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  1. U

    NOT getting mad makes you a pvssy or a real man?

    everybody gets mad you know. I think a dj might get mad but knows how to controll it. thats what im learning. =)
  2. U

    What a pvssy!!

    tigger bittch slapped him haha. it looks like an accident. why would he punch the kid.
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    My face is hurting my game....

    I get this too weird huh?
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    Any Coward Can Do This (Part 1)

    wow this is pretty cool. so whens part 2?
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    Stroke of bad luck?!

    well good job for asking but dude move on. Seriously just treat her like a regular friend and go for someone else. Believe me im like this to, most girls I like have b/f's so when I find out they are taken I still talk to them, but I treat them just like a regular friend. so dude move on.
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    Women don't want a real, masculine man.

    I actually do believe you. I see that evertime I go out, theres a hottie with some dude that doesnt look to special.
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    Stood Up to a Very *****y Woman at My Gym Today

    hey dude I read that and I just want to say good job man for standing up to her, now thats a ***** and its a good thing you stayed calm. Good job again. I will deffinetly have to learn to be as cool and calm as you.
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    NO ONE CARES! ( For you shy guys out there! )

    thats true pretty good.
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    Methods and Techniques, to getting a girl interested.

    dude I dont like the tips. sorry man.
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    How do you dump a girl decently

    tell her on the phone that this relatioship is going no where and that I need my space from you. do this and theres no way she can slap you.
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    A Guy who has lots of women around him

    I wouldnt go for a chick with a lot of dudes around her cause she has her pick alread I think. I would rather go for a chick with no one around. make it easier.
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    Another Babnik thread - attention?!?!

    maybe there shy I get that to sometimes.
  13. U

    Cashier's worth a try? *Originator of my DJ practices*

    I would say hi, then I would be like so hows your day been? and she migh say its been kinda busy. Then you should say well that sucks. she might laugh, just go from there. ask her things like so how long have you been here today? remeber if you up dont tried, maybe even Treat her...
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    videos you have to check out

    kev07 hey your welcome man. I hope to find some more great videos.
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    videos you have to check out

    MRS i agree, I was in shock how interesting this was.
  16. U

    videos you have to check out

    guys stop fighting. Did you guys atleast enjoy the movies? and did you learn anything from them?
  17. U

    videos you have to check out

    Okay a few days ago I stumbled across some videos on and anyways there actually really good and interesting, theres 5 parts but believe me its worth it. Its about 3 dudes trying to pick up chicks, and theres 2 DJ dudes trying to help these guys out. anyways check it out. And remember...
  18. U

    Tough position... want opinions

    dude, most likely she will give you some, but just think about how many other guys she has screwed. this is up to you. But I would move on I wouldnt want to be with her then.
  19. U

    everything is messed up..kinda

    thanks guys
  20. U

    everything is messed up..kinda

    I agree with both of you. If I ever get horny I will go to my old job which is K mart and hit on the girls I used to work with lol. and there are some hotties there.