When interest pops up after long disinterest

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
This happens from time to time;

You meet a woman, show interest, she shows disinterest, you move on; weeks, even months pass; then suddenly where once there was disinterest, now there is definite interest. Once the Friend Zone, now the Hot Zone. It's not that she was disinterested initially, as it would appear, but...

There are times when a woman is interested, but can't do anything with it for whatever reason; e.g. having a boyfriend. When faced with your interest, she feigns disinterest to keep your interest level in check. When freed from the outside circumstances, she goes for you hoping you're still interested and available. You were never in the Friend Zone, but for awhile it surely seemed like it.

Always bear in mind women generally are the proverbial relationship monkey. When you first show interest, that assures her that if she were become free that you would be up for her, given you're still available when that happens. It's always a judgement call whether you'd want to get involved with such a woman.

Point is, even when you think a situation is dead, it might not. Always move onto fresh women when faced with disinterest, but bear in mind occasionally a woman will totally change her behaviors around you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
This is one of the most difficult situations to be in. The reason is that you'll have to keep yourself from being interested in this girl because she has a BF, so you need to keep it on a friendship level.

However, if she is really a good match for you, this is hard to do. And, the girl generally won't be willing to risk her current relationship (however bad it is) to see if you will take her. Thus, you will both be stuck at an impasse until someone makes a move.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Becker, I've got a situation just like that with a girl I know. She got her borefriend on the side and she always calls me up on the weekends. The way I'm handling it is by DJing others girls and not getting myself worked up over her. I don't wanna step between her and her bf cuz she a bit clingy...however, she's cool to have around as social proof!:D It's not what I can do for her, but what she can do for me!

Deep Dish, I always say that where there's nothing, there can always be something. As for a girl who's got interest in someone, that someone (you maybe) oughta know the signs. You know what I mean....
1)she stares at you
2)kinos you
3)asks questions about you to your friends
4)plays with her and fiddles with herself when you talk with her
5)breaks a gaze when you two make eye contact (when you give her the Don Juan eyes!)

that's my 2 cents .............


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
i know, i met my current girlfriend about 4 years ago, she was not interested at the time, and now we've been dating for a almost a year now...