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    The rules DJs live by!

    I like this thread. My friends like to complain about how there's soooooo much too read on this forum. Well now I can direct them to this thread. Relatively short and straight to the point!! :D
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    My first LJBF experience , and some questions

    Meet new girls. When you REALLY lose interest in her, she'll know, then she'll give you attention. Just like in Swingers (great DJ movie). It's become apparent to me recently that girls DO have this radar in them that let's them know when ex-bfs and guys who were formerly interested, TRULY...
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    When interest pops up after long disinterest

    Becker, I've got a situation just like that with a girl I know. She got her borefriend on the side and she always calls me up on the weekends. The way I'm handling it is by DJing others girls and not getting myself worked up over her. I don't wanna step between her and her bf cuz she a bit...
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    Rules of engagement

    Ragnar, that's good stuff!! I'll try it on my next outing!! I say Engage even if you don't really want to. Who knows, it could turn into an ONS if you like or whatever.
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    The Value of the DJ Bible (kinda long)

    Seeing how this is my first post, I must confess that I have been lurking on this site since January. I figured that there was sooooooooooo much on this site that anything I had to say, was already said. However, I failed to realize that my observations of others and myself down the road to...