Staying the Course and the Days of Old.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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For sometime now, I've tried to get "to the route" of what I've seen work and not work. Of what principles, things, beliefs, philosophies could help, aid, inspire, and awaken other guys to their own strengths and greatness. As of late, a series of fortunate events has lead me to some of the bottom line answers.


Jim Rohn, the famous public speaker says: "There are no new fundamentals." If a guy opens up a shop and is making antiques, run the other way.

In Golf, a few KEY swing elements actually contribute to a beautiful swing. When you see Tiger, he doesn't KNOW he's making a great swing in the visual sense, because at some point he loses the club from his plain of vision. But because he focuses on a few KEY fundamentals, he hits the ball a country mile and putts like the whole is the size of bath tub.

In Investing, though we'd like to BELIEVE there's other ways to make money, the pure definition of INVESTING is far different than speculation. Investing has fundamentals, speculation does not. In Investing, you mathematically KNOW the outcome given a set of rules. In Speculation, the result can go either way, hence the nature of Speculation and Gambling.'re all the same beast. And while each person starts at a different point, the road is much the same for MAN. Some guys had proactive parents, or proactive fathers. Some had distant parents, or hail from a completely disoriented family. Whatever your background is, you were put there for a reason, and an actually a good one.

A person from a disadvantaged back ground must go through more trials and errors, and generally lacks initial support, but once that break the hymen of resistence, they're off like a rocket. MOST of Americas most successful people hail from such backgrounds because they had no where but up to go and were tired of where they were. So nobody's spot is good or bad, they're merely the cards you're dealt, and you can either anty up, or fold and back out. But I ask, what MAN would you be?


The initial step to the problem inherent in dating, relationships and for men in general is....the days of inspiring men are almost gone. We consider the forefathers, and the fathers who lead the families, and war heros. The guys BOYS wanted to be. Now, most guys want to be SOMETHING, not SOMEBODY. They aspire to the image of a person, but never say "I want to be President", or "I want to be like...". This isn't to say ALL dads are bad, or people, but the traditions of looking up to "Village Elders" is all but a distant memory. The good ole days they called them.

A NEW tradition must be created in its place, building on NEW Males principles and inspiring future men. You see, the ideal most successful guys should uphold is the image of MAN. Sure, it's and Ideal, and an Ideal is never attainable, but neither is perfection, and many here want that as well. MAN is what every boy is destined to become...and by right of being MAN, all of life's glories are afforded him. In turn, ALL of life's beauties are AFFORD the WOMAN as well. It's a symbiotic relationship that builds on the unicen of BOTH parties.

Man and woman ARE different, and are meant to be so. I LIKE knowing there's only 1 me, with my sense of humor, and thoughts, and style. I wouldn't want a guy, or girl to come close to duplicating that. And nor should you.

Principles of MAN:

I. Action

I don't mean just ACTING now. Or saying you will. I MEAN, if you're going to DEBATE something, just do it.

Observance of Principle:

Recently, I got into an argument with a girl I'm seeing. I was supposed to visit her at her college during the day time when it was nice out, but due to family obligations, I couldn't. Plans weren't firm, but she assumed they were and rearranged her whole schedule. I was called to the carpet, and she was very demanding and stubborn. My initial reaction, as to many it would be, was to next her, get mad, argue cuss, and so forth. A few hours of 'debating' went on until I got frustrated and hung up. She texted me saying "how disappointed she was in me for not geting it that I could still see her and fix things." Most guys who balk and say AFC. But, hear me out, it was a misccomunication. I never made firm plans, she assumed I did, we're both wrong. I could sit at home and debate and leave bad feelings OR drive to see her about an hour away.

I chose to drive and see her. The night went perfectly, I stayed over, and received the best blow job in my 25 year life. The point was, A MAN takes the action, realizing DELIBERATIONS are for women, or BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS, and NOT for a MAN seeking to solve the problem.

When dating, it's the hum-drumming around when the relationship seems dead that kills it PLENTY more. Pull the trigger. Why? Because if YOU CARE about YOU, you WILL find someone who is happy to be around you. Point blank. You can't manage someone's moods. You're not responsible for them.

Priority Number One Is Always Your Life.

It has long been thought noble for MEN to die in protection of SOMETHING. Say a child, a life, a woman, honor, valor, the home, something HIGHER than man himself. In that same vein, a man's life MUST be of the highest priority because it IS his life that gives possibility to ALL other's.

IN a family unit, if the man is weak, the family dies. IN a business environment, if the CEO is weak the company dies. On teams, if the Head Coach is weak, the team fails. In ANY situation you imagine, the leader MUST be focused on HIS objective, which FLOWS through himself to the HIGHER order.

A top problem or situation occuring here is that guys, boys, men, have not seen themselves as priority NUMBER one through themselves. You'd sacrifice a job for a woman, realizing THAT she suffers because now you suffer. On the surface, Society won't admit this, but think about men weaken, so does society. Not because women can't handle the role, BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO. Even if they say yes, they only want to rule a small kingdom, NOT the whole WORLD. Just her world.

