Answer, both.
Carbs spare protein for muscle building activity and energy for workouts.
Protein builds the muscle and keeps you in positive nitrogen balance and an anabolic state.
Healthy Fats, such as EFA's and Fish oils (omega 3 and 6), provide necessary fats for dissolving of required vitamins and hormone production/regulation.
When ADDING weight, ask yourself, if you have to down 500 calories PER day more, where should they come from?
1. Carbs.
2. Fats.
3. Protein.
There's only 1 which will benefit you and not lead to too much damage in excessive consumption, and that's Protein.
By that calculation, you'd eat 125 grams more, which equals the 500 extra calories per day. PLUS, you must consider your basic demands which are 30-60 grams. Equaling nearly 200g of protein per day. I double that, mostly.
At 350grams, it's about 1500 cals, then the rest are carbs, and fat.
Thing is, you have to EAT for who you want to BE, not who you are. MOST don't grow because they only eat for their current size. However, to be bigger, you must eat bigger and not be afraid of it. Then, when you cut back to cut down, you take your weight and the fat you want to lose and go from there.
I didn't grow on 200 g of protein. Nor did I grow on adequate calories. When I accepted a little fat, growth came easily, because I had energy to lift and lift big.
What do you want more, size/strength or to be thin trim?
You can have both, once you accept 1 goal.
I advocate 2g protein x 1lb of bodyweight. Sounds like overkill, but since DC stated it, it's worked. And you have to eat MORE calories thant you burn to grow. Nobody knows DEFINITIVELY what works and what doesn't as it relates to Protein, so I go more is better and have seen more gain than I had in my life since focusing and reading more.