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    To Stay Motivated, Envision You At the Goal.

    Re: FYI. Just a thought, and I'm no master, but be MORE specific. You say you want to write professionally...what does that mean specifically...what steps are you taking now to make that happen in January 2007? You want to date more women than ALL years many women is...
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    To Stay Motivated, Envision You At the Goal.

    Re: I feel the basic reasons MOST people don't write down or maintain goals are the following: []They never learn how or what a goal was. []They don't understand goals. []They don't understand the steps behind the goals. For instance, MOST people want TRUE wealth and financial...
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    For the Squaters.

    Re: I do love squatting, but my bain of the whole scheme is doing it in a 'fitness' gym. For anyone who's done squats, squats done in a PL gym is a wonderful experience, albeit unique. The 1 I learned in had NO a/c and NO heat. We dressed in hoodies, sweat pants, gloves, hats, would bring...
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    The Fear Of Commitment

    Re: Superficially, ANYTHING is hard to committ to. This, to me, is why feminism has wrecked, in part the value of marriage. Casual sex has DEVALUED marriage in the eyes of MANY men. The pill itself spawns women to take risks they NORMALLY wouldn't take when NOT on the pill. It's like TEST...
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    To Stay Motivated, Envision You At the Goal.

    During the winter, especially in the Northeast, it's tough to remain motivated. Snow can happen at any moment, and linger for longer than 1 cares to remember. Most often, the best plans are staying in and drinking beers with a pal, enjoying some cognac and cigars, eating it up inside with a...
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    The Frame of Control.

    Outer v.s. Inner. Outer game is the culmination of INNER. It's the EFFECT, of the CAUSE of INNER game. If you're truly confident in yourself, if you believe in your own existence, that nobody is superior to anybody, that you have a purpose, talents, and skills, that will be expressed. To...
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    College and Student Loans - are they worth it?

    Re: Finance is a fantastic field, but I am reminded by 1 of my Econ/Fin professors that "finance is a major all to itself in Grad school." What he meant's very HIGH level. The REAL finance money is made in... []Financial Planning []Investing []Fund Companies []M&A []CFO High...
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    For the Squaters.

    "Fitness" gyms are not conducive to squats. Let's be honest. At least my 'World Gym' which has most other equipment, doesn't have a rack. So no rack deads, no rack squats. I improvise. I used to Powerlift. Loved it. Squating under Powerlifting guidelines calls for WIDER than normal stance and...
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    Best poster of 2005

    Re: Rollo Tomassi. And Wyld gets most Tenacious poster of the year. 00Kevin and WestCoaster are close behind Rollo, IMB. A-Unit
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    The bias of Sosuave and the self-sabotage that ensues...

    Re: I agree with BadAss, PUA has become a "hobby" and women a "target." They're marketed as sex objects and guys respond in kind. Guys are here because they lacked the Proper Perspective on women, particularly in these days. In earlier days, such as the 50's, marriage and the network...
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    Protein vs. Calories

    Re: Answer, both. Carbs spare protein for muscle building activity and energy for workouts. Protein builds the muscle and keeps you in positive nitrogen balance and an anabolic state. Healthy Fats, such as EFA's and Fish oils (omega 3 and 6), provide necessary fats for dissolving of...
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    College and Student Loans - are they worth it?

    Re: That's only part of the problem, Bible. Life Insurance and Disability, which pays SOME good comm. takes AWHILE to land payment on. Plus, it's undergoing comm. pressures. MOST of the public demands low cost term, and can only afford that since their retirement planning is so off base...
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    College and Student Loans - are they worth it?

    Re: I'd add that in finance you're best INTRO is to intern or get your foot in the DOOR now. Don't begin learning finance stuff hands on @ the age of 21 or 22 when you're done. Get into bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, working for a broker, those sorts of things. Bring real world...
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    College and Student Loans - are they worth it?

    Re: Let's start @ the beginning, Buzz, because you're singing my song. Financial Services and Investment Advice. The industry is changing and transitioning. Those who can't afford investment advice will be do-it-yourselfers until they're assets are high enough to be worthy and cost...
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    The Trap of Sosuave

    Re: The Trap of SoSuave or any Love site is that they HOPE to find the "truth" in the world. Some guide. Some light in the darkness. They seek an answer. The one crystallizing, missing piece that will help them make sense, give them direction, and a sense of self and purpose. Lots of posts...
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    this board lost me my girlfriend.

    Re: It isn't the -site-. The site itself purports nothing for nobody. And to each individual, it means something different. Even the variety of posters have different goals in mind, so you can't paint a broad stroke and say it was "the site" or a "philosophy." It isn't. MOST, of the...
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    Central Nervous System?

    RE You're talking -stress- vs. -hypertrophy-. Stress on the CNS, under Powerlifting, trains you to lift more weight at a lighter mass. Hypertrophy is the aim of maximum muscle growth at minimal weight within a specified range. Gains in strength, in either case, will equal muscle...
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    John Reed's Critique of Real Estate Gurus

    Re: That's just it. It comes to WHAT makes you happy. Things or experiences. Usually it's a combination of both. Things enable experiences to be more fulfilling. Belief drives this process. What makes life more fulfilling? Buying more things? Owning more things? Is it having the capacity to...
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    do all women cheat?

    Re Cheating is 1 person's reality. It isn't a TOTAL VIEW of reality. Let's say the world is made up of tons of different realities and perspectives. And with all the variations in people, there's billions of outcomes. There's a "market" of women who will inevitably cheat under CERTAIN...
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    The married DJ vs. the married AFC

    Re: Emotional Manipulation is a tactic of all women, knowingly or not-knowingly. I've had my own family spit it out. "What, you don't care?" They're based on a world of feeling and sense. They just don't see it the same way. As such, power of emotion can over-ride logic in most cases...