Nice guys don't finish last.


Don Juan
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
People talk all the time about how nice guys always get the short end of the stick when it comes to the dating scene.Let's just see if they're right

So here we have a nice guy.Nice guy spots a hot girl.He's spends a few weeks and some change staring at this girl before he finally gets the courage to go and talk to her.After getting to know girl it's definetly affiirmed that they get along.As time goes by nice guy gets to know a little more about nice girl.Including dating history.Much to nice guys suprise,she hasn't been treated very well.He immediatly has it set in his mind and heart that he will one up all those guys of the past.

He goes for the works.He buys her things,compliments her constantly,sits on the phone with her for hours listening to all her problems including date problems.and all while nice guy does this,he's keeping a list in his head of all the points he's scoring with her because of all the nice things he's doing.

But then one night comes up.He's just sitting in his room thinking about her as usual.When she calls.He answers the phone looking foward to hearing her voice.But the words that come out do not please him.She calls to announce to him a guy who asked her out awhile back is now her boyfriend whom shes very happy with.She goes on and on about what she loves about this guy albeit mostly physical stuff.Nice guy couldn't be anymore displeased on the inside.

He's spent all this time,invested all this money,put all this hope into making magic between him and her.In nice guys mind he's been betrayed,used,and ran amuck.At this point all he can feel is anger.Anger toward himself,anger toward the other guy,But mostly anger toward the hot girl.

He now uses his anger to deem all hotgirls stuck up *****es *****s and gold diggers who only use nice guys like him until joe six pack swaggers his way in the picture and steals his love away.Nice..erm not so nice guy now tucks his tail between his legs and limps his way back to the cot he came out of vowing not to ever waste his time in the dating world again.

Now think about that ****.What the hell went wrong.How did nice guy get the short end of the stick.I'll give you a hint,the other guy did it.Give up?The other guy ASKED HER OUT!!The other guy did what nice guy should have done all along.

But what did nice guy do instead?He spent money on her,he kissed her ass,he tried to be her emotional tampon.Basically he tried to manipulate her.Why,because he thought if he did that it would be a rejection free guarantee in which she would just fly into his arms and shower him with the very affection he was trying to fish out of her from the very beginning.He thought of himself as some kind of romantic hero when he was just some coward schmuck who wanted to make it the girls responsibilty to seal the deal and fufill his fantasy

As far as he was concerned he was owed that,after all,he was being a nice guy.Should nice guys be rewarded,yes they should.But there's one problem in this story,like i said above,nice guy is not a nice guy.He's just some sorry sod whose putting his hopes and happiness into an another individual because he himself doesn't feel he has any self worth of his own.

A true nice guy goes out of his way for the people he cares about because he wants the best for them.It makes him happy to see his loved ones happy.It's not because he wants something in return.It's not for the ego boost, it's not so he can have the glory of a hero.And if the nice guy wants or needs something from someone,he would simply walk up and ask because he cares enough about that person to be honest with them.And If he doesn't get what he ask for,he doesn't pout,he doesn't mope,and he doesn't become angry with the other person in public or in private because he never expected anything nor does he feel that person has any obligation to him.And that's why true nice guys aren't pathetic slugs who don't have anything going for them.Their men who go and get what they want and shoot for their happiness without need from anyone else let alone women.

The result..Nice guys don't finish last.Pathetic,self centered,delusional,manipulating,hyocritical,weak minded men who don't keep it real finish last


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hmm... Fascinating. I like the way you've described it in detail.

Although i think it depends on the type of girl Nice Guy likes that determines what might happen. Some "smarter" girls might give him a kiss or tease him with dancing at a club or something to string him along even longer, and there are plenty of guys who are more than willing ot play along because they're freaking morons.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
You had me until the last 2 paragraphs

The thing is that there isn't really a prototype of "nice guy" or "not a nice guy". Most people fall somewhere in the middle where they can use either qualities to get what they want. In the end its all the same a "nice guy" or "not a nice guy" want pvssy.

stonetowers said:
A true nice guy goes out of his way for the people he cares about because he wants the best for them.It makes him happy to see his loved ones happy.
It's not because he wants something in return.It's not for the ego boost, it's not so he can have the glory of a hero.
I disagree with this statment. To make oneself happy is an ego boast and its selfish by nature (you are helping others because it makes you feel good and that's why you are doing it).

stonetowers said:
And if the nice guy wants or needs something from someone,he would simply walk up and ask because he cares enough about that person to be honest with them.
Regardless of what you ask from someone, you tend to place burden on the other person because they don't really want to do it but may do it to avoid friction. The best thing is to be self-sufficiant and do it yourself, unless you are really in a desperate situation or someone owe's you a favour. People only want to help others because it also comes from their own selfish self-interests.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
nice guys tend to get played more often cause they are nice and dont tend to play the women before she plays them like jerks do.. oh and nice guys dont turn women on so it takes them longer to F in most cases


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
That's what a nice guy is. For the last fvcking time, a nice guy isn't a "guy who is nice".
NICE GUY is a title which describes what you described. FFS another pointless thread. Learn what you're talking about before you post it.


