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  1. E

    failed kiss close. what now?

    Either try again or go get some more numbers
  2. E

    Haha pulled a number!

    I'm getting good at it. I just was telling stories about hilarious things that I did previously. She's a cutey 2 from what I remember easy 8\10 Last night me and a friend met some more girls. Chiilled with them for a while. Were going to party together tonight. This girl is an easy lay I'm...
  3. E

    Haha pulled a number!

    Hahah had the greatest night ever last night. Me and 2 other of my friends got a bottle and went to his dorm room. I ended up drinking over half of it and having one of those stumbling blackout drunk nights. So after we killed it we went and walked around. What I love about dorms theres so many...
  4. E

    Girlfriend cries after sex sometimes.....

    Obviously I would cheat on you to. What are you her father. You don't need to know what she is doing and where she is every second of her life. Your not her owner your just her boyfriend. Which are easily replaced if they become 2 clingy.
  5. E

    Feeling Crap Now!!!

    Lol, did he really just say he accused her because her vagina "got big" that's 2 funny
  6. E

    Nice guys don't finish last.

    Interesting read. Nice post.
  7. E

    How to deal with My Girlfriends ex-Sexual Partners

    That's why that is a road you do not want to go down.
  8. E

    Got stoned

    Ya I am lost as well.
  9. E

    My Girlfriend was raped by her Ex...

    This, I've had a girl tell me that she was raped by her ex. I dwelled on it and its weird to think about. But knowing the girl now I know she's a heavy liar so I don't know what to believe lol. Nor do I care in all honesty.
  10. E

    Omg!! Women Are So Easy It's Not Even Funny...let Me Clarify The Simplicity..

    Ya just with a more "In your face," attitude.
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    Got #, went on date, FB profile says she has BF??

    Lol, In all honesty don't worry about it and keep doing your thing.
  12. E

    Jealous BF. I can't catch a break.

    Learn to fight and thrash the next guy? Lol but whats your success rate off the bus besides those 2 incidents?
  13. E

    Got #, went on date, FB profile says she has BF??

    Maybe it is you that is the bf.
  14. E

    My first "relationship"

    Haha, it's the perfect troll post.
  15. E

    Difference between being a jerk and C&F?

    Ya, I have the same problem. I am kind of a ****y ******* and don't really know where to draw the line. I can usually tell when I go to far though so I guess that's a start. Just got to keep workin' on it.
  16. E

    My first "relationship"

    Wait, your not flirting and seducing other women why?
  17. E

    Have a prom date I barely even talk to

    It was heard to figure out what you were saying. So you asked her and she said Yes I am guessing? If so then talk to her. You already got the go ahead. She's obviously semi-interested in spending her once in a life-time prom with you. Just let it flow. Might as well get the knowing each other...
  18. E

    New Member Looking 4 Guidance!

    Untrue. I read about 3-4 pages of it and just had to say something. Your what... 29 years old. You talk as if your 12. Hell you open a conversation with "Hey turd" I mean come on. Grow up first then go out for relationships.