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  1. S

    Fighting when not to.

    You should've ****ed him up. You sound like someones grand father with the stern warning ****. No seriously just blast him in the face as soon as its about to go down. B-B-B-B-B-Last and shine.
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    Homecoming Fashion

    My friend wore something similar to this. Pretty close to what else I saw. I wouldn't do the cane. I don't want you rolling up in there looking like Blacula or Whitula...
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    Homecoming Fashion

    I'm down south so maybe its just here but a vest of some type and dress shoes.
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    Making people laugh, it can be a double edged sword

    I love this post. Its so true. I remember when I was younger I was one of those guys who would pick off one of the weaker teachers and spend the whole hour joking and at first everyone loved me but eventually everyone started to get annoyed by me. This is probably on of the truest posts I've...
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    unorthodox way to lose virginity. help.

    Trust me its not as big a deal as some make it out to be. Your first time always sucks so why not run a train?
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    Weird situation hanging with chicks after school.

    My advice would be to get involved. If the conversation was too girly you should have steered it into a more friendly type of one. On another note just sponge filter what Alamar says. Take it worth a grain of cocaine.
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    Funy ****block

    I hate people like this but its life. Theres always gonna be someone to bring you down. I just call em salty and keep it moving.
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    Enlighten Me On Body Language

    Been through the DJ bible quite a few time. The info about body language in there is really basic. I want more in depth stuff.
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    What are some good songs to bang to?

    You know its odd but I don't think I've ever had sex to music. I'm had sex to movies though. Mission Impossible 3 was choice.:up:
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    Enlighten Me On Body Language

    So I've heard about how this really effects your game but I never really looked into it. But anyway I was watching an episode of the Pick Up Artist I DVR'ed and it was the one where they have to wear Speedo's to the poll party. So I'm watching and I notice Mystery comment on Joe D's positioning...
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    Got in a fight

    I'll put it this way. Theres an extent to which you should withstand antagonism and theres the limit where its okay to fight. When it shows early signs of becoming a chronic problem let it be know you're not to be ****ed with.
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    Got in a fight

    Thats a fight? He slapped you so you hit him once, attempted to skitter away and he pushed you? And you're going to get suspended for that? I'm still not following, how is that a fight?
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    Maybe I'm just the odd man out but I never used MySpace for game. Okay thats a lie. I do but in a social proof type of way. I don't think I ever actually spit or rather typed game at anyone though.
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    I Hate You Dad! Embarassing Last Name

    I didn't expect the outpour to be that big. Its not really that big a problem just had a bad day and I vented. Its not the like the ladies call me that. Just one of those things that kinda blurs your vision.
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    I Hate You Dad! Embarassing Last Name

    No I don't hate my father however I do hate his last name. Its a horrible last name and this post doesn't really have anything to do with gaming girls more with dealing with my last name. It really hurts your confidence factor when you're walking through the halls and someone yells out...
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    Things that have worked for me

    Trying so hard not to type LOL. To be fair an FR isn't solid proof.
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    Homecoming: Got a yes... but

    No. I'm saying that you sounded timid and unsure. I'm saying grab those ballas and man up. If she doesn't say anything to you then your fine. Not once did I say go ask her. That would imply your unsure of yourself and lower your value to her.
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    Homecoming: Got a yes... but

    Grab those balls again kid. If she doesn't say anything to you then disregard and carry along.
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    since school has started...

    It gets better. I was on a real drought but then one day I must have been on a testosterone high or something because all my doubts and ish dissapeared and I was back in freshman year state. I'm talking to women, making more friends, and getting good grades. Its all relative to how you look at it.
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    Date Problem

    I felt the need to come in here and reply as I was recently thinking about this. I honestly would like to hear. I've got a friend who does this alot but I never pressed for details. He's one of those natural ladies mens and I want to find out what he does.