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
Reaction score
No they don't. Nice guys who are men don't finish last. Lets cut to the **** and get to the's not nice guys that finish last, but spineless guys


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
This is just a semantics debate (but a good reminder/starter for some). Regardless of what terms you are using, there are two types of guys that are being described:

- The one that has an incorrect view of how attraction works. This one will do all of the wrong things, from being supplicating to not having initiative (ie make a move!), for all sorts of reasons, but commonly stereotyped as 'being afraid of rejection'. This one has very poor success with women due to a lack of proactive behaviours.

- The one who may or may not have a proper view of how attraction works, but he is willing to ask girls out and handle them the way he is comfortable with. He exhibits initiative to varying points (maybe initiative in asking out, but not escalating physically), and has varying degrees of success with women.

The first is what we tend to call a 'nice guy'. The second I don't really have a term for, but I have heard the term 'good guy'. It doesn't matter -- you just need to know that supplication and inaction are the keys to continuous frustration with women.

This is why the DJ Bible tells you to go out and talk to women. Start simple, and talk to a lot of them. This will give you experience in the most simple of exchanges, so you can build up to more complicated ones. You can't run until you walk, and all of that.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Clash113 said:
No they don't. Nice guys who are men don't finish last. Lets cut to the **** and get to the's not nice guys that finish last, but spineless guys
depends if those genuinely nice guys are able to attract women or not. That's the only thing that matters if you want to get them, not whether your nice or not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
The whole concept of the term nice guy on these boards should be changed to ACF. The overall nice guys are meant in the way of being too nice to girls and trying to do everything the girl wants them to do. Stop calling them nice, call them AFC. Because that is what they are.

The term nice guy is probably why most guys ended up here in the first place. They have always been nice to girls, treated them well, only to see them leave with the first guy that actually acts like a man. They tell themselves: No more Mr Nice Guy!

The term nice guy and AFC are both used to indicate - especially to newcomers - what they have been doing wrong. Most newcomers need to really shake off the idea that they need to bring girls flowers and all that crap. They need to stop supplicating.

Anyone can be nice, it's not being spineless like clash113 mentioned. AFSC (Average frustrated spineless chump) might be the correct term.

Btw, how ironic is it, that when some guys on these boards get some good reputation points, they are indicated as 'just really nice' ??


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Why do people act nice?

Acting nice is a sign of submission to society's laws and norms. If someone were to act exactly like the way they wanted to act (by being naturally selfish) they would find themseleves not only isolated from other people but they would probably get into a whole slew of problems ranging from various legal issues to people wanting to beat the sh1t out of them. Your parents were the one's most responsible for your brainwashing and submission from early childhood (in order to control you and ensure your submission to society). That's why when children grow older then tend to rebel against this form of treatment. Now nobody is saying that you have to act like an a$$hole wherever you go but don't be acting always nice wherever you go either. This is the problem with nice guys, they are always acting nice and are mainly submissive in nature to most situations.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
DJDamage said:
Why do people act nice?

Acting nice is a sign of submission to society's laws and norms. If someone were to act exactly like the way they wanted to act (by being naturally selfish) they would find themseleves not only isolated from other people but they would probably get into a whole slew of problems ranging from various legal issues to people wanting to beat the sh1t out of them. Your parents were the one's most responsible for your brainwashing and submission from early childhood (in order to control you and ensure your submission to society). That's why when children grow older then tend to rebel against this form of treatment. Now nobody is saying that you have to act like an a$$hole wherever you go but don't be acting always nice wherever you go either. This is the problem with nice guys, they are always acting nice and are mainly submissive in nature to most situations.
lol what. You seem to have quite a distorted view of the word 'nice'. Being genuinely nice to other people has nothing to do with submission. Being fake nice maybe, but being fake sucks anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2002
Reaction score
The term nice guy is a front or 'cover' to not really describe a guys true nature or character.

When the only positive thing a girl can think to say about a guy is " He's nice", she's doing it b/c if she was honest, she'd say "well I guess your nice at least".
Meaning, most everything else about him is actually not good.

'Nice guys' have numerous issues with themselves. The most obvious is that they are not normal human beings when it comes to relating to others, including women. Nice guys actually have psychological problems that often times go unresolved for many years. This could be from a variety of factors. Usually nice guys are screwed up for life. They end up being the overly thin or overly heavy guy in his forties or fifties who has never been married or is married recently to an unstable woman.

Nice guys are easy to spot.

These guys are not simply guys who have had difficulty with women when younger or who need help in ONLY the romance dept.

It's easy for younger inexperienced guys to get tagged as nice guys. Many of them are not. They just haven't learned certain things. That often comes with age. Some guys pick it up quicker than others.