Confused :(


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hmm this girl I have been hitting on for a long time is being very confusing... especially with her body language... Well pretty much all of her body language points to her being open... but sometimes she doesn't act like I have heard girls do (and not how my experiences have been in the past). For one she is VERY forward and doesn't get even slightly nervous in front of me (she is a killer hotty which would improve her confidence but still), and discluding trying to get my attention and start conversations with me, compliments etc. etc. it just seems as though she isn't really interested, e.g. teasing me and joking about liking me (which also means when she says she likes me I never know whether to believe it), and her friends have always done the same about her liking me (although all of this has calmed down I never know whether I can believe it)...

What is she (or was she) trying to pull here (if anything)??



Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Is this the same girl you talked about last time?

Either way, if she is or isn't it doesn't matter. Same action is needed. Make a date with her (just the two of you!) and go for a kiss-close.

I'm not sure how old you are or what you culture is like and I know some teenagers do the "Will you go out with me?" thing to decide if some1 is in a relationship or not. Mine does however I chose not to follow it. You could do that if you'd rather not kiss-close. All that is important is you find out what her intentions are.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Plec07 said:
Is this the same girl you talked about last time?

Either way, if she is or isn't it doesn't matter. Same action is needed. Make a date with her (just the two of you!) and go for a kiss-close.

I'm not sure how old you are or what you culture is like and I know some teenagers do the "Will you go out with me?" thing to decide if some1 is in a relationship or not. Mine does however I chose not to follow it. You could do that if you'd rather not kiss-close. All that is important is you find out what her intentions are.
yer mate same one :l... I agree that I really need to find out her intentions... she doesn't joek about liking me anymore and the last time she did was a while ago... Maybe she uses it to PULL BACK to when I reject her?... I follow a lot of the DYD stuff... and it says about saying no and then doing it on your own terms later... don't know if you've ever read it at all in the past or something?

HER: I really like you, Jack...
ME: *still pulling C&F* I like me too :p
HER: Kiss me now!
ME: Nahhh...
HER: Ha you believed me haha...

And yet she still shows all signals apart from nervousness (she NEVER gets nervous though... EVERRRRRR, not over anybody or antyhing) and etc. etc...

P.S. Thanks a lot once again you are a really helpful guy to me through all my posts...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
It sounds to me like she's very nervous and hiding it by being over-confident. Hear me out before you wonder what the hell I'm on about.

You say she keeps teasing you by changing her interest level. This could be because she really really likes you but is so scared ****less that she'll be a crap kisser or shag w/e that she won't let herself open up to you. Most likely because of lack of experience. However, she doesn't want to appear frigid so she acts overly open and interested in you but then quickly withdraws to stop it ever leading to anything.

The way I would combat this if I thought the girl was really worth it is:

Next time she does something like says "kiss me" do it. But do it so spontaniously and suddenly that she doesn't realise whats happened till you withdraw. Then just walk away without a word. This should hopefully make her drop her anxiety and also make her wonder whether you were just doing that because she'd said it one too many times or because you really like her (notice how now she is the one who is wondering about you intentions now).


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score

ALL GIRLS LIKE YOU. Of coarse she wants to talk to you, your the Sh1t. But what do you do when she does that, you crawl up in your shell like a worm! The real question is probably, Why do i like this girl? (hint: bc shes hot), furthermore, youll find very quickly that you're INFATUATED with her, and only like her bc you like that type of vibe she gives off. you want to be her (in the confidence department). LONG STORY SHORT= loosen up.. shes just a girl.. of which youll find many of. And you should be thinking about other girls in your class anyways, so who cares about this attention *****!

PS. dont post here if you have quite a simple question such as this. click the good ol' search button.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Plec, she doesn't lack experience in THAT department lol...

I think you gave good solid advice, I will stop the 'on my own terms' and simply do it...

She could be acting confident to hide nerves but I pick up no indicators at all pointing to this...

Makes no sense to me :l most of the time I can figure it out, but not this time...


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Napkin, I would flirt with others but in my school about one in every fifty girls are hot and certainly no others in my class...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Well even if what I said was just an over thought psychologists analysation that is complete bull****. Same advice applies, shock some sense into her by acting like a man and doing what you want. Regardless of her feelings towards it.