There's alot of talk on what confidence is. I may have even done one before, but not to the extent and understanding I have now. Why confidence in this format?
Because, it should be available -free- to those guys not ready or willing to search online or in books. And maybe, just maybe, they'll go looking and make it a study. Because the more you study it, the more it becomes a part of you. That's why.
Sure, reading a book once gives you a cursory view of "what" it is, but it by no mean grants you "confidence" and "understanding" as you would. Read SEVERAL books on anything, and the perspectives you gain -unlocks- your own potential and understanding of it. Read on psychology, NLP, selling, investing, sports, women, sex, the body, nutrition ENOUGH, and you will BECOME it. Thoughts will flow, you'll make connections you never had before. Months, and even years will go by, and over time, you'll be amazed of how much of a pro you are at whatever you endeavored to do.
Definitions are wonderful, but -ALOT- of what I read about confidence on the boards, and in the bible (I think?) is about -external- activities and actions. It's about breathing a certain way, or a furrow of the brow, or walking with your chest out, or dressing a certain way, or maintaining eye contact, or walking slow, or not slouching, or any host of other "things" you must keep check-listed in your mind.
The sad part is, people can't do that. When you give them LOADS of technical details, it does 2 things...
1. It strips them of living, because now you're automated and lacking in your true nature.
2. It stifles the creative mind. While you're thinking you can't be living, so-to-speak. You can't be interacting with a girl, or selling, or talking, if you're focusing on a multitude of other things. The mind focuses 1 thing at a time, and in most cases, that should be what's going on, the topic @ hand, the conversation, the club, bar etc. Not YOU!!
Confidence doesn't stem from a belief in your abilities. It doesn't stem from looks, or money, or a car, or even family, because ALL these things can be taken away, changed, altered, used against you, and so forth. All those things are EXTERNAL to what confidence truly is.
The ONLY constant in the external world, things outside the mind is CHANGE.
How many people do you know who still lead the same lives, years, after years, after years?
Millions, right? Why?
Because they are the only ones NOT to have changed. Investments came and went. Opportunities passed them by. So did friends, women, holidays, vacations, books, programs, lottery tickets, weekend, families, and so many more things. This is because the only that doesn't seem to change is the mind. Those CHANGE-LESS people have a sort of "confidence" in their mind about who they are or not. Problem is, it's wrong. It's not inline with what they want.
Confidence is KNOWING, BELIEVING, and UNDERSTANDING that your birth and creation was ON PURPOSE. That regardless of how you feel now, that no matter HOW afc or alpha you feel, YOU do have a reason for being. That your existence sends WAVES through life ALL the time in some way. You may not have been born with a bible or map of 'what to do and who you are' BUT, that is the sole purpose of your existence. Knowing this would negate your existence. You'd vanish, or combust. Each day, each second, in fact, is an opportunity to LEARN something about yourself and the world around you. Fvck what people say or think or if they laugh. Like everything else, they'll forget by tomorrow. But the point is, YOU WON'T!
See yourself as a LASER birthed for a purpose and each THING you do is a way to see if that's your purpose. Or if your purpose is to be like a chameleon, always changing what you do, but not who you are.
See, alot of you are NEGATING who you're born to be by being someone you're not. You're denying your existence by focusing on ******D success without identifying inward success.
***~In a round about way, what if you're meant to travel the world, date beautiful foreign women, and be an international businessman, but in pursuit of those goals, which suit you perfectly, you get caught up in the club/bar scene and are able to pull a few chicks. And 1 night, incredibly drunk and stupid, while fvcking your FWB you regularly call, you don't use protection, or it breaks. You don't realize it til the morning, and maybe she's on the pill or maybe she's not. In any event, abortion is against her morals and she's carrying your kid. In the end, trying to do right and knowing she'd take you to court for child support, you get a permanent job working for $15 hour. Which sounds great now, but with 2 others to support, it is only poverty level. And with that 1 mistake, your dreams and goals of purpose vanish. SURE, you might work your way around it like the tough DON JUAN you are, but for every person who is like that, 9 aren't. I personally know and have friends like, as I'm sure you do.~***
Point is, NOTHING on this board installs confidence. Not even my words. ONLY you can.
And the thing is...if you know, believe AND feel that you're purpose, you're alive for a reason, then nobody can make you feel insignificant except you. No woman can devalue your life except what a woman says. Society cannot. An employer cannot. Your family cannot. NO ONE! Only by their submission can you allow them to.
And society doesn't care for the individual, it's care for the whole, and for the few @ the top who reap the greatest gains on our work. Society was only created as a unit to progress people as a whole, and lead to greater survival for the masses. There were, and still are individuals capable of surviving without a system.
And society's lack of compassion for the individual wrecks confidence in the youth today.
As an example, schools. Lots of schools clip their budgets to retain their sports programs, as the belief is that camraderie is built on school sports. Yet, so few kids play at the varsity level, and even fewer are the "stars" that garner the most respect. Of it all, the top athletes garner the MOST benefit from junior h.s., h.s., and college, despite the purpose of schooling to be education and learning. By virtue of society's hierarchy, those who wouldn't normally otherwise be there, receive a "free pedastal," just like the beautiful woman many of you place there also.
