Is it likely to regain interest from a girl after it is lost?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
So now that I know for sure that I lost most, if not all interest from this one particular female who I know for a fact WAS interested at one point and no longe it possible to gain that back somehow (indirectly)...

Such as:
1. Social proof: her seeing me with a bunch of friends, laughing having fun with both guys and girls in large social settings..

2. C+F around school and such: when I know she's there but I don't look at her or notice her, act funny and aloof, saying hi to everyone and starting convos with people

3. Chilling with her friends and then hearing about what a good guy I am.

4. Anything else (or is it not possible or unlikely?)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
California, SF
Elf2 said:
So now that I know for sure that I lost most, if not all interest from this one particular female who I know for a fact WAS interested at one point and no longe it possible to gain that back somehow (indirectly)...

Such as:
1. Social proof: her seeing me with a bunch of friends, laughing having fun with both guys and girls in large social settings..

2. C+F around school and such: when I know she's there but I don't look at her or notice her, act funny and aloof, saying hi to everyone and starting convos with people

3. Chilling with her friends and then hearing about what a good guy I am.

4. Anything else (or is it not possible or unlikely?)
forget her dude, move on, get to know her friends :yes:


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Don't consider her as a target.

That's the best way. If you aren't purposely trying to get with her, it seems to have more of an effect in your interaction. It's kinda like buddy-buddying her. No real purpose other then to remain cool.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
i would assume you would have to change in some way.

why would someone lose interest and gain it back to someone that is exactly the same?

on obvious levels, i guess if you got a better physique or acted differently, you might spark interst again


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
the true as i see it..

mkay.. i must say that you are probably infatuated with her.. and in about a year or so you will think shes ugly and you have NO FKing idea why you would want that..

Well.. that was a reflection of my own experience with a girl last year who raped my mind for about 3 months, and in the mean time i didnt step back and realize this girl is actually not even my type! Furthermore, I MUST SAY YOU HAVE TO STAY CHIILLED IN YOUR MIND. when you go into the "well if SHEEEEEEE sees me with THESE people." Then whos IN CONTROL of your life. Dude, i cant stress this enough.. read this post again.

i felt as i should definantly. spare you from this, because now i have that same girl your describing calling me TONIGHT (so i answered then hung up after 2 sec.) I am the man in this situation. Now, i honest to God know she wants me, but we wont EVER get together. THANK GOD!

*in memory of colleen, the hoe who made me into "afc-soup"*


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
o yeah.. kev, i also wanted to point out that you said that she liked you at one point (WAHOO!) and you probably like when attractive girls like you (that makes men strait).. so what you need to do is just f**ing look for some other hot chick and work the cycle again.. im pretty sure you can find at least one other one...

regarding this other chick.. two words. "ignore her", and its garanteed she'll come back.. (not that you should care..)
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Don Juan
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
ya it's possible. I more than likely will be hooking up w/this girl I was "with" almost 2 years ago. and again last summer. Each time I was a complete AFC with her and she left for her boyfriend, or my friend. LOL

She left me all these comments saying how she was soo sorry and how me and her could have always worked things out. We finally hung out yesterday and we got close. But I didnt kiss close, I don't like making excuses but there was alot of people around. Ya know?

It's cool. She's really hot. She's starting a modeling career soon, works at hollister, blonde blue eyes. Not bad not bad. lol

Yeah it's possible, But I realized that it was possible after she saw the fact that I flirted with alot of other girls and didnt give a **** about her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
I believe if a guy can lose interest in a girl, than regain it, woman can do the same.

The obvious is a reason she would regain it..

You change something about yourself, it does not even have to be dramatic.

Maybe you lose a few pounds...
You mature a little...remember this is highschool 1 or 2 years time can create a totally different person.

I found the best thing to do is just forget about the girl that lost interest in you, and she comes back into your life sooner or later.....good or bad it depends on you liking her or not.

The worst is when you are interested in her, she was for a bit than lost it......over time you lost it for her, but she comes back and is interested in you.....but you are not interested in her at all. Its amusing to witness.

To answer your overall question...
Likely, No.
Possible, Yes.
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