Lying to women to get laid


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
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I just had an idea and i am not saying i am going to do this or endorse it.However, their is this radio talk show host named in LA named Tom Leykis which i am sure alot of you are familiar with and i know alot of you guys think he is crazy(I don't support all of his ideas but his general mindset towards feminism is spot on),but anyways he says you can dress up really nice roll up to the club/bar and pretend to be a Lawyer,Doctor,CIA agent for a short moment lived and get laid.He also points out that this would not work if you want a LTR with a women since you eventually would get caught lying,but can get you some pork in the meantime.What do you guys think is it possible?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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I know your trying to get better with women, but honestly you know who you remind me of?

A guy that is looking for shortcuts, rather than doing the hard work that is necessary to improve and BECOME the guy that women are attracted to.

Sure in the beginning there is def a degree of faking it til you make it, however that is more so to build confidence, not pretend your someone who your not.

I know TONS of guys who have high status well paying jobs that are absolute chumps.

Women are emotional, they react to feeling more than anything else.

Get your game up by getting out there and approaching, rather than looking for a short cut down the yellow brick road.



Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
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I don't think he's crazy at all. Perhaps a little over the top, but remember he's a media personality, so he has to have an edge. I think a fair amount of his material is pretty spot on, although I don't follow everything he says. I listen to him on TuneIN all the time.

In terms of lying, I think it depends on the intent. If you're just after a ONS, then I don't see how it's different than fake breasts/hair color, etc. Making up a higher salary, better social standing, etc is fairly common. I will say it's better to have genuine skill/creds to back you up, but when you're starting out, you probably will have to embellish a bit. It's like using cheat'll hurt your progress if you become dependent on them.

If the only way you can get women is by lying, it will hamper you in the long run. Having true DJ skills is infinitely better, both for picking up women, and enjoying life.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
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Espi said:
I personally don't see anything wrong with it because everyone gets to have fun. Joe Kennedy once said that it's not who you are that really matters...its who people think you are... I see nothing wrong with going into a club and causing a girl to think that she is fukking a CIA spy or a rich man. that is after all what most women are after.
The only time I'd say never to do this is at a bar you REALLY like going to. If you have an establishment you can't stand to lose, don't do it there. Lies can come back to you, and cost time/effort to maintain. You can't expect that a lie you tell a woman at a bar will stay with her. Never under estimate how many white knights will jump on you if you're outed as a faker....

Don't sh!t where you eat (drink.)


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
SSBS said:
Men have been lying to get laid since the dawn of time.
Women are manipulative in their own right. Since they prefer exciting lies over boring truths, and that average is boring and rich is sexy, what else can a man do. Becoming the muscular millionaire that women desire takes years, and women want what you have IN THE NOW. I'm a corrupt judge, and I (among many other men do whatever) to get laid.

Women ain't worried about your future, nor do they know what a "future millionaire" looks like.

This quote is on target.

Case closed. Rep for it.


Apr 9, 2010
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Truth is boring.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
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Central Time Zone
On pof dates I embellish anything from my career to income or education. Who cares. It's not like I'm going to marry them, and the panties fall much quicker when they think you're important or successful :up: Half the time their first question is "What do you do for a living", so why not tell them what they want to hear?

Besides, Women are just as guilty. They all make themselves up like they're some professional. I remember meeting one who had "Office Manager" as her profession, but on the date it comes out that she just did paperwork for her ex husband's anemic business from her apartment and they were the only two employees!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Iron said:
If you're just after a ONS, then I don't see how it's different than fake breasts/hair color, etc.
Really though, you can tell their hair color is fake, and the boobs are fake, unless you're very unexperienced. Of course, maybe the girls know the guys are lying, I'm sure many of them do.

nismo-4 said:
Women are manipulative in their own right. Since they prefer exciting lies over boring truths, and that average is boring and rich is sexy, what else can a man do. Becoming the muscular millionaire that women desire takes years
You might be able to fake being rich, but you can't fake having muscle. At least not once the clothes come off.

Seymour Cake said:
Truth is boring.
I think truth is amazing. You know what they say, truth is stranger than fiction. Take some time to smell the roses, to appreciate the real wonder of what is going on around you. They say life is the biggest miracle, you know. Make your life exceptional, and you won't have to lie about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
Espi said:
I personally don't see anything wrong with it because everyone gets to have fun. Joe Kennedy once said that it's not who you are that really matters...its who people think you are... I see nothing wrong with going into a club and causing a girl to think that she is fukking a CIA spy or a rich man. that is after all what most women are after.

going out to a bar alone is a very courageous thing in and of itself. whatever your angle is just try to be confident and have fun with it.
I don't think that quote means that you're supposed to lie to get people to think a certain way. It just means that you project a certain image that makes people see you in a greater light.

My personal example is that I do woodworking, I'm a professional writer, and I play the blues. So when I tell girls about my career or hobbies, they THINK of me as some type of old fashioned, rugged, backwoods type. The reality is, I'm just some guy working an office job (it's a cool job, but still just a job). I play guitar a lot, but I barely have time for woodworking. But the fact that women have this image in their heads gives them a story to go with. However, I became that story. I didn't lie. I put time and effort into things that made me a more interesting person. And when I tell women about the world of me writing, building tables, or playing guitar, they take the image and run with it.

My morals are too f**ked up for me to talk down to anyone. But from a logical standpoint, lying just becomes a lot to keep up with. And besides, if I'm talking to some pretty girl in the bar, I don't know what her role in my life will be. So, how am I gonna fill her head with lies when potentially she could become a longterm f**k buddy, or a girlfriend, or a chick who introduces me to her female friends? It's just easy to tell my story, and let them either buy into my lifestyle or to go find another product.

So in summary, I think projecting an image is fine. However, making one up entirely out of fiction is going to get people into a hole. And possibly not the good hole.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2010
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Personally, I agree that the truth is the better option. What zekko said about making your life exceptional is spot on and some great advice. Lying to get laid will probably work for some guys, but I've never tried that. I've mentioned in other threads that I would only consider lying about my age on POF or OKC to end up in more searches. I don't feel like I have to lie about anything else.