So Principle II is you TO only focus on your WORLD. Stop all crap you don't like doing and do what it is you want. Getting more of what you want in life starts with doing more of what you want, and surrounding yourself with more of it. If you hate the gym, find another to workout. If you hate the friends, get news. If you want to learn something, get books on the topic. You must create a personal ECOSYSTEM which reflects and promotes your growth and MANLINESS. That doesn't mean porn, if it fits you, fine. But it does mean higher values.


Yes Honesty. With yourself and with others. There's certain things that are private and certain things that are public. But if you have no skeletons, then you don't have to worry about anyone leveraging something over you. You don't have to bother with drama. You're scott free. You're clean.

On the other hand, if you're HONEST with yourself over women, you'll be far less likely to get dragged down the road over coals by one. Many guys admit to themselves they were foolish, yet kept only a fools hope alive and still burned for it. If you're honest and see reality, then you can deal effectively.

Observance of Principle:

I was out with a friend of mine, M, who'd invited a few other friends of his along, as well as his GF. M and his GF are pron to fighting, big fights, so it was to be expected this night. His friend Charlie had come along, who's a notorious shyt talker and drunk. This same weekend, my parents were gone from town and I was house sitting, so their house became a sort of "last minute gathering". We went to the bars later and the anticipated fight occurred. During the fight, Charlie began talking bucket loads of shyt about M, all the while the 2 were fighting aways away.

We went back to the house and chilled, yet M had suspicisions about Charlie talking shyt. Charlie did this about the time the fighting occurred saying "he doesn't make money, he treats girls like ****, he's liked about who is parents are" on and on and on. Now, if I'm called to the carpet, I way out the solution properly not playing political games.

Sure enough M, called my cell was I was in another room to ask if Charlie had been talking shyt. My reply? "Absolutely." BANG BANG CRASH BOOM, the house door flies open and Charlie is pinned to the floor faster than I could get down stairs. After a few minutes of heated shyt talking Charlie tried saying he didn't say anything and pulled me down to the carpet.

Charlie: Did I say anything A-Unit?
A-Unit: Absolutely, you talked shyt all night.

I've known Mike since grade school, and Charlie only this night. I'm no stooly, but in all honesty, it was honesty. He was shocked as shyt that I pulled his reality card right there that the whole situation ended and he has since been trying his damned pvssiest to get back as friends.


Keep in mind, if you want to be a MAN, you must seek a WOMAN. Only boys SEEK girls. If you know this and do it, fine. But only a WOMAN is attracted to a MAN, and only a WOMAN can APPRECIATE a MAN. A girl does not APPRECIATE a man, she likes BOYS, she has no clue what a MAN is yet. Yes the teeny girls find men Attractive, and dazling, but are they infatuated yet? No. They ogle over guys like Pitt, Clooney, and others, but even in the midst of a poised, confident, grounded man, a woman melts.

If you're chasing girls, with a MAN's mind, you're using the wrong bait, hence C&F and other tactics. There's distinct differences, and most guys here are at the point of BECOMING the man they're destined to be.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Man can only be MAN if a WOMAN allows him to BE man. If you're chasing or seeking a girl who tries to grab the reigns, you'll never be in control as you want to be. And even if she submits to a relationship, she'll ALWAYS try to buck those reigns. Have you ever seen girls like this?

They don't want a MAN, they want a Fvck buddy. They want a friend. They're practically lesbian in their own way because they can't give control, or give into their feminine ways, no matter how sluttily they dress.

A MAN can't do his job if a WOMAN doesn't allow him. She must place her full faith in him, or the MAN must eject her from his life. She becomes a LIABILITY, not AN ASSET. She exposes him to risks, such as divorce, diseases, financial, emotional and so forth. Yes, in youth we have much time, BUT, with so much potential, how far can you go with a GREAT woman VERSUS a POOR WOMAN???

This isn't something to be depressed some might say "there's no good women." You've already accepted defeat. Quit the game now. No, there are. They come in due time, and you ONLY NEED 1 GOOD WOMAN, not a stable. GOOD WOMEN ARE FOR GREAT MEN.

Adopt an attitude about women, about how you want a woman to be, be picky, know you want a non smoker and tell any smokers in a polite way you don't like it. Decide what you accept and don't accept.

Observance of the Principle:

Hitting the 25 mark has been good (well it's in July, but I was taught how to round in preschool). If you focus on your life, and visualize it as a "business" (that's what I do) and improve each part a few % all the time, you'll be a master in no time.

MANY girls I've dated, even ones I felt lost over losing have come back. Much of it has to do with what I'm laying out before you. This has to do with my pickiness around women, age, growth, and beliefs on life. Had I known these things younger, I'd be further ahead. But alas, I'm fortunate in my own ways.

I had a girl who I dated a year come back and say "You're a good guy, there's too few of you around, most guys now are scum bags who are so drugged out, they look 40. Guys are becoming useless through childishness and lack of growing up." Now...when she said good guy, the conversation that followed was her setting up a date and making plans. A year ago, we'd kinda just phased out.


