Single Mothers Should Be Segregated


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
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Seriously. I've been thinking about this a lot, on purpose, because it kept coming to me by accident. It's everywhere.

1) There are no 'accidental' mothers who are single

Okay maybe one in a million, literally, but let's take the majority here. They did not accidentally get pregnant. They did not get deliberately pregnant in a loving relationship that had agreed to start a family, or she wouldn't be single. She deliberately got 'accidentally' pregnant with a guy who now resents her for trapping him for life in some ways, whether it is at a distance or not. He has to support her financially. Be her babysitter sometimes. Swallow his pride and not tell the little 'un to beware of such hoes when he is older. Bottom line; these women get pregnant deliberately to trap a man, it has not worked, she will do it again.

2) They are unfit parents

I have lost count of the amount of single mothers I have met who happily respond to a question of 'what do you do' with 'full time mum'. No. You are in a bar. Again. Trying to get laid. And pregnant. Full time trying to get pregnant is not being a full time mum. They are acting like they did before they had a kid, except they have a kid. This kid will not see its mum much, be passed around family and extended family for babysitters, and meet a conveyor belt of different guys to confuse it. It will probably also end up inevitably at some point with a sibling who shares a different parent.

3) They lie

They get deliberately pregnant, claim to be proud full time parents, they lie about everything. Everything is a deception to get impregnated again. My goodness, one girl I met hated it when she had to take care of her kids, I came to see it first hand when I was banging her friend. She would be smoking, drinking, trying to get laid all the time, and yet on facebook when she is saddled with the kids it is 'snuggles with my babies cannot ask for anything more', when the kids are probably playing alone in the living room I should think. Everything they put out there is a lie.

So there you go. Single mothers are mostly pathological sociopaths who use men and children to get what they want and they have no place in a dating community. They should be segregated.

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Nov 4, 2010
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They arent all unfit parents but yeah, to say you 'fell pregnant' it was not supposed to happen is pretty much all BS, especially these days when the morning after pill is available.
wome reach a point were the urge to have a baby is soo strong that they will develop the persona of mata hari in order to have her eggs fertilised. then justify it by whatever means, unfortunately, society goes along with it, playing into the victim role along the way.
its not just single parents, a lot of marriages begin this way.

men really should be taking all the decision making to conceive away from women by taking the male pill


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with the biological clock, but in teenager and early 20's, it's a biological cash card lifestyle choice.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
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Dopaminergic pathways
Well written and thought out OP. Repped.

betheman said:
men really should be taking all the decision making to conceive away from women by taking the male pill
What is this male pill? How effective is it?

Btw, this phenomenon has nothing to do with the biological clock.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
We shouldn't go all Dubai, but it should be illegal to get pregnant without signed consent from both parties before conception, because there's scientifically no excuse for it.


Nov 4, 2010
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HariPoter13 said:
Well written and thought out OP. Repped.

What is this male pill? How effective is it?

Btw, this phenomenon has nothing to do with the biological clock.
unfortunately the male pill is still not available, but when it is, men should seriously consider it, I suspect it may never be available because....women dont like the idea!

as for the biological clock, it is relevant, you dont have to be a 40 year old spinster to be driven to conceive, it is there in much younger versions


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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It is NO secret, I have had my string of bouts with "single moms" and usually it does not turn out so well. For the most part, your post, OP, could be true to a certain extent, but you are painting with a broad brush and placing a lot of women into this category of segregation.

With that said, I have started talking to a 39 year old woman and I doubt it will go very far, but she is a single mom no fault of her own. It just so happened, her ex husband, died from colon cancer. Now, is it her fault that she is single with kids? I do not think so.

If it is true, I certainly cannot hold her single status against her and UNLIKE me, would give her a chance as long as her kids were decent. Kids are still fairly young as well. But in general, a women with kids and who is single is usually more trouble than it is worth.

I digress..... BUT your post is true on a lot of levels!


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
I am indeed referring to a particular breed of single mothers, but I find the exceptions who are not that breed to be so rare, I draw no distinction except on a case by case basis, I simply brand it as type unless unfortunate widow scenarios present themselves. I admire and return your diplomacy!


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Cabal said:
I am indeed referring to a particular breed of single mothers, but I find the exceptions who are not that breed to be so rare, I draw no distinction except on a case by case basis, I simply brand it as type unless unfortunate widow scenarios present themselves. I admire and return your diplomacy!
Why bother with a case by case basis? I say put the mom in the bathwater with the baby and throw em all out.

It's nothing personal, I just don't want to deal with kids or baby daddy's.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind

One thing I've noticed is that smart women aren't single mothers. Most high quality women are single mothers. What I mean is, those women who are smart don't have kids out of

1. Wedlock
2. One night stands

Most of them have kids cause of divorce or widowed. There is a huge difference. It's really depressing espeically as a black man , how many single mothers there are.

