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    Is self acceptance self-defeating?

    Re: Self-Acceptance =====> Self-Awareness It's not so much like "I have these faults and mistakes," because faults and mistakes are only relative in the presence of truths and strengths. So to say you're imperfect, lends itself to the belief that PERFECT exists. Which it does not...
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    How it Happened...How Things Seemed to Change.

    Re: I love Maine. I went to UMaine for 1 semester, but found Orono too secluded for this city guy. When I got there, I was used to working, making $7-8 per hour. I couldn't really find a job to fit school and classes. Not to mention when it snows, esp. that far North, it sucks to leave...
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    Awareness, Mentality, the EGO, and Understanding.

    On the ego...ever notice how some people get so smug and high and might about themselves? People who get like that believe in luck; they believe they are the only 1 who can do THAT. That being, have a great body, make lots of money, be super funny, be a wonderful PUA; whatever. What do you IS...
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    Can women be loyal and trustworthy?

    Something Left Out. As humans, we have the inexplainable ability to make the SIMPLE, DIFFICULT and COMPLEX. We are simple. Girls themselves are SIMPLE, but act, react, and emote in very confusing ways to cover up their complexities. To a logically complex mind as man's, it seems...
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    Can women be loyal and trustworthy?

    Re: The majority of these posts are guys hoping for a PERFECT, SURE thing, as if it exists. Can we agree it doesn't? Guys, even we're not perfect, and as much as you DO NOT want to be hurt by a woman, or figure if she isn't perfect, you won't committ, you must first live by your principles...
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    I am planning to go to South America - Can you give me advice?

    Re: Words from the horses mouth... I'd stay away from Columbia. I had a few columbian roommates in college and knew quite a few columbian girls, all of them told me to stay away from columbia and wouldn't like invite me down. Why? Well, even though they were wealthy enough to visit the...
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    How it Happened...How Things Seemed to Change.

    Re: Wow, Maine Wyldfire? Ha, you might be close to my cousin's IN St. Albans, ME. I agree, Maine is VERY down to earth and VERY family oriented. My cousin, who's soon to be 20, is ALREADY married. She married her h.s. sweetheart. For people across country THIS IS NUTS, but to people in...
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    How it Happened...How Things Seemed to Change.

    Re: Thanks. I absolutely agree. I worked as a tour guide during my college years, and normally the larger groups had the BEST chemistry with BOTH parents and a healthy perspective. To me, the dichotomy between LOVE and FEAR is what overshadows women. And let me explain... Ever get in...
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    How it Happened...How Things Seemed to Change.

    ALOT of talk is on board about feminism, anti-feminism, women, men, etc, and some believe it exists, others are skeptical, some still point the finger at negativity. It is all of that, and then some. Let's stick with the FACTS though. I'll begin with an analogy. ---------------------...
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    American Women

    I love that statement, and very true. I pointed this out before, but not as well as you and now I solidified it in my mind. Remember when BOYS were young and we SAW girls in 6,7, or 8th grade? We WERE fascinated by BOOBIES! We loved them, but it was HARMLESS. No Sexualizing, we were just...
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    I guess that it's my turn to start a financial thread.

    Re: How the rich get richer... I recently have returned from a meeting with a gentleman who's net worth exceeds 2.5 million @ age 65. First, the beauty in making millions or any money, is the millions of ways YOU can do it. Second, current generations DO NOT WANT TO WAIT. I agree...
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    American Women

    Re: Where do you get your "ideas" on what -you- want? This is directed to everybody. **If you have had/experienced them, why aren't you with them? **If you have not had/experienced them, why do you presume it is what you want or get? What i'm saying is...ALOT of women have images...
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    10 years too young?

    Re: Why think? Just do and let it play out. 20-30 is alot better than 17-27, or 18-28. I've done 25-18, which sounds big, given that its H.s graduate to Post Grad school. But it's life? What's there to lose except the experience? I find the younger girls are immature, but still have...
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    Check out this MySpace profile

    re: You think a hick like that would have MYSPACE, let alone a computer? It's an obvious cover, especially with his connections to porn. [That much I'm surprised about. I've caught alot of nudity, ahhh, Myspace? Is it MyPorn now?] Unless this guy is like Joe Dirt, it's a farce...
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    American Women

    Re: Boys, it isn't the WOMEN you dislike, it's the CULTURE producing them. Consider the circumstances that produce these people. Men and women alike. Culture, society, families, education. Really, the girls you're seeing or dating COME from a learned background over 18, 21, 25 years, and...
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    Re: I love these topics. It raises such controversy and thought-provoking posts. ------------------------- I would suggest a new bible be built, but from the ground up. Why? Because if you read a few of the good "manuals" on changing your dynamic with women, they begin with...
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    A-Unit's Confidence Thread.

    Re: To me, most people KNOW their purpose IN themselves, but they look for society's acceptance to confirm it and move onward. Guys get on the SoSuave/PUA path and end up losing site of what's important only to return to who they are as a better guy. Heck, I was the Golf guy in h.s. I had...
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    Greater Publication of Seduction Communities.

    Just a thought to those showing increasing frustration of newbies asking basic, trivial, or completely troll-like questions... You may want to chock that up to the greater publication of the seduction communication as a whole. "the game," mystery's growing prominance, seminars popping up...
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    What do u guys think of the Reverse Grip Bench Press?

    Re: I agree, I'm prob. executing it wrong, but it all barbell exercises hurt my wrists. I use alot of dumbbells when I can, and venture onto the barbells for other major compounds. Perhaps Warboss or Semag or Manuva can address the correct position. A-Unit
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    What Happened to Chivalry

    Re: As I understood it, chivalry was a "payment" for demure femininity. For the woman who was "classy" and "graceful," not for the woman who wretchedly spits, loses control of her emotions, smokes, drinks like a man, seeks to take charge, offers no benefit except her vagina in a relationship...