If there's one thing that's always been a pride of mine it's consistency. People know they can count on me. And because I know the limits of enabling someone, it never gets to a point where I'm drained, financially or mentally. But people NEED people. They crave connection. Sure, a group of people might be laughing at the end of the bar, but odds are, it's the drinks making it appear as if they're chummy.

Consistency means sticking to your PRIDE in BEING A MAN. It means being honorable. It means subverting your EGO for the GRANDER scheme. Some will say "Fvck that get paid and get laid now." And fine, do that if it suits you, but by no means are you upholding to principles that make you greater than you are. You are being a scavenger to your NEEDS and WANTS and its almost like a parasite with an UNCONTROLLABLE THIRST.

You see...while in my opinion there's no firm self, there are firm RULES to how things work, to the cement of life. We don't and we won't know who or what we are, so such things serve as GUIDEPOSTS into a life that has no boundaries, at least physically.

Go With Your GUT.

A man's GUT is where his MANLINESS hails from. It's what has brought us this far. Most guys don't. They seek the intuition of the brain. And while that's good, the BRAIN is a TOOL, it is NOT YOU. It is not the machine that BRINGS you the life you want. YOU BRING YOU THE LIFE YOU WANT. Your Spirit, Your Essence, YOUR GUT feelings. The tool the brain is helps you calculate things, recall, store, and so forth. But it can't GET you what you want in life, anymore than a motor RUNS the car, but does not STEER IT.

Show of Hands??

How many guys get a GUT feeling about a woman, but don't follow it???

How does it turn out???

End of that survey.


It comes from ACTION. Action causes more Action. If you're sitting on the couch, it isn't going to NATURALLY spring upon you to be come active and have energy. ENERGY is created through action, so you must FIRST get off the couch and DO SOMETHING to HAVE energy.

Drive in life comes from GETTING something going, and then letting the snowball roll down the hill. It will gather momentum and you will compound your drive.

You've got interests, persue them. Do something with them. Guys ask what is passion? It's life. It's LOVE (big part). It's energy. It's zeal. It's zest. It's fun. It's knowing that we weren't put here JUST to make kids and BANG, or to just drink. That time IS NOT real. It's not. Some people ignore time and blow the doors off goals and achievements. OTHERS, let time dictate life and get it done so slowly or not at all, that they tread waiting for a certain age to hit or time to hit. BAD, BAD, BAD.

Thing about it. When you wake up, what are you waking up for? To pay for things? Why do you have those things? To make you happy? Can things TRULY make you happy? Why are you getting THAT education? Will you like what it leads to or are you JUST DOING it to do it? Why not do something you PURELY enjoy?

Observance of the Principle

Several of my closest friends make a good wage DOING what they love. Surely they're not rich, but they're not poor either. One is a female DJ, making enough money to survive, and to buy things, but she is doing what she likes and greets each day warml. Another buddy of mine Sells AFLAC and coaches tennis. Combined he makes good money to make his own schedule, and always has fall back plans because of the versatility of sales and tennis. Do you wake up with a smile and greet the day happily???


You might wonder why this is here, but I believe it's the greatest of ALL encompassing powers. Loving another human being is what relieves all the hostility anger. It dumps all notions of standoffish-ness. Sure, if you go to a club and some guy seeks to bash your face, do what you must, but don't actively seek it.

Love of all realizes we're of ONE. That if were created, we were created from one source, and that we don't consume each other, we're the same species, living on the same planet. Love is a power with no bounds, and total completion. You came INTO this world WHOLE. COMPLETE. You need nothing, but can get everything. You're here for 100 years or so, and only BORROW what is here. How do you want it left in your stead?

Many look to self-improvement books or manners books or something in dealing with people...but, if you're bottom line attitude is of love, need you anything more?

This gets back to my statement on SKILLS. Many people will ******dly TRY TO SMILE more, or TRY TO ASK questions a certain way, OR TRY to fake interest, which are ALL external things with no internal basis. A person WHO loves, or likes all people, regardless of flaws, needn't fake anything. They don't have to learn to smile more, or to ask certain questions. They just are.


(More to come)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head

I usually struggle to read most of your epic posts, mostly because the ones I've come across seem a bit hairy fairy. But I like this one because you had a few of your RL experiences in there as examples to see where you are coming from.

I just want to add to your point where you concluded a man should be a man and that a woman should allow the man to be one.

There are several reasons why this does not happen

1. You don't have a frame of reality that you are the man
This is the nice guy AFC frame, and she is the princess. You are asexual.

2. Your frame isn't strong enough
You think you are man perhaps to everyone else but you submit to her chidish demands and don't stand up to her

3. You have no value to her
You haven't established dominance, she hasn't seen enough evidence why you are the man. You are not yet a catch.

4. She has baggage
For whatever reason, lesbian, single parent upbringing, abuse etc. She will not accept leadership/dominance from a guy.

The sad thing is women who fit in situation 4 and who aren't closet lesbians live in conflict with themselves. They seek to dominate the guy yet are upset that they aren't attracted to the guy they do dominate.

Even more reason to be the man in the relationship? Psychologically women will be hornier for you (bad boy affect).
