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  1. K

    Ajax Seduction Tips

    Great Post Ajax Should be moved to TIPS Comment about the friends first... I think from the context of the text, should mean more like Aquaintance first, Lovers later. I don't she knows you enough to frame you as a friends, perhaps also if the interaction was framed ambigiously enough...
  2. K

    Your attitude on a girls night out

    Perhaps its not so much the event but the people she eventuates with. Hang out with bad people you end up doing bad things. Hang out with people with a poor belief system often enough and one day you are likely to slip Kaine
  3. K

    Your attitude on a girls night out

    This has been a great thread and has even made for some great discussion in the main forum. I suppose I'm in a good situation, because my girl has been asked by her single "friend" to go on several occasions, but she's turned her down everytime. That in essence can be seen as a sign of...
  4. K

    Friends, GF, ex I have no freakin clue

    Listen to DJDamage he's usually pretty clued and I agree with him on this from experience. Look at her actions, her words with out the actions are empty. She is sleeping with you because she enjoys the s3x. She is telling you she loves and misses you because she needs and gets recipricol...
  5. K

    Need some sound advice regarding LTR

    I have been in this situation before. BDR23 is pretty much right on the money with his reply EXCEPT the "I don't give a ****" attitude must be communicated INDIRECTLY. This is done by you telling her how much fun you are having at the moment and that her been away hasn't paralysed your...
  6. K

    Your attitude on a girls night out

    Hey guys This article was written by a girl and suggests that its good for the guy for the girl to have their girls nights Do you believe that in practice that this is true in all the stated points? Do you usually endorse that...
  7. K

    I am able to become....the most hated man ever on this site....but I dont care..

    You obviously haven't grasped what it is to be attractive. Yes you can't be pook, yet it sounds like you haven't tried to understand his posts. What if you're a socially inept skinny dork? What is inherently attractive to women will never really change. Confidence, mystery...
  8. K

    Korean girl update (christian ho)

    Do things for you. Yes this includes buying you dinner. She buys gifts for you, she cooks eggs for you, she massages you, she blows you in the lift, she picks you up.......... You need to allow this to happen in order to make her value you. Do a search if you do not understand this...
  9. K

    Korean girl update (christian ho)

    I would agree with the comments made about the mindset in terms of cross cultural relationships with Koreans. Traditional korean parents are very dead against their daughters having relationships with foreigners. I imagine there would be lot of tension for a Korean girl and her folks if...
  10. K

    Girlfriend mistakenly calls me by former BF name

    little, little boys.... If these are isolated incidents then acting paranoid on something as trivial as this makes you appear needy and insecure You can let it rest until something more significant turns up or you can blow it up and look like a **** if there is nothing insidious...
  11. K

    Girlfriend mistakenly calls me by former BF name

    "My 6 month LTR has mistakenly called me by her previous boyfriend's name a couple of times within the last six months. How should I react to this? Is this a sign of disrespect towards me?" I'm starting to think this forum is populated by witch hunters. Grasshopper, reread your text in...
  12. K

    REALLY need help.Girlfriend with lots of guy friends

    How much maturity can you expect from a 16 year old girl? I Must be out of touch, I only go as low as 18 nowadays ;) Kaine
  13. K

    If you are looking for an LTR

    Doc Love is good but a bit conservative. And people tend to focus too much on the ****y and funny aspect of De Angelos teaching. Its better to borrow a little bit of the best from everything and then calibrate it depending on the girl. I also agree with Italostud, even with LTR you...
  14. K

    Should i give her another chance?

    What is the purpose of the date? For YOU and HER to have a good time. It's equally important that not only you enjoy the activity but she does too, and be flexible about it. We are trying to attract her right? Maybe there just wasn't chemistry, maybe she WAS cold. Location is the...
  15. K

    Good looking but too boring: what to do

    Boring can mean many things. These guys are correct, you should have interests and hobbies. But also getting down to basics, boring means that you could be too clingy, too nice, not mysterious. Hobbies yes! But also think emotions, move her. Get it? Don't neglect your game...
  16. K

    Played or Lost Interest?

    Rule X You don't talk about the game with woman Discussing and dear god reviewing what transpired is weak "I told her that her game was superior to mine and I should have just kept my mouth shut instead of fueling the beast. She knew exactly what I was talking about and agreed with...
  17. K

    Cold, then warm again?

    You came across as been too needy. Your behaviour is leading her in her mind that SHE is the catch and not you. You weren't aloof enough, when she said that she didn't like you guys competing that was good indication that you should BACKOFF. You could've gone and talked to other people...
  18. K

    Want Advice on Handling Girls that Touch You Too Much in Public

    There's PDA and too much PDA. Is her action subtle or blatant and public? Perhaps she is trying to mark her territory. Indirectly letting other women know that she is with you. I prefer a "lady in the street and a freak in the bed", you know what I mean. There are just times when it's...
  19. K

    Staying the Course and the Days of Old.

    A-Unit I usually struggle to read most of your epic posts, mostly because the ones I've come across seem a bit hairy fairy. But I like this one because you had a few of your RL experiences in there as examples to see where you are coming from. I just want to add to your point where you...
  20. K

    Want Advice on Handling Girls that Touch You Too Much in Public

    Your comment is fair, you can take control of the situation by been ****y and funny about it. Or teasing her back seductively. I.e. grab her hand if she is going for your package and whisper in her ear "tsk tsk bad girl, you didn't ask now. Now you'll have to wait". Then give her a good fu.cking...