Chick logic and drama


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
One thing I've observed in my close relationships with women is that they are prone give themselves over to their emotions at a whim.

Depending on the mood for the moment, their actions based on that emotion in that situation is completely justified to them(chick logic). I.e. "You're nice so nice to me, but I'm not feeling it so goodbye", to "No sex before marriage but I'm going sleep with him because he makes me so hot" etc.

It used to be completely fustrating for me before I realised this, I used to boggle at discussions and arguments I would have with these alien beings that would reply without logic and reason. Ever try to "convince" a girl why you are so right for her?

It is a two edged sword, I appreciate women because it is the estrogen that drives her to shower me in her intimacy when she's hot while at the same time moves her to create some soap opera type drama in others. I've found if you don't lead her emotions she will find ways to enduce them somewhere down the line, whether they are good or bad, in particularly in a relationship whereas men would be happy with a flat line, women seek fluctuations to varying degress otherwise they feel uncomfortable?

If you bear in mind that emotion is her strongest driver it really helps in understanding her actions, as it is usually out of the scope of masculine reason and logic.

An important success I imagine in relationships with women would be to lead her fluctuations in emotions, and to reframe her dramas as to allow her to have them to some extent while been completely cool at the same time.




Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
My last one was COMPLETELY driven by emotion. She would say some of the most stupidest sh!t during her many "verbal diarrhea" marathons. So, immediately after the conclusion of one of her spewings, as a logical man you try to 1st process the Sh!t she just threw at you, while all the while your head is just spinning from the complete lack of reason, and intelect. Then, no sooner than her last sh!t spewing ended, she starts anew with more garbage.

So, while I'm still trying to understand and process WTF she just said at the beginning and hopefully say something, she's already about 4 or 5 statements ahead of you.

My questions for all my esteemed colleagues here are:

(1) Are there any good responses for these b!tches?
(2) Are there ways you can steer the conversation into something less emotional without these b!tches getting wise to you?
(3) Do you even try to come back and defend yourself with what comes naturally to us, namely logic?
(4) Do you just try to "shut your brain" off and say what maybe she want's to here, which I'll admit I have no freakin' clue?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
im gonna be honest and say in my opinion the best thing you can do is either nod your head and say "uh-huh" or do what i do and just leave (im not gonna just be showered with usless crap, my time is worth more than that). they can go ***** to their so-called "friends" about drama and things that dont matter.

however if your serious dating then it might be ok to talk to her (not sure on that)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
In reply to above posts

The best approach no matter the context (which is very important) is to always remain cool and in control no matter how off the wall she is been. As a man you should be a rock, that is exhibiting self control (this is a very attractive quality in a man) in particular over your emotions. I also agree walking away in certain circumstances is gold.

She will subconsciously remember how you dealt with her as a baseline for how well you can handle other situations for yourself and the both of you. She will also subconsciously register your dominance over her, as she secretly wants you to be tougher then her mentally and physically. Nature is telling her that if you are weaker then her how can you protect her?

I can tell you the result of this is your girl will feel safe and horny for you, I've had a girl recently say this when she was emotionally freaked out over some recent events "when I'm with you, I feel like everything will be ok". I believe that this is because I've hardly shown her that anything has affected me negatively.

Getting back to my original post, my theory is that she will always seek drama because emotional shifts are what they seek, so better you lead them. Whereas guys are pretty much happy with companionship and a great lay, women need to be moved. I suggest using somewhat like push and pull to give her that contrasting rollercoaster effect.

This is another example why been nice doesn't work all the time, there is no shift in emotions. If you are sweet, affectionate and romantic all the time there is no contrast, again she experiences emotional flatline. Whereas if a jerk who gives the hot and cold act will keep her hanging on for dear life.
