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  1. I

    Is it me or are women getting worse by the generation

    It sounds like this chick (the one you described from August) got to you a little bit. Judging by the words you're using, I'm sensing some anger. Going forward, it's a good idea to not let rejection or any hang-ups lead to anger. In many cases anger has its uses but in my opinion it's a toxic...
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    Lying to women to get laid

    The only time I'd say never to do this is at a bar you REALLY like going to. If you have an establishment you can't stand to lose, don't do it there. Lies can come back to you, and cost time/effort to maintain. You can't expect that a lie you tell a woman at a bar will stay with her. Never under...
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    Lying to women to get laid

    I don't think he's crazy at all. Perhaps a little over the top, but remember he's a media personality, so he has to have an edge. I think a fair amount of his material is pretty spot on, although I don't follow everything he says. I listen to him on TuneIN all the time. In terms of lying, I...
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    Single Mothers Should Be Segregated

    @Brad, So it's as I feared. I wonder if that works the other way wherein a woman who acts Luke a mother for an extended period of time can become legally responsible.
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    What do you think of women who can't cook?

    Kind of echoing what 5string said, it is extremely common for females in my age group (early 20s) to be this way. Not only can they not cook, many women I know don't even have driver's licenses. Even when they do have driver's licenses and a car, they refuse to drive. It confuses me because...
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    Self fulfilling prophecy, and preventing it

    I second this. Also, is it not enough for you to follow the "hit it and quit it" routine? If you are looking for something more long term, perhaps you have endurance issues. What I mean is that you might be good at sparking initial attraction, but it begins to slide after time as you get more...
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    Single Mothers Should Be Segregated

    I don't think I could date a single mother. Maybe a ONS, but that's even pushing it because just my luck, they'd cling..... Btw, I heard about some legal issues, where if you start acting like a father for an extended period of time, you can become responsible. Like if you help pay for stuff...
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    What do you think of women who can't cook?

    I enjoy cooking, and look forward to it. It's relaxing to me, and I enjoy having control over what I eat. I don't mind doing it, even when with a chick. In terms of women, I put them into two categories: 1). Can't cook, but willing to try or learn. 2.) Can't cook, doesn't care. Not...
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    Have I pressed start on the game?

    Definitely. I will add that at certain times during the year, family events CAN crop up regularly. Scheduling around school graduations and major holidays are a good example. However, this man is correct. I'd say accept the counter-offer, but if she flakes again, put her on ice. If she IS...
  10. I

    to be an ahole or not to be?

    Ah, a fellow Leykis listener. I agree that acting like an ******* CAN and probably will get you laid much more than acting the Nice Guy role, but there's a catch. Do you WANT to be an *******? I don't think actually being an ******* is what makes a million panties drop. I think it's that...
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    An issue with applying information and one more question

    Let me try explain this based on my perspective. I've gone through the same situation, so I feel I might be of some help to you. The "rules" of the game aren't terribly complicated, at least not when compared to physics, finance, genetics, or whatever your field of study may be. The "rules"...
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    Having "been there" in the not so distant past, I can assure you that you WILL get better. It is a function of time, but also of effort. You may find yourself experiencing breakthroughs and plateaus, just like in weight training. My advice to you is to experiment with your current skills now...
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    I know this is going to sound lame as hell, but I'm typing this anyway.... Breathe. Breathe deeper than you normally do (do it now), as chances are you one of the vast majority of people who take shallow as **** breathes and don't even notice it. I'm not talking about puffing out your...
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    Tips for getting with a co-worker?

    Could you manage the work environment if the hookup/dating runs foul? If rumors spread and interrupt work productivity? Not to sound like those corny employee training videos, but sometimes a risk is more trouble than she's worth. I've watched relationships and hookups work without a hitch...
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    Ex texts me out of the blue.

    Translated hey its (name). Ya im texting u. I'm trolling you I just wanted to say that in our relationship, I let you use me. I want you to feel guilty I hid my inner most feelings and insecurities because I guess i was never fully comfortable with you. i want to destroy your ego...
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    Being fat / out of shape and being desired by women

    Will use when someone ask's me this irl from now on.
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    Damn you have to read this post. Its scary

    Couple years ago I would have thought this shocking but SS kinda desensitizes one to this kind of story. Still pretty hard to keep a straight face reading all the posts, especially: "after a lil sex with the ex a few times everything went back to the way it was because i realised that my...
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    Acohol - a truth serum?

    I agree with Scars it does amplify what the drinker is feeling. Makes mood swings more volatile too. I would say that drunk people do tend to talk out their @ss a lot, but depending on their level of intoxication, their may be grains of truth to their ramble. Certainly if a girl states while...
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    The TRUTH about relationships

    I've begun to consider the possibility that women love to get mad, sad, depressed as well as happy, horny, and content because they love to explore their own feelings. Perhaps they just see a guy who delivers one emotion as too boring, too one dimensional for them. I say this because I see girls...
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    Women LIE in order to maintain POWER

    I try not to lie when I can because I have an absolute **** memory for such things, and nothing is more embarrassing for me than being found to be a fraud. Watched you video, liked how you talked about defending yourself and your free will. Interesting take, will remember it...