Worst Date stories here PLEASE ADD YOUR OWN

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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When I was in high school I took a girl to her prom where, after pictures, she ditched me before even having one dance.

After that, I quit hanging out with her, and found out that she had told her parents that one day after school I went to her house(which I have never been to), broke through her door and grabbed her in the stomach, leaving a big bruise. Then they called my parents, who proceeded to flip the fvck out. I was at football practice every day for 3 hours after school, so automatically they knew that it was bullsh*t, regardless of the fact that I would never hit a girl and have never even yelled at a girl.

It was incredible to me how she would make up a story like that, she had extremely controlling parents and obvi. some psych issues.

She eventually confessed to making it all up and apologized to me. Then she went on to gain 30 or 40 pounds in the next year. Alls well that ends well !

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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lol these are all classic stories. This actually happened to me recently. So me and this girl go on a date, it was actually a double date and it was planned for a while. The first few minutes we're talking and then out of nowhere she takes out her headphones and starts listening to music while looking out the window. I'm like wtf is this. We reach the restaurant and while we all reserve a table, she lights up a cig. When we get our table she stays outside for a while and lights another cig. Luckily I saw some friends at the place and chatted with them for a while because I didn't want to keep on talking to the other couple.

She comes back and we don't even talk at all. I go back to the car and smoked some of her weed, I wasn't going to let this become a huge bust. More awkward eating while we don't even look or talk to each other. I was thinking to myself "wow," and decided to use the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom I actually meet a couple of women there who are waiting outside the line too. We talked until I went inside, if I stayed a little longer I probably could have gotten their numbers. So I go back and even more awkward silence between us, we all pay and leave. On the way back she's listening to her iPod again while looking out the window, again. We drop her off and I say bye to her, she doesn't say anything and lights up another cig before she goes inside her house.

What is worse is that she was really cute too, like a HB8, just manically shy. Well that story is actually pretty tame compared to others in this topic, I've just never experienced a date any worse.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
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i once took a girl to church AS PART OF MY DATE!!!!! i was a tool at the time, now i game chicks like nintendo.
once drove a girl 15 miles to eat food, while eating, shes talks about her boyfriend, then i have to drive her 25 MILES home, and then 25miles back to my side of town where i live, i wasted mad gas. Turns out i dated her sister for 3 months..
same girl as in first story we went to homecoming, while there, i THEN found out about grinding and i *****ed out within 2 minutes of being on the dancefloor! so the whole time at homecoming we sat in a corner somewhere. *shutters at memories of myself* ... turns out i wasted a year trying to get her while i couldve easily dated 2 of her friends, and her best friends lil' sister.

MORAL OF STORY= check yourself before you wreck yourself


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
cw92 said:
I've got a good one, at least I can laugh about it now.

So, it was about a year ago and homecoming was coming up. Of course I had no date, so I just decided i wouldnt show. My friend, who's pretty good with the ladies, he has a more natural style, IMO, tells me "Dude, dont worry I have the perfect date for you!". I was surprised, and I thought "wow she must be hot." Anyway, I bought the stupid tickets for 40$. I was so completely stupid, that I didnt even ask what she looked like. I assumed that she would be hot.

We go to dinner, in those big "homecoming groups." Anyway I wait for her, and she finnaly arrives. Let me tell you SHE WAS NOT HOT AT ALL!! But my old pal desperation made her look a lot better then she was. I'd say she was a 3...4 at best.. and that's being a bit generous.
You were better off not showing. It's an ugly guy that can grow on a sexy woman, not vice versa. You just caught a double whammy.

You should NEVER have a GUY set you up on a blind date. That's what usually happens and exactly why I only trust myself and the girl's parents to set up a date. To another extent, I trust other hot women...usually have hot friends.

Desperation f**ked you in da bootyhole. Don't let it happen again.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Dust 2 Dust said:
Man, that girl was a b1tch. Never take chicks to dinner on a first date. They never appreciate it.
Smart Man. Try a walk in the park.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Some good stories here. :D

A few years ago I decided to try online dating. I was talking for a few weeks when 1 girl started showing me alot of interest. She showed me a picture and she looked ok. The picture was of her face.

So we decide to meet. It would be my first online date. It was a hot sunny day and we arranged to meet outside a shop on a busy street. I get there and wait by the window. I text her to know I'm outside because she said she's wait inside.

About a minute goes by and no sign of her. I was looking at the doorway every few seconds as I waited. I looked in the other direction and then looked back at the doorway when I got the shock of my life.

There was a whale on 2 legs walking towards me! She was coming my way and I remember saying to myself "oh fvck what have I gotten myself into now". The picute of her face I saw must of been a few years old because she had only 1 chin in it...

I remember feeling embarrassed being with her and prayed nobody I knew saw me. I had an idea to head to the nearest, empty, dark pub I could think of. I just wanted to get drunk fast. :D She suggested going somewhere else but I was staying put in that place until I had to go home.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. People won't always be telling the truth when they describe themselves.

There was another date where I arranged to meet a girl. She was an 8 or 9. She was finishing a course that day but would meet up for a few hours. So I arranged to meet her outside another shop. I got there. Spent a few hours getting there and getting ready to meet. She walks up to me we say hi. Then she tells me she's very sorry but she has to go. She asked about meeting up again but I was pissed off and said I'll see. I sent her a text message after but never heard from her again.

I was really pissed because a few days before that I had another date which went very well and we agreeed to meet again etc. But then she didn't contact me at all.

Looking back at these feels like another lifetime for me. I think everybody will have some horror stories, starting off especially.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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slaog said:
I remember feeling embarrassed being with her and prayed nobody I knew saw me. [/B].
This is exactly how I felt with the whale from my story. As soon as I saw her I felt like bolting, but I stuck it out just to be nice, but low and behold two guys I knew from high school were in the theater parking lot and saw me with her:nervous: . They asked me what I was doing and I was too embarrassed to admit I was on a date with the whale.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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Ok, here's another one,

I number closed this chick at work. I invite her to go for a stroll in a local park. She shows up 10 minutes late then refuses to get in my car for the ride to the park. We walk to the park, but she basically ignored me the entire time and only gave brief one sentence answers to all my questions. She then saw another guy at the park and began saying how she thought he was hot and wanted to meet him. Luckily, I quit that job a month later and never spoke to her again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Here's my worst one in 2008:

Chick that I've been on a couple of dates with told me to meet up for ice-cream & then a walk in the park as a treat for my birthday. During the date, she told me LJBF, and revealed that she's dating one of my mates and wants to be with him. Then the two of them rocked up at my birthday party that night. I went from being very pissed off to very much amused. :D She ditched him after 2 months and tried going after me for a while with no success.