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  1. K

    27 and nothing

    At least most attention hors are hot, Chancer isn't even a chick! Why is this thread not locked? Hell why is it even stickied? Every piece of advice that can possibly given HAS been given. Time to put this ol dog out of it's misery. :kick: Kaine
  2. K

    need some master dj's advice...

    What a b1tch, she is playing you like a lapdog. "theres this girl that i've been seeing for some time we have a very good realtionship, I know she is interested in me in a more than freinds way thats for sure and im interested in her too." Truth is you DON'T have a relationship, you...
  3. K

    TheDon Juan Way of Handling another guy

    You are getting some crap advice. Without too much information about your environment or yourself. I assume unlike myself that you do not workout nor do you have martial arts background. Best to use your brain in any situation avoid direct confrontation where possible. Use ****y humor to...
  4. K

    Gixxer, your answer to why women have guy friends

    I'm also convinced by what DeAngelo has sloganed "attraction is not a choice" to be true. At least on the physical level it does appear that we are ingrained with a generally shared preference in what males consider attractive, and from research it does appear to correlate to health and...
  5. K

    Does this Guy Sound Desperate to you?

    " hate to cut this short, but I've got to go tackle some laundry. " Class! I love it! :D It's obvious, he's just throwing it out there, he's fishing for tail. Oh wait, no he's just interested in you because you seem a like a wonderfully unique individual and would like to get to...
  6. K

    Women and Their Guy Friends.....

    That's interesting, I just posted against the new thread about woman and guy friends. In response to your more personal issue.... My ground rules for exclusive relationships are that my women is not to see men that are interested in her (that's dating). In your case the guy obviously...
  7. K

    Gixxer, your answer to why women have guy friends

    What is going on here? It's absolutely normal for women to have guy friends, just like you and I may have girl friends. You don't need something as complex as a evolutionary theory to describe typical human relationships. You just need to put it all into context. Here is a truth, if...
  8. K

    she will only cheat if you let her

    Hahahaha. The thread starter was pretty lame, but the flaming sure is entertaing. Here's something of note though, love is blinding. Don't mistake your interest level with hers. Friv, we'll see once one of you comes out of the honeymoon period, when the feeling of love (limerance) wears...
  9. K


    Pull her over to a quiet place and kiss her when the time comes, i.e. prolonged eye contact, massage etc You don't have a relationship with this woman, so you have nothing to lose (you are not interested in a platonic friend). In encounters of this type, a man needs to escalate or else...
  10. K

    Chick logic and drama

    In reply to above posts The best approach no matter the context (which is very important) is to always remain cool and in control no matter how off the wall she is been. As a man you should be a rock, that is exhibiting self control (this is a very attractive quality in a man) in particular...
  11. K

    Chick logic and drama

    One thing I've observed in my close relationships with women is that they are prone give themselves over to their emotions at a whim. Depending on the mood for the moment, their actions based on that emotion in that situation is completely justified to them(chick logic). I.e. "You're nice...
  12. K

    Meatheads at the gym hitting on my girlfriend

    You got some good advice here. Again if your GF is hot, expect her to be hit on. That's life, sucks to be dating a HB. If she is decent, expect her to brush them off. If she is been bothered and can't handle the situation, step in. It's great you can use humor and have a laugh with...
  13. K

    Low BS relationships

    You may have a women who doesn't play games (conscious attempt at control), but even with good women I believe you should expect ongoing "tests". A woman will always use her little mind tricks and chick logic consciously or unconsciously to manipulate and control you or just to guage your...
  14. K

    How are dominant females to be handled?

    Alpha women are like the queen bees, but will submit to whoever she percieves as the alpha male. The women you are describing doesn't necessarily describe an alpha woman, she's probably just a chick with issues. Those who have experienced it know what I mean, when you are with a chick who...
  15. K

    6 Months Coming up.. gotta do something!

    I'm glad you agree, things that make an impact are things that make a DIFFERENCE. It is part of human nature, evertake a long distance drive and then soon every tree and field just becomes the same. If I had bolded everyword in this paragraph would there be as such an impact as above? There...
  16. K

    6 Months Coming up.. gotta do something!

    This does not answer your question, this is a warning. It's cool to be romantic But you've identified a problem. "But now I'm limited to what I can do because I've done everything and I'm a poor college student lol. " It's been önly 6 months, you should'nt have "done everything...
  17. K

    Awkward Co-Worker Situation...

    Guys can be flirty too, I know I can chum it up with female coworkers too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave my extremely hot and sexy gf for a peice of office tail. You obviously have the hots for him, and as a women I am not suprised you are a slave to your emotions because of this...
  18. K

    girl at work, really wierd!

    From experience a girl who has high interest in you will not keep mentioning her boyfriend over and over again. This situation is like eating noodles with a spoon. Is there only one hot girl in your area? Kaine
  19. K

    feel guilt at dumping girlfriend...kinda!

    In this case, if she had not discussed it with me I would have told her that they were not part of the plan and are not to come. Why did you let it escalate? You should have dealt with each disrespectful moment as it occurs. A good relationship is managing expectations, if you let her...
  20. K

    Did I get played/tested?

    You are there to study, it's not a date. She told you what to expect. That situation was your problem, in your own head. You want to get laid, ask her out on a DATE Kaine