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  1. S

    What do you think about this article? & my situation

    Update..... I doubt it.
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    Gathering on Saturday night.

    One of the best posts I've read here in a long time. Great work!
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    Breaks up with me, but one more night?

    I've been on this site a very long time and have read countless stories about guys having problems with women. Hidden within every single tale is a sentence or a comment that is the "root cause" of all their problems. This quote above is yours. When this woman suggested moving out you freaked...
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    What do you think about this article? & my situation

    While I do like the sound of Danger's plan I highly doubt the OP is going to have the balls or inner strength to pull it off. She'll start crying and begging him back and it will be all over for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already tried this and it's backfired big time. We may never...
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    Discussing SMV with girls

    Her: "Blah, blah, blah....old man" You: "Bend over you need to be spanked." Then proceed to fvck her brains out. Do her twice, even three times. Then leave her lying there spent, and head out with your buddies.
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    I'm 35 and still love video games, my woman doesn't get it

    If I have two spare hours a day to do whatever I like there is no way in hell I'm playing video games or watching TV. I won't comment on the issues you are having with your gf but try cutting all video games and TV out of your life for a month or so and watch how much your life improves.
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    I banged a psycho slvt from POF last week - Field Report

    Sorry Reyaj, not meaning to "bash" you but rather give a kick in the butt. I as others indicated got the impression that you were a little jealous of that other guy. We've all done chicks that we regret but hopefully we can rise above that. thanks for sharing Slick (married life...
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    Am I a dying breed?

    It doesn't matter if it's a cellphone, magazine, television, or whatever. This type of behaviour is just disrespectful and rude. I've been on a date where the chick started playing on her phone and I stood up and left. She chased me down and apologized. If you want respect from someone...
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    I banged a psycho slvt from POF last week - Field Report

    A zit-faced dumpster diving slut with a possible case of herpes who will give blow jobs to random POF dudes in the bathroom stall at the bar. The fact that you are even associating with this chick says a lot about you. This is just plain sad. Elevate yourself.
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    Don't know what to do with this

    So this "girlfriend" is married and has been playing you along as well as some other guy too. (The friend she got drunk with after your "breakup"). How many other guys does she have in her web? Does this sound at all like a woman you should be wasting a second thought on? Grab a pair of...
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    she only sends a "."

    Text her a sad face emoticon with a wink. Ie. ;( It means I'm not happy with you but I'm still down with hooking up if you are.
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    Nasty situation

    This should not be too difficult. Apologize for the misunderstanding and explain that you are a bit of a jokester who likes sarcasm. Obviously it wasn't coming thru properly via text and suggest a meeting so she can see how fun you are in real life.
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    Opening the car door

    I don't think so. Open her door old school style with your key. Slowly walk around and appear to be fiddling with your keys to open your own. She'll figure it out. If she likes you enough she'll bend over backwards. If she asks tell her your power locks are on the fritz. Or even make...
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    Opening the car door

    Give her the Door Test Sums it all up right here. The only thing that matters is the Door Test. If she fails this test or any similar test you can dream up, dump her. You are wasting your time.
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    Regarding the "too old" comment.... NEVER EVER take sh!t from a younger chick about being too old. Knock that b!tch down a peg! (Playfully and with a smile of course) Some responses to a "too old" comment: - "Run along little girl I think its past your bedtime" - "Wow are they...
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    Am I too old to start smoking weed???

    1. Get a vaporizer. Smoking a joint here or there is no big deal but if you plan on this becoming a hobby then you need a vape. If you are already a smoker this may not mean much but smoking weed (chronically) is harsh on your lungs and your health. Once you try a proper vaporizer you won't...
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    How to get ex girlfriend to want me again...

    What up BC! This relationship is over. It's important that you accept that if you haven't already. Anyhow here's a little tip.
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    Am I wrong to steer clear of girls with bfs?

    Yes, and when you kiss her how does HIS c0ck taste?
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    Christmas Dinner or Not?

    If she wants to make her own head spin thinking about the connotations of having you over to meet her parents for xmas dinner then let her spin. Don't make a big deal out of the meeting the parents thing. Just go have a good time.
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    ***Official Late Night with Slickster Interview Thread***

    Thanks for posting these interview threads Humble Ninja. A great idea. Ok.... 1) What brought you to SS and how did you find the site? A good friend of mine had his wife cheat on him. We were discussing the situation and he mentioned a website he found that taught guys how to get girls. A...