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    Dating a younger girl

    It seems to me that you've got one-itis with this girl. Your whole story indicates that you've made yourself way too available for not only this girl, but her family as well. You were her date to a wedding? As for her family, don't care too much about what they think about you because it...
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    blocking the **** block

    Caaack blocking is usually what the Don Juans do to other guys. In my experiences, it is sometimes best to just forget the girl and find another. Like in a bar for instance, cuz girls' senses are highly intuned to the actions of men, especially when it comes to interest. It's best not to let...
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    Have I become a jerk?

    Crazy, Edmontonians! What is that now 4 of us? Yea GTS, you haven't become a jerk. Trust me because I was for awhile and had a few female friends completely hate the 'revised' me heheh. It's true that the system doesn't let us know when to let our walls down. But we do know not to pour...
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    girl confusing me please lend a fellow some advice

    I've got the same thing pretty much with one girl right now. She cornered me last week with the "Where do u think we are right now" ****. Right then I was ready to drop her. And yea she said she's seeing other people too. Well, you know what, I may be on her reserve list, but she's also on...
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    I have to question the DJ Bible

    Don't worry DJ girl, you're not making enemies. I know some people here might not agree with me but it's good to have a girl's perspective on the DJ Bible. Read some more and post questions, it helps us all in the end.
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    Women and lame excuses. Not my fault

    It's true though, accountability is a big thing. If you knew she was so insecure, why stay with her? Don't call her. Let her call you because she's making you react. If you want to stay with her, go ahead. If not....... You're a MAN remember? Find someone that won't test you as much and is...
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    what should my next move be?

    I completely agree with the above. Something of more importance is to not forget to go out there and get more women.
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    My ******** needs some work!

    Anyone else want to drop their feedback for me?
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    My ******** needs some work!

    Thanks for your feedback ZeeOwl. Admittedly this girl (38th?) is by far the most interesting I have met all year. One thing I noticed though is that when interest starts to develop in one girl, others start noticing you. In the last two weeks 3 girls I haven't spoken to in years have been...
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    My ******** needs some work!

    OK fellow DJs, I need some help here decoding some ******** I have gotten recently from a girl. The deal with this girl is I've seen her a few times but we haven't even had a date yet. We have mutual friends but we end up hanging out together. Here's what she said: i feel like we...
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    understanding one-itis...

    Deep Dish, that is very insightful!! Putting things in terms of a buffet! That's gold!!! I'd like to add that at a buffet, people only pick out what they want and sometimes pick things they haven't tried yet. And as we start trying out new things on our tray, we begin to gain an appreciation...
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    Very Depressed, need help

    You need to reply to the advice!!! Everyone that has replied to you replied b/c you're being a woman about this. Read the bible over and over again b/c you can't just memorize these things. I don't know if you've been lurking here or just found/joined the forum this month, but you need to...
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    the right mindset

    Hb, I posted on another one of your threads and I just noticed something here. You've been on this forum since the year 2000. The first thing that comes to my mind is, 1)How old are you? 2)I can't understand the mindset you are in because the DJ bible is the embodiment of taking control over...
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    A small AFC story. Dont be that guy

    Good story. I feel sorry for that intern guy though.
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    Something Important.

    I totally agree with the above. As an individual we have to adapt ourselves to our environments and gotta trust our gut. That's what it means to me at least. Hey Kwah, it's nice to know I'm not the only Edmontonian here on this forum!!!
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    I just skimmed through most of this thread and I'd say you need to pull yourself together. Wasting two years of YOUR life on a girl??? What's it gotten you? Low self-esteem and out-of-control emotions is what I think. But some of us here know what you're going through. I do. When my ex...
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    You can still follow the path of a DJ even though you've got a past with this girl. It'll be difficult, but you can do it. Don't ask her what she thinks of you. It may be hard to understand but you're still acting like an AFC. Keep concentrating on yourself and don't think about her...
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    A Paradox when it comes to women...

    Very informative post!! I think that part about a girl looking at a part of your body with an odd smile should be posted as another sign of possible interest.
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    Female Radar LADAR!!!!! (LONG)

    Alright, having just read my post, it appears I left out something important. ...(continuing from original thread).... The way we can use ladar to our advantage is by recognizing it's potential to make a women attribute more value to us. Let's say that you go on a fabulous date one...
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    Female Radar LADAR!!!!! (LONG)

    In the movie Swingers, right at the beginning, some dude tells his AFC buddy that when he really gets over his ex, she'll call him, so for the mean time he'll have to act like he's over her in the hopes of getting her to call back, and ultimately get back together with her. For any of you guys...