jive = bye bye. you aren't going to hold ***** over my head. and that type of attitude, only comes with the confidence of knowing you are going to be okay being single.

even now, if my girl threaten to walk out, i'd help her pack. love her to death, but i know, i will be okay. i also know i don't have a problem getting laid lol, but even if i knew it would be a while, that's fine.

As a mature man, I find women to be more and more of a distraction.

this is pure gold. dont' get me wrong, distractions aren't always bad. I like my ps3.

but like my ps3, women have their place.

my ps3, doesn't cut itself on and get *****y when I decide to watch boardwalk empire instead of play it. It doesn't feel apricated and to make up for it i should go buy the new nba2k11 game coming out so we can spend some time together.

my ps3, has it's place and time in my life.

think of a woman like a ps3. Until you are married, a good woman should be like a video game console. There when you are ready, not there when you aren't. I work, i don't have ****ing time to take you out 3 times a week.

even now, my fiancee pretty much is out of my way durning the day, i work from home and she doesn't work, might say 10 words to her during the day and she knows not to take it personally. mind you, you shuldbn't just be an ******* to your woman but you don't want them to be high maintence. if i come home, listen to how her day was and actually show guanine interest, nibble on her a little, she's good to go for the the avg day.

when i was starting my first business, right when it started to take off, i started spinning plates and i had this one plate, that i was really liking alot, who ended up in due time, being the only plate i was spinning..s he just out spun everyone else. but i had to let her drop a few times first. it took her a while to comprehend that, i'm not here for your every need and want and just because i am not doesn't mean i am out ****ing someone else (at least every time lol). everyday she would call me at 4:30 as that's when i went home, she would ask to come over i would say no, she would through the "we need to have a talk" every freaking day.. see today, i don't have time for that ****. today i would have hung up the phone on her and call blocked her number.

women are funny like that, at least some of the ones i met. they want a successful man, yet don't understand what makes him successful and want him to change. my fiancee knows if she likes living the way she lives, she needs to accept some **** lol. Amber did not comprehend this concept, she took me working late personally. these are the types of woman, who are a henderance to your progress as a man. as i eventually learned the hard way.

when you are a man, who is afraid of being single, you usually attract like wise from your female counterpart. like attracts like. she is clingy/needy and clingy/needy women, aren't conducive to you progressing as a person. I would much rather be single than be with the wrong woamn. ***** ain't that important.

i had a female friend, literary, just a friend i met in AA that we just clicked. even as friend, she was getting tot he point, where i basically... had a non sexual GF. she would get *****y when i did not want to ride with her to meetings, she started going to the gym with me, when i would go by myself she'd huff and puff..we went out to eat after a meeting one day (and yes my woman knew, wasn't nothing going to happen) and she had this look on her face, i was like what's up.. she said just trying to figure out what where our relationship is going... i said you know what, **** this. i have a woman, id don't need 2 and even if i did, i can't deal with someone this damn needy. it's 9pm on a wednesay i'm sitting in a pretty damn high end mexican resturant with a woman i'm not ****ing while my woman is sitting patiently at home for me, to hear talk about re accessing our relationship. some friends, event hough they bring good stuff to the table just aren't worth the hassle.

]i would recommend every guy here, try.. not try, go, a year without dating. not even attempting to date. just focus on you. it's building a foundation that will give you the inner game that you need for the rest of your life. yes it sucks now, but would you rather spend 1 year while you are 24, getting you right so that you have the mental capability to handle women when you are 42, or would you rather skip out and not lay the right ground work and be 42 years old, still in the same place you were when you were 24./

becuase one of the two will happen. it's no in between.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
backbreaker said:
make yourself busy to the point where you don't have time to think about them.

if you have time to sit at home and philosophize about how to stop caring for girls, you have more going wrong, then not getting girls

This is a good albeit misinformed question. I will try my best to answer with my personal experience.

when i came here, and i have posted this numerous times in my 8 years here i did not come here, to get girls, i came here to get a girl. everyone here who has been here as long as i have knows who i am talking about lol.

after trying to find quick fixes to getting her, a line here, no contact, everything in the book that didn't work, i realized, that the problem wasn't that i could not get her, it was that i was obsessed with getting her in the first place.

and then i had to ask myself why am i so obsessed with her? well, becuase i had nothing else going on in my life.

so i got things going in my life and then, women aren't as important anymore.

in other words, this site, taught me the proper priority i should place on a woman in conjunction to my other priorities in life.

one thing i learned along the way, is that there are some absolute truths, that you have to fix and have to get right, if you want to be in control at all times.

