Another Babnik thread - attention?!?!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sorry for making all these threads lately...I am finding myself confused about whether I understand certain things and I am posting SPECIFIC questions and example so I know for sure that what I am doing is RIGHT!

Sometimes I think I fail to show enough interest and then I withdraw!

Could someone come up with a situation as a good example?

At a party, I would approach a girl (you know, its WAY easier to approach a girl at a party than anywhere else because a party is made to meet new people!), talk to her and just ask general info about her and then say "It was nice meeting you" and walk away and find other people.

Then, I would find other girls and do the same.

So, you are saying that at THIS point girls interested in me (with which I talked) would come to ME if they are truly interested.

Or should I number-close from the very beginning? That would mean I will be calling her, and she doesn't need to come up to me....stopper.

Then, of course...the odd contradictions to all this stuff!

MANY GIRLS after talking to me WANT THE ATTENTION AGAIN but still WON'T COME UP themselves even though we already met!

How do I know this? I sometimes come up to them later than night and they are SO happy and for example one, started rubbing my chest and asked to go to my place....

SO HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS? Not many girls will come to me after I showed the interest, but they will still want me. And the only way to get them then is to go to them AGAIN. And I just showed you an example...

So, what am I doing or understanding right or wrong here?


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
It because your showing the wrong interest.
Your being an typical AFC, you basically are half way there though.

Walk up to her and say something a little different. you have to think up interesting openers, (theres plenty to search for) or make up some comedy experience, just ask her if she want to hear a funny story, then throw in a few smiles and touches, she might start leading the conversation and you can talk for ages, then just out of the blue say. Hey can i get your number id love to take you out for a drink (if your old enough)
But dont just make it repeatable and sterile, do it with charm arrogance or confidence.

MANY GIRLS after talking to me WANT THE ATTENTION AGAIN but still WON'T COME UP themselves even though we already met!
Dont let that stop you. girls expect you to do everything, unless your some sort of model.
They knows the rules, if you know them too, you can use it against them.
I think your basically just not pushing your luck enough. Being nice is good, but you can get away with alot of stuff, touching, joking, picking on them, asking for numbers.
Just have a go and then see what reaction you get, i think ul be suprised.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
chronic99uk said:
It because your showing the wrong interest.
Your being an typical AFC, you basically are half way there though.

Walk up to her and say something a little different. you have to think up interesting openers, (theres plenty to search for) or make up some comedy experience, just ask her if she want to hear a funny story, then throw in a few smiles and touches, she might start leading the conversation and you can talk for ages, then just out of the blue say. Hey can i get your number id love to take you out for a drink (if your old enough)
But dont just make it repeatable and sterile, do it with charm arrogance or confidence.

Dont let that stop you. girls expect you to do everything, unless your some sort of model.
They knows the rules, if you know them too, you can use it against them.
I think your basically just not pushing your luck enough. Being nice is good, but you can get away with alot of stuff, touching, joking, picking on them, asking for numbers.
Just have a go and then see what reaction you get, i think ul be suprised.
I am not saying anything funny and ****y. It comes off SO cheesy, man.

I say Hi and then I find like where she is from and THEN I make fun of it! However, I won't come up and say something funny or odd without asking her name, where she is from, and stuff like that.

I am not a model, but close enough! I do not want to discuss this, but rather improve my personality and character.

Its just I got lays for following girls and I would never get those lays if I didn't try to go after them.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
Psss. I've got a secret for you. How do you let a girl know you're a man who likes women and that you like her?



Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
You can do all that stuff, but its a very boring opener imo, and thats why i think you have to keep going back, your not gaining enough interest. Talk about yourself more.
Im not telling you not to be yourself. Girls dont want to be tricked into liking you, what im saying is well frankly your just not noticing the obvious, or testing the limits of what you can get away with.

Fine, say hi, tell her you name. Ask her a few questions, then just start being a bit more funny, and spontaneus, get some kino into your game, use some push/pull too.

See while i was writing a reply this guy agreed
JPFromTally said:
Psss. I've got a secret for you. How do you let a girl know you're a man who likes women and that you like her?

it helps if you can use a good mid opener to do this though.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
From mASF - FMAC - Find, Meet, Attract, Close

I like to change it to Find, Meet, Attract, Isolate, Close

You are leaving out the final two parts.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
chronic99uk said:
You can do all that stuff, but its a very boring opener imo, and thats why i think you have to keep going back, your not gaining enough interest. Talk about yourself more.
Im not telling you not to be yourself. Girls dont want to be tricked into liking you, what im saying is well frankly your just not noticing the obvious, or testing the limits of what you can get away with.

Fine, say hi, tell her you name. Ask her a few questions, then just start being a bit more funny, and spontaneus, get some kino into your game, use some push/pull too.

See while i was writing a reply this guy agreed

it helps if you can use a good mid opener to do this though.

Every player I asked in real life - they say they almost never talk about themselves unless a girl asks. They talk about the girl, ask her questions, they kind of screen her...see if she is good enough for him!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Every player I asked in real life - they say they almost never talk about themselves unless a girl asks. They talk about the girl, ask her questions, they kind of screen her...see if she is good enough for him!
That's true, and it's a very good habit. BUT, it's not good enough to be stuck in the "where are you from" conversation. I have learned that you also have to do some kind of teasing in there. If the girl says she's working at McDonalds, wave you hand around like something stinks and say, "I thought I smelled processed grease." Just get her a little irritated in a fun way.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
JPFromTally said:
Psss. I've got a secret for you. How do you let a girl know you're a man who likes women and that you like her?

What does gambling have to do with picking up women? :rolleyes:

OK, maybe Vegas chicks.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
MANY GIRLS after talking to me WANT THE ATTENTION AGAIN but still WON'T COME UP themselves even though we already met!

How do I know this? I sometimes come up to them later than night and they are SO happy and for example one, started rubbing my chest and asked to go to my place....

SO HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS? Not many girls will come to me after I showed the interest, but they will still want me. And the only way to get them then is to go to them AGAIN. And I just showed you an example...

So, what am I doing or understanding right or wrong here?
You're not doing anything really wrong at all.

They are most likely just SHY. Chicks are a LOT shyer than guys, I think. Read some chicks blogs man. You'll probably be surprised at how much they agonize over showing the smallest bit of obvious interest in a guy because they are afraid of rejection.

In your case, if all you did was just talk to the girls casually, especially if it was all non-sexual, they are not really sure if you are really into them and they won't risk looking like idiots to come up to you.

I assume you would be happy with just a phone number from interactions, yeah? Well, then just go back up to them later on in the night, say you enjoyed meeting them and ask for the number. This is a very basic and safe kind of way to play it. But seriously man, at parties, you should be able to pick them up right then and there. But if the only thing you do is talk a bit and walk away, you're not going to be able to do that. Just stick in there for a bit longer. When you find one who seems more into you than usual (you hae to be a bit flirty yourself -- can't just talk about where you from, how old are you etc), kino her and if she likes it, go for the kiss. It's a party man, it's perfectly normal stuff. Go for it!