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  1. N

    Worst Date stories here PLEASE ADD YOUR OWN

    i once took a girl to church AS PART OF MY DATE!!!!! i was a tool at the time, now i game chicks like nintendo. --- once drove a girl 15 miles to eat food, while eating, shes talks about her boyfriend, then i have to drive her 25 MILES home, and then 25miles back to my side of town where i...
  2. N

    The little things

    probably the fact that girls are just as horny as guys.. also. the vibe you feel at any given moment is key when with girls. NO TECHNIQUE in my opinion is as good as this. If you put me in a good mood, dang.. how much easier it is to attract attention. Furthermore.. no amount of mind...
  3. N

    Post 5 random tips.

    1. she's JUST a girl 2. bros before hose. 3. *golden-quickest, laziest indicator of kiss*. first. poke sides (or any random kino) second. when you stand in front of her, lean in to kinda ballance your heads on yourselves (its not awkward if you did step one for a...
  4. N

    How is my myspace(my friend made it for me)

    NICE DOOD! NOW YOU CAN WASTE YOUR TIME ON INTERNET!!! o wait.. i am too.. *hits head for wasting the last 30 min. on answering stupid posts...*
  5. N

    I stink - literally!

    brush your teeth wash your feet in the shower. get some shoe balls. (go to your local Rack Room) brush your teeth again. get that stuff that you spray on your feet to make them smell good. Then spray it on your feet.
  6. N

    "I like bad boys"

    "treat her like a queen, BUT thats with you being the prince" YOU ARE NOT THE SERVANT. ps. i wonder why people like bad boys.... is it maybe because they operate on a whole new level, a so high of a level that no law, person or rule can take them down, ahhh.. thats why eveyone likes bad...
  7. N

    How do I raise a girls IL..

    she obviously likes you, and your as scared as cat when it saw its own reflection. im almost out of h.s. my times done. here you got a girl, ask her what shes doing after school thursday. "HEY, im getting some food ____ , you can come if you want.!!!!!!!!!" WOAHHHHHHHHH IM...
  8. N

    In HS do you ever think there is a point where you can no longer DJ?

    well first i need a car to get a girl... well ill start getting girls when im in college... well, ill have to get a house to really get women... well. girls like money, i should probably just get a job... RIDE YOUR Bike! and do some reflecting before you say that all your problems...
  9. N

    Confused :(

    LISTEN TO ME. ALL GIRLS LIKE YOU. Of coarse she wants to talk to you, your the Sh1t. But what do you do when she does that, you crawl up in your shell like a worm! The real question is probably, Why do i like this girl? (hint: bc shes hot), furthermore, youll find very quickly that you're...
  10. N

    Do you pitty them?

    banGbro.. that was deep.. and it was sad b/c of the level our society has degraded to in some areas.. anyway... this is probably the most insiteful post i've ever read in these forums PERIOD, due to the highly frequent "am i alowd to kiss a dog" dumbass threads. kudos yall. makes me...
  11. N

    Which high sport deserves more respect?

    dang. wrestling.. just looking at the mats gives me f@$king chills. Youd have to be a wrestler to know the feeling. that gets my vote..
  12. N


    dont fight.. you guys are jokes. yeah.. you go spraypaint his whatnot and see what goes on afterwards.. my friend got a poll to the face last weekend you bunch of pricks.. you guys make me really impressed that you can fight.. sike. You wanna try to get my respect by going secretly to mess...
  13. N

    Is it likely to regain interest from a girl after it is lost?

    why? -- o yeah.. kev, i also wanted to point out that you said that she liked you at one point (WAHOO!) and you probably like when attractive girls like you (that makes men strait).. so what you need to do is just f**ing look for some other hot chick and work the cycle again.. im pretty sure...
  14. N

    Is it likely to regain interest from a girl after it is lost?

    the true as i see it.. mkay.. i must say that you are probably infatuated with her.. and in about a year or so you will think shes ugly and you have NO FKing idea why you would want that.. Well.. that was a reflection of my own experience with a girl last year who raped my mind for about 3...
  15. N


    i was actually thinking of a hookah lounge or something, those are always fun. hmm, its still gonna be hard getting one of these girls when both are there though. Ill just wip out the kino and see whats on the radar.
  16. N


    i was really hoping for help from here cause i read everything elsewhere, so, uh.. thanks again
  17. N


    yeah, sincerley need yalls help with some quick advice because i have nowhere to go but you guys, who have been really reliable sometimes for me. so thanks in advance. Long story short, these TWO girls (hb8 and hb5 probably) want to hang out tomorrow and want me to really 'amaize them.'...
  18. N

    FAQs: So Suave Style.

    What if she liked me, but i said i liked her, then she said she didnt like me, then i still liked her, and wanted her to like me? A) grow a pair
  19. N

    Quote that changed my life..

    ah yeah.. there was a discussion a while ago bout 'how to be the alpha male' goes along the same lines.. so i threw it in that sites got some good stuff every now and then
  20. N

    Quote that changed my life..

    ps.. good read. I don’t know bout yall.. but I think there’s an awful lot of SPECIFICS of situations on this site.. as many others have said.. As well.. i recently stumbled upon two articles which i think EVERYONE IN THIS SITE should read. I think a lot of questions in these forums are from...