One of those being, you must be able to be happy being alone. if you aren't, you will be ***** driven/whipped for your entire life. it's just that simple. every decision you make will have the cloud of 'well i don't want to be single" over it. that's no way to live a life.

this ****, isn't optional. that's what alot of people don't get here. this isn't an elective part of the DJ course. you MUST be able to be happy being single, and that usually requires, being single, for an elongated period of time, and learning to enjoy it.

i went 3 years being single, for various reasons i don't have time to get into, quite possibly the best thing i could have ever done for my game. between that time and the time I found my current fiancee the second a woman started pulling jive = bye bye. you aren't going to hold ***** over my head. and that type of attitude, only comes with the confidence of knowing you are going to be okay being single.

even now, if my girl threaten to walk out, i'd help her pack. love her to death, but i know, i will be okay. i also know i don't have a problem getting laid lol, but even if i knew it would be a while, that's fine.

this is pure gold. dont' get me wrong, distractions aren't always bad. I like my ps3.

but like my ps3, women have their place.

my ps3, doesn't cut itself on and get *****y when I decide to watch boardwalk empire instead of play it. It doesn't feel apricated and to make up for it i should go buy the new nba2k11 game coming out so we can spend some time together.

my ps3, has it's place and time in my life.

think of a woman like a ps3. Until you are married, a good woman should be like a video game console. There when you are ready, not there when you aren't. I work, i don't have ****ing time to take you out 3 times a week.

even now, my fiancee pretty much is out of my way durning the day, i work from home and she doesn't work, might say 10 words to her during the day and she knows not to take it personally.

when you are a man, who is afraid of being single, you usually attract like wise from your female counterpart. like attracts like. she is clingy/needy and clingy/needy women, aren't conducive to you progressing as a person. I would much rather be single than be with the wrong woamn. ***** ain't that important.

i had a female friend, literary, just a friend i met in AA that we just clicked. even as friend, she was getting tot he point, where i basically... had a non sexual GF. she would get *****y when i did not want to ride with her to meetings, she started going to the gym with me, when i would go by myself she'd huff and puff.. i said you know what, **** this. i have a woman, id don't need 2 and even if i did, i can't deal with someone this damn needy.

]i would recommend every guy here, try.. not try, go, a year without dating. not even attempting to date. just focus on you. it's building a foundation that will give you the inner game that you need for the rest of your life. yes it sucks now, but would you rather spend 1 year while you are 24, getting you right so that you have the mental capability to handle women when you are 42, or would you rather skip out and not lay the right ground work and be 42 years old, still in the same place you were when you were 24./

becuase one of the two will happen. it's no in between.
You hit the hammer on the muthafvckin head. One of my problems is I'm never busy. I have more going on but I'm not "hanging out" with friends or whatever. Luckily I have a list of damn hobbies that I need to complete. Just have no time for games. I'm newly divorced and thankin god.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
my day is literary, broken up into 2 minute intervals. it takes me about 1 hour at night to plan my next day. i literary plan my day down to the minute.

1. you get more done. alot more. you would be amazed at how much i get done in an avg day and still have time for the misses at night.

2. any gaps you can spot and fill with something constructive.

quite honestly, i'll keep it real here fellas. i used to have a problem a bad one with jacking off. my girl and i got into a fight about it. she'd be in the other room and i'd rub one. just out of habit. it was my i'm bored, i have 5 minutes to kill let me rub one out.

jacking off is alot like drug addiction, it only has power when you constantly think about it all the time. i would get into this habit of doing everything on my to do list and having 30 minutes to kill and try to think of something to do..and then my alter ego would come out and say "nigga you know what you want to do"

so in reality this was a way to combat that because frankly it was taking up too much of my day and my girl wasn't happy, made her feel bad like she wasn't doing something right, which she wasn't at all. this was just some mental **** i had going on.

and sure enough about about 2 months, the obsession went away. i think i have jacked off 2 times in the last year


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
backbreaker said:
my day is literary, broken up into 2 minute intervals. it takes me about 1 hour at night to plan my next day. i literary plan my day down to the minute.

1. you get more done. alot more. you would be amazed at how much i get done in an avg day and still have time for the misses at night.