It really makes me wonder do people not use condoms or birth control? it's 2012 and there is more single mothers then ever

Single mothers cause of divorce and widowed fine

19-28 year old sluts who are single mothers cause of one night stands or reckless sex



Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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It has nothing to do with being a single mom - its the person in question. Ho's, users, players, liars, jerks, etc become single moms. It doesn't stop them from being those things. Just like being a nice guy to them doesn't. Nothing does.

This is what you're experiencing - trashy women as single moms. They're still up to their old antics of being worthless *****s. Only now they have kids. Woopie.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Two most important things to a Chinese girl.
1. Marriage 2. Baby

A child is the most sought after prize in China that a woman can attain. Once she has a baby she is convinced that her life is complete.

A single mom in China is lower than dirt and most keep their status secret from other women. The other women will talk about them non-stop and make sure they feel like sh1t. The Mom and Dad family structure is paramount here... so much so that if you get pregnant you MUST legally marry whomever got you pregnant or face fines of 10,000 + imprisonment. Most men will have a house and car before they get married, most women will not marry men without the man having a good character or a house. If the mom is single(due to the husband dying or going to jail) and there are no family members available to be guardians, the state generally assumes control of the child and he/she will be taken care of in a state school [orphanage] for the majority of the week, while the parent works. Better than nothing I suppose.

SOME things China gets very right.... others not so much.

North America's problem? It caters to and glorifies the 'single mom' lifestyle.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
You are an idiot bradd. Prepare for a major ass raping in the near future.

Single moms are dangerous and should be avoided like toxic waste.

There are millions of single women all around the world without baggage and bull**** that would LOVE to meet a nice guy and you waste your time on a single mom.... scum can date a single mum, are you scum? Why would you lower yourself to dating the garbage woman that was knocked up by some other scum bag.

Bottom Line: You are getting the sloppy seconds of the scum of the Earth when you involve yourself with a single mom.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
I gotta agree with above. All this "stay away from, they should be segregated, they are no good" doesn't make any sense.

You are getting angry at something that doesn't affect you unless you marry into their family. Other than that, just have sex with them and don't get emotionally involved. I'm sure many people here would rather do a hot mom than an OK single girl.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I think you meant to say single mothers should be stigmatized. By saying they should be segregated, you're implying that you're going to move them all into my part of town, which seems to be Ho Central already. I wouldn't like that. I'd probably start calling them dirty names and throwing rocks at them.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
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Down Low said:
I think you meant to say single mothers should be stigmatized. By saying they should be segregated, you're implying that you're going to move them all into my part of town, which seems to be Ho Central already. I wouldn't like that. I'd probably start calling them dirty names and throwing rocks at them.
I don't think I could date a single mother. Maybe a ONS, but that's even pushing it because just my luck, they'd cling.....

Btw, I heard about some legal issues, where if you start acting like a father for an extended period of time, you can become responsible. Like if you help pay for stuff, and *act* like a father. Maybe I'm just hearing it wrong, but I remember Leykis mentioning it on his show way back when. Any info on this?


As someone who was raised by a single mother and whom adores his Mother, I find your post is full of bigotry and hatred.

Had you said this in front of me in person, I'd have headbutted you square on the nose.

My Mum was in a loving relationship with my Father until he walked out with another woman. Hardly her fault is it? You f*cking idiot.
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Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
@Brad, So it's as I feared. I wonder if that works the other way wherein a woman who acts Luke a mother for an extended period of time can become legally responsible.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
bradd80 said:
I don't know who the f*ck you are livefreex but I make very good money off my brains and i've been f*cking hot women for almost 15 years, and I have lots of experience banging hot milfs so I know what i'm talking about. If it hasn't worked for you then you probably should stay away from them. As for banging scum pretty much all women are scum some just hide it for longer than others and every single one of them has the potential to take you for a ride if you don't watch your back.

And sorry to break it to you but just about EVERY woman has baggage. No matter what woman you end up with, you're getting "sloppy seconds" this is nothing new. For me, hot single moms are the best to just f*ck and dump bc they're more focused on their kids than on making life hell for you.. if you've had a rough time with them that's cool then you should stay away.
still waiting for the pictures brad


anyway I tried dating single mothers and I reckon 95% I met were unwed or dealt with a loser, it wasn't a situation were they were married. I'm talking women from ages 18-40

The younger ones typically were immature and I quote "I was drunk at a party, he took advantage..." playing the dumb victim role

The older ones accepted responsibility and usually handled business. However they rarely had time since their so busy working and supporting their kids

As a black man seeing how bad it is in my "community" I really really am tired of seeing so many decent women with kids. It's just not right, when most of the fathers are losers who don't even take care of their kids or aren't even in their lives

it's ****ed up