So while society has it's pluses, it also has it's minuses, since it seeks the progression of people as a whole and abhors individual prosperity. Yes, we might FAKELY congratulate, but normally success is looked upon with disdain, contempt, and cynicism. You even see it on this board, so as a larger view, society does it on a grand scale.
Confidence is the singular belief in your own purpose. You needn't say "I will be a doctor" because that's only a social role, and now you're value externally becomes linked internally, and yes, you're respected, but not as high as a wealthy salesperson, CEO, or the president.
Conversely, if you believe you're alive for a purpose, and you believe I am, our existence are not, I repeat NOT, hierarchical. That means, you're not better than me, and I'm not better than you. It also means that if your body is better than mine, but my car is better than your's, neither of us cares. It means what we are is purpose, and while today we have "this body, this car, this bank account, these friends, this apartment, these books, these clothes, this hair", that tomorrow we probably won't, and to judge one's self based on THAT is very very fickle. AND not self-confidence @ all.
Flip that, if you're confident of yourself BEING PURPOSE, and being BORN ON PURPOSE, then you'll gain as much value from where you are RIGHT now, and be able to develop the attitude on life that you'll do that anywhere. That's why I'm opposed to people who believe moving somewhere will change things for them. Or that a new job will change things. Or that a new car, or new clothes, or a new body. It doesn't change anything except you're environment. All you learn at that point is to keep jumping ships for the ego because you've never been satisfied with what you have, and you never will be.
Is this long? Damn Straight. It will continue this way, because first and foremost, more guys would PROVIDE info, rather than EXTRACT it if they had CONFIDENCE. I know you guys THINK it, but I TRULY know it's not TRUE at all. Why? Because if you had confidence, and you had belief in your purpose, nothing, and I mean NOTHING would shake you. NOTHING at all. NOT A DIME.
And if you had that sort of unshakeable confidence, you know that your decisions and actions come from a place of concrete support, that you can RELY on that feeling and move forward. That your being HERE ON PURPOSE is a reason for acting to see where it leads.
What if you're the guy for that girl?
What if you're the guy for that job?
What if you're the guy who's going to revolutionize something?
This isn't about motivation, but about CONCRETE, ROCK SOLID, TITANIUM belief in PURPOSE. That you, your body as it is now, your cells, your energy, personality, character, birthdate, EVERYTHING is a reason, as logical and concrete as Science.
Because, it should be available -free- to those guys not ready or willing to search online or in books. And maybe, just maybe, they'll go looking and make it a study. Because the more you study it, the more it becomes a part of you. That's why.
Sure, reading a book once gives you a cursory view of "what" it is, but it by no mean grants you "confidence" and "understanding" as you would. Read SEVERAL books on anything, and the perspectives you gain -unlocks- your own potential and understanding of it. Read on psychology, NLP, selling, investing, sports, women, sex, the body, nutrition ENOUGH, and you will BECOME it. Thoughts will flow, you'll make connections you never had before. Months, and even years will go by, and over time, you'll be amazed of how much of a pro you are at whatever you endeavored to do.
Definitions are wonderful, but -ALOT- of what I read about confidence on the boards, and in the bible (I think?) is about -external- activities and actions. It's about breathing a certain way, or a furrow of the brow, or walking with your chest out, or dressing a certain way, or maintaining eye contact, or walking slow, or not slouching, or any host of other "things" you must keep check-listed in your mind.
The sad part is, people can't do that. When you give them LOADS of technical details, it does 2 things...
1. It strips them of living, because now you're automated and lacking in your true nature.
2. It stifles the creative mind. While you're thinking you can't be living, so-to-speak. You can't be interacting with a girl, or selling, or talking, if you're focusing on a multitude of other things. The mind focuses 1 thing at a time, and in most cases, that should be what's going on, the topic @ hand, the conversation, the club, bar etc. Not YOU!!
Confidence doesn't stem from a belief in your abilities. It doesn't stem from looks, or money, or a car, or even family, because ALL these things can be taken away, changed, altered, used against you, and so forth. All those things are EXTERNAL to what confidence truly is.
The ONLY constant in the external world, things outside the mind is CHANGE.
How many people do you know who still lead the same lives, years, after years, after years?
Millions, right? Why?
Because they are the only ones NOT to have changed. Investments came and went. Opportunities passed them by. So did friends, women, holidays, vacations, books, programs, lottery tickets, weekend, families, and so many more things. This is because the only that doesn't seem to change is the mind. Those CHANGE-LESS people have a sort of "confidence" in their mind about who they are or not. Problem is, it's wrong. It's not inline with what they want.
