

New Member
Jan 28, 2011
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Dudes, how can I stay more relaxed around women. Last night I went over to this chicks house and slept in her bed w/ her which was awesome.

Just couldnt relax at all. She was nervous too which didn't help much.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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Are you nervous about something? I am talking about the mental aspect. That you can absolutely control 100%. Just don't be nervous EVER EVER. If a guy is verbally assaulting you, for example, what is the use of nervousness? It will ONLY make you feel bad, waste your energy and whatnot. It's not healthy AT ALL, it is also something you DON'T WANT. Bad for your testosterone (I am guessing) for your muscles, makes your body rigid, makes you not feel comfortable. Plus, it doesn't HELP. It doesn't solve anything, doesn't make your situation better. Will it make the guy insulting you go away, for example? NO. If anything, it will make him insult you even more. "Don't panic, you'll be in that situation weather you are panicking or not". I think criss angel said something like this in one of his episodes, hehe. :up: So NEVER choose to panic. Except if there is REAL danger. For example, you are being chased by a grizzly bear. Then PANIC!! :cool:

All that said, I know for a fact that anxiety is tricky as it can be. Even if you think all of that, literally ANYTHING can trigger it if you are in a bad day. A girl saying hello. Just standing close to people. Saying "Here" when the teacher is asking if people are in the class at the beggining. (Can't explain well in English, but I think I make myself clear). A girl sitting next to you, passing by you. ANYTHING.

I have reached the conclusion that maybe it is not the way you think that causes anxiety sometimes. If it was just choosing, of course we would all choose NOT to have it. But sometimes you CAN'T get rid of it just mentally. Can I say that it is different then insecurity? Even if you DON'T care about what others think, and know you will NEVER will, you can be anxious. You are confident in yourself, but anxious. Even if you know that you will always LOVE yourself, KNOW that you are cool... you can be anxious. Maybe, them, it is not ONLY related to your self esteem and whatnot.

Therefore I say, sometimes it's just a PHYSICAL problem. Some lack. Your body is telling you that something is missing!

So, apart from working on your self esteem, your skill with women, I would also recommend very strongly that you take a look at your diet, start eating better, healthier, try searching for food that raises your testosterone. When you're so nervous and can't stop it, like it seems you were yesterday (Maybe not, but oh boy I know how that feels!), maybe you're missing some vitamins or nutrients, something like that. I eat some fruit, my weakness are kiwis :D , everything about them is just plain AWESOME, but I also like bananas, apples, pears, etc. I'm a vegetarian btw. I will let someone else who is perhaps more qualified then me to talk more about this subject. I know diet had been the key for me. (I am not using the word "diet" as that stuff people do to loose weight, that word is literally out of my dictionary, just saying what you eat and all).

Also, sleep enough (I think early is better), I do Tai Chi sometimes (I am a complete newbie, I just have one book nothing else) which I can only say great things about, and also if you are making jokes and laughing relaxing is very easy. I think it was Mr Fingers who said that whenever he woke up he just forced himself to laugh a little bit? :D :cool: I know for a fact (I read it in a book too!) that if you make a fake laugh, it will after some time become real. It will also make other people more willing to laugh since emotions are contagious. Are yours worth catching?

BTW kino can go a great way to make a girl feel comfortable. I know some things I said seem obvious, but the effects can be underestimated. I have underestimated them before, that's why I want you all to listen, pls! Sleeping, diet, exercise, watching comedy, etc, all can play a great role on how you feel. Of course, personality matters much, how you think, etc, is also a great , very important factor sometimes, although not the only one! Just wanna remind that everyone has their opinion, if you feel differently\wanna add something, post here PLS, even if you aren't registered or you have 0 posts! And you better think about my posts, if you're gonna accept them\agree with them, you know what I mean? Thanks for reading! :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
I have anxiety disorder i think, i've just been through so much sh!t in my life =/


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2007
Reaction score
I'm the same way. Then again I've been diagnosed with a small case of tourettes, bipolarity, and anxiety. Not a fun combination lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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self diagnosed, so take it for what its worth, but my family is also very anxious. I am sure this used to hurt me with women, and still makes me somewhat nervous when I go out, but its something you can deal with. It will take a long time.

As stupid as it sounds, you have to ignore anything that makes you anxious. Worried about women? Money? anything else? Learn to tell yourself that it doesn't really matter. This is much easier said than done, as you can't just rewire how your brain works. However, you can get the experience and wisdom needed to know that all those worries are useless. Once you stop worrying, you start smiling, and when you do that women come to you.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
I know this is going to sound lame as hell, but I'm typing this anyway....


Breathe deeper than you normally do (do it now), as chances are you one of the vast majority of people who take shallow as **** breathes and don't even notice it. I'm not talking about puffing out your chest (You're supposed to inhale far down, like they do for meditation and fighting arts) but nice full breathes, slow, relaxed and complete. The added air you take in calms you and puts one in a different mind set. Pretty much everything Alpha men do is at a more relaxed and in-control pace, so no need to breathe like panting dog.

Don't believe me? I had huge anxiety issues, and while things like working out, social practice and whatever are fine, they are longer term fixes. I found by taking deep, slow, breathes while not being overly animated about it worked wonders for me. If you need something to chill you out now, (and drinking being put aside) taking a more full breathe can mellow you out a lot. Try not to get light headed though....:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: