Superficially, ANYTHING is hard to committ to. This, to me, is why feminism has wrecked, in part the value of marriage. Casual sex has DEVALUED marriage in the eyes of MANY men. The pill itself spawns women to take risks they NORMALLY wouldn't take when NOT on the pill.
It's like TEST driving ALL the cars on the lot. Fine. As long as you OWN the garage and can drive any car, you're not likely to own JUST 1. But the minute you go out of business or ARE forced to do so, you begin questioning the purchase with a TINGE of buyer's remorse.
I was and have been there. To me, some shrug off committment as being immature. I see it as a weakness, lack of focus, and lack of true manhood to put your balls on the line. It's fine if you don't want 1 woman, but if you committ to her, there was a reason to committ when you did. And you should be aware of WHY you did.
I checked myself out to make sure I wasn't a Committment phobic person, and thankfully, I'm not. But unfortunately, many are. There ARE reasons people go this route. Most of them based on opportunities as well as internal feelings of value. Ultimately, your choice to be with a woman should be based solely on her, not on the opportunities available in the world.
It's the same with money-making opportunities. People are inundated with opportunities to make money. They can invest, do R/E, MLM, career pathes, sales, consulting, etc. Even within specific sectors, they never really committ and turn it into to true wealth. And true wealth is built 1 brick at a time. Within 1 subset. Find what you like, stick to it, and make a profit.
The Great Warren Buffet wasn't up for diversifiying capital. He enjoys the Return on Capital, or ROIC. If he can get 15% with a small business, as opposed to 10% on a large one, he goes for the rate of return, versus the size.
I'm using a variety of analogies to plug this. I was *that* way. I never wanted to committ. I enjoyed the thrill of a new girl, initially. And yes, it's lovely. It's lovely to experience something new. And maybe I will once again. But the alternative as presented to me is better, because once you go deeper into what's going on, the surface bores you.
This isn't something anybody can do for anybody else, only enlighten you or anyone else too.
Maybe it's age. I'm not ready to marry, but at 25, I have a bit bigger dreams than sitting out 'sarging' every night, or even weekly. I do like meeting new girls when I do, but I figure I meet them everywhere, they fall in my lap, and if I wanted someone else, I'd go for it. But if you'd EXCHANGE someone for someone else, ask yourself: "Why am I with this person right now, if I would pass them up for a 'better' opportunity?"
See...we have to learn to keep THIS grass green by tending to it. Committment IS not a problem when you focus on the important points of life. When you know what you want, you control the frame, control your life. When you don't, and you just go with any girl, make any girl your GF just because she's hot, or the sex is good, you don't.
It isn't something to press now, and if you're PRESSING committment as a problem, you'll force yourself into being with a girl you don't entirely like just out of the sake of committment.
It was like something David D mentioned, about having TONS of girls around you. Yes, there's wonderful girls out there. In fact, they're ALL wonderful, just which 1 is wonderful for you?
I had a few flings, and alot of plate spinning at my apt the past year, and it was fun, but sex, to me, gets better as you get to know each other. When you know EXACTLY what button or what spot to press on the **** to get her to *** on command; not all girls are like that. But I feel only a SELECT few girls are worthy of committment, and most of them ARE not in the US.
I told as much to my own girl as I have girls I dated. Too much princess attitude, in a society that's very balanced. Back in the day when women wanted to be noted as a queen, she was WORTHY of it. There aren't many girls like that. It's 50/50, esp if they're earning money, and 80-90% as much as the average man. There's lots of things to consider.
And I've gone on quite a bit for it.