Confidence is KNOWING, BELIEVING, and UNDERSTANDING that your birth and creation was ON PURPOSE. That regardless of how you feel now, that no matter HOW afc or alpha you feel, YOU do have a reason for being. That your existence sends WAVES through life ALL the time in some way. You may not have been born with a bible or map of 'what to do and who you are' BUT, that is the sole purpose of your existence. Knowing this would negate your existence. You'd vanish, or combust. Each day, each second, in fact, is an opportunity to LEARN something about yourself and the world around you. Fvck what people say or think or if they laugh. Like everything else, they'll forget by tomorrow. But the point is, YOU WON'T!
See yourself as a LASER birthed for a purpose and each THING you do is a way to see if that's your purpose. Or if your purpose is to be like a chameleon, always changing what you do, but not who you are.
See, alot of you are NEGATING who you're born to be by being someone you're not. You're denying your existence by focusing on ******D success without identifying inward success.
***~In a round about way, what if you're meant to travel the world, date beautiful foreign women, and be an international businessman, but in pursuit of those goals, which suit you perfectly, you get caught up in the club/bar scene and are able to pull a few chicks. And 1 night, incredibly drunk and stupid, while fvcking your FWB you regularly call, you don't use protection, or it breaks. You don't realize it til the morning, and maybe she's on the pill or maybe she's not. In any event, abortion is against her morals and she's carrying your kid. In the end, trying to do right and knowing she'd take you to court for child support, you get a permanent job working for $15 hour. Which sounds great now, but with 2 others to support, it is only poverty level. And with that 1 mistake, your dreams and goals of purpose vanish. SURE, you might work your way around it like the tough DON JUAN you are, but for every person who is like that, 9 aren't. I personally know and have friends like, as I'm sure you do.~***
Point is, NOTHING on this board installs confidence. Not even my words. ONLY you can.
And the thing is...if you know, believe AND feel that you're purpose, you're alive for a reason, then nobody can make you feel insignificant except you. No woman can devalue your life except what a woman says. Society cannot. An employer cannot. Your family cannot. NO ONE! Only by their submission can you allow them to.
And society doesn't care for the individual, it's care for the whole, and for the few @ the top who reap the greatest gains on our work. Society was only created as a unit to progress people as a whole, and lead to greater survival for the masses. There were, and still are individuals capable of surviving without a system.
And society's lack of compassion for the individual wrecks confidence in the youth today.
As an example, schools. Lots of schools clip their budgets to retain their sports programs, as the belief is that camraderie is built on school sports. Yet, so few kids play at the varsity level, and even fewer are the "stars" that garner the most respect. Of it all, the top athletes garner the MOST benefit from junior h.s., h.s., and college, despite the purpose of schooling to be education and learning. By virtue of society's hierarchy, those who wouldn't normally otherwise be there, receive a "free pedastal," just like the beautiful woman many of you place there also.
So while society has it's pluses, it also has it's minuses, since it seeks the progression of people as a whole and abhors individual prosperity. Yes, we might FAKELY congratulate, but normally success is looked upon with disdain, contempt, and cynicism. You even see it on this board, so as a larger view, society does it on a grand scale.
Confidence is the singular belief in your own purpose. You needn't say "I will be a doctor" because that's only a social role, and now you're value externally becomes linked internally, and yes, you're respected, but not as high as a wealthy salesperson, CEO, or the president.
Conversely, if you believe you're alive for a purpose, and you believe I am, our existence are not, I repeat NOT, hierarchical. That means, you're not better than me, and I'm not better than you. It also means that if your body is better than mine, but my car is better than your's, neither of us cares. It means what we are is purpose, and while today we have "this body, this car, this bank account, these friends, this apartment, these books, these clothes, this hair", that tomorrow we probably won't, and to judge one's self based on THAT is very very fickle. AND not self-confidence @ all.
Flip that, if you're confident of yourself BEING PURPOSE, and being BORN ON PURPOSE, then you'll gain as much value from where you are RIGHT now, and be able to develop the attitude on life that you'll do that anywhere. That's why I'm opposed to people who believe moving somewhere will change things for them. Or that a new job will change things. Or that a new car, or new clothes, or a new body. It doesn't change anything except you're environment. All you learn at that point is to keep jumping ships for the ego because you've never been satisfied with what you have, and you never will be.
Is this long? Damn Straight. It will continue this way, because first and foremost, more guys would PROVIDE info, rather than EXTRACT it if they had CONFIDENCE. I know you guys THINK it, but I TRULY know it's not TRUE at all. Why? Because if you had confidence, and you had belief in your purpose, nothing, and I mean NOTHING would shake you. NOTHING at all. NOT A DIME.
And if you had that sort of unshakeable confidence, you know that your decisions and actions come from a place of concrete support, that you can RELY on that feeling and move forward. That your being HERE ON PURPOSE is a reason for acting to see where it leads.
What if you're the guy for that girl?
What if you're the guy for that job?
What if you're the guy who's going to revolutionize something?
This isn't about motivation, but about CONCRETE, ROCK SOLID, TITANIUM belief in PURPOSE. That you, your body as it is now, your cells, your energy, personality, character, birthdate, EVERYTHING is a reason, as logical and concrete as Science.