2. any gaps you can spot and fill with something constructive.

quite honestly, i'll keep it real here fellas. i used to have a problem a bad one with jacking off. my girl and i got into a fight about it. she'd be in the other room and i'd rub one. just out of habit. it was my i'm bored, i have 5 minutes to kill let me rub one out.

jacking off is alot like drug addiction, it only has power when you constantly think about it all the time. i would get into this habit of doing everything on my to do list and having 30 minutes to kill and try to think of something to do..and then my alter ego would come out and say "nigga you know what you want to do"

so in reality this was a way to combat that because frankly it was taking up too much of my day and my girl wasn't happy, made her feel bad like she wasn't doing something right, which she wasn't at all. this was just some mental **** i had going on.

and sure enough about about 2 months, the obsession went away. i think i have jacked off 2 times in the last year
Sh1t I had that same problem honestly. I did it so much that when I first had sex I could not ***. I was like whats the big freaking deal. That problem is over. Me and my ex wife use to fight about that too she thought porn was cheating??? I got over that curse though and have done that in about 2 weeks, because I'm to tired really.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
yeh we gotta start telling ourselves that being single is good cause so many men now have no choice so they have to learn to cope with it...

now that women control the dating and fing game men have to wait to be chosen and get lucky then they have to be ready to be dropped at any time when the female decides that it's the next guys turn..


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
DonGorgon said:
yeh we gotta start telling ourselves that being single is good cause so many men now have no choice so they have to learn to cope with it...

now that women control the dating and fing game men have to wait to be chosen and get lucky then they have to be ready to be dropped at any time when the female decides that it's the next guys turn..
that's why you're supposed to have multiple girls on deck. You can't hate me if I'm "talkin" to this girl and that girl.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
DonGorgon said:
yeh we gotta start telling ourselves that being single is good cause so many men now have no choice so they have to learn to cope with it...

now that women control the dating and fing game men have to wait to be chosen and get lucky then they have to be ready to be dropped at any time when the female decides that it's the next guys turn..
and truth be told, if all the guy wants to do is sit there and tell himself that, and not do antyhing about it, not become someone women are interested in, he shouldn't get laid. that's the way it should be, and that's the way it is.

you aren't entitled to life liberty and *****. it's not in the Constitution that every guy gets laid.

life is going to happen. you can either deal with it on lifes terms and adjust or you can whine and jack off, or, if you are lucky enough to find a woman who will put up with you be a tool that is afraid she is going to leave knowing you can't find someone else.

i not only want *****, i want it on my terms with a few common sense exceptions (girl's on period, no no... if i really did piss you off i am half ass sympathetic). And if it means me staying single into i can get that, which i'm not now but if it mean that, so be it.

getting laid is not the end game. getting laid, on your terms and conditions, is the end game. and it takes some people a while to get to that point, and it definatly takes a certain mindset, one that has no qualms about walking away, to demand your terms to a woman and let her walk of need be.

think about prison. no, not assrape, but prison in general.

most, the avg American, is petrified of going to prison, becuase they have never been.

But, you take someone who has been to prison for 3-4 years, while they usually aren't crawling to get back, they know they could handle it if need be, and while they usually don't go out of their way to go back to prison, they don't do things or live iwth the mentality that the avg American does when it comes to prison either, they aren't petrified of going, you aren't scaring them into acting right.

like dating, guys who know they can do a bid, are the ones, you need to be worried about. guys who know they can walk away from a woman and be fine, are the most dangerous ones in the game. they don't make decisions based off if they are or are not going to get ***** just like the jail guy, doesn't make decisions based off if he is or is not going to jail becuase he's scared.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's all about balance.

I spend a third of my time making money. I spend a third of my time getting women. I spend a third of my time on spiritual matters and life goals/mission.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
While I haven't quite hit MM age, looking back into the past I can say with certainty that I was less stressed and more positive-minded when single. Admittedly, I'm not a master among women. SS and practice have helped me a lot, however dating to me feels like a second job; one with no guaranteed "paycheck." I don't feel obligated to be in a relationship, but if I find myself in one, I'd expect that my time and effort yield a net gain. Unfortunately I find it exceedingly rare to find a woman I can get a positive ROI with in the long run. Come to think of it, of all my single friends, all but 2 of them are happily single, while the ones in a relationship are about 50/50 happy/distraught. Given those odds, it helps to break the mold of "find a nice guy and settle down, then you'll be happy." Currently, I'm striving to finish my degree, build up my accounts and develop useful skills that will serve me for the rest of my life. That is my number one priority atm.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Anyway, this forum is full of AFC who just want a quick fix to their unattractive appearance and low self esteem.
You got that right.

You guys should check out the mature forum. You'll know exactly how you should be like...
Umm... hope you're being sarcastic. The 'mature' forum is full of old AFCs who are completely bitter toward women. 90% of the dudes in this forum WILL be like the guys in the mature forum whether they want to or not.