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  1. N

    Damn I got flaked on......

    regarding the article up on the main page.. you shouldve busted one of those... "well thats funny you say that, i was actually bout to go to a buddy of mines party.. forgot to call you... anyways.. call me when you can do something next week i guess" {then dont call her again till she calls you}...
  2. N

    how she asks me out boggles my mind

    well.. look at it in her shoes.. she doesnt exactly know how to play this situation out, and neither do you by the way that youre asking the forum questions(no offense) so you should direct this relationship any way you feel you should.. 1. wanna be gf bf, start talking to her all the time...
  3. N

    how she asks me out boggles my mind

    ahh.. that same situation happened to me last month with a girl.. We went on a date and made out in the car afterward:D she knows that youre mad with her.. so she's pretty likely to make out with you.. i just know that from being in the same experience.. now my problems getting this girl to...