what should my next move be?


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
heres the background info:

if you dont want to read all that, heres the summary:

meet hb8.5 at a party, number close, call her 4 days later set up a "date" type thing with her in which we go to a party where you bring dates to (she comes over to my place beforehand for 30mins), i get wasted at the party and lose her but she sees it as me as leaving her alone, in which she sees me dance with a hb7 (grinded hardcore) and is pissed.
i try to talk to her but she is pissed after this, eventually we talk for a little bit and she hugs me and says call me later, and she leaves.
i called her back later that night (really late) cause i was drunk and just said "sorry we got off on the worng foot" and shes like "dont worry about it"

i call her 2 days later to come with me to antoher party, she says yes and is excited/happy to talk to me, she doesnt show at the party, but calls me the next day, i didnt answer cuase i was sick.


i dont really want to date this chick but i want to at least mess around with her.

should i take her to another party or out on a causal date? (bite to eat or something)

i am planning on calling her tonight or something and asking her to do something with me later this week, how should i say this?

plz help, thx


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Here's the standard in setting up that casual "I just want to fool around with her" situation.

First, you've already been on a few "dates" with her. No more dates are needed. You've already established all the rapport you likely to need.

You can take her out for a few drinks at a casual place where it will just be you and her or something like that (in that case, get some alcohol in her) if you think you need to build some more rapport with her but its far better to go with the maxim "no more dates and no more parties."

Second, do not call her, do not email and do not take her call unless its late at night, like after 9:00 pm.

Wait for her to call you, make some small talk, slowly step it up until it gets very flirtatous and sexual, keep that MO going for a while and then quickly step it down. Wait for her to invite you to "Come on over". Your answer, "I'll be right there." If she doesn't make the offer, you can do it "why don't you come over so we can talk then."

When you get together, take a little time to step up the rapport again and get over the awkwardness and then put the moves on her. Keep moving forward until she's naked in your bed begging for it. Read up on overcoming ASD before this happens.

Sounds like a bad recipe but it works.
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Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I completely agree with the above. Something of more importance is to not forget to go out there and get more women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JustDoItAlways
Here's the standard in setting up that casual "I just want to fool around with her" situation.

First, you've already been on a few "dates" with her. No more dates are needed. You've already established all the rapport you likely to need.

You can take her out for a few drinks at a casual place where it will just be you and her or something like that (in that case, get some alcohol in her) if you think you need to build some more rapport with her but its far better to go with the maxim "no more dates and no more parties."

Second, do not call her, do not email and do not take her call unless its late at night, like after 9:00 pm.

Wait for her to call you, make some small talk, slowly step it up until it gets very flirtatous and sexual, keep that MO going for a while and then quickly step it down. Wait for her to invite you to "Come on over". Your answer, "I'll be right there." If she doesn't make the offer, you can do it "why don't you come over so we can talk then."

When you get together, take a little time to step up the rapport again and get over the awkwardness and then put the moves on her. Keep moving forward until she's naked in your bed begging for it. Read up on overcoming ASD before this happens.

Sounds like a bad recipe but it works.

good reply

however, i think you misread or didnt read it all

she was supposed to go to another party to meet me there but never showed (at least i dont think she was there) and then called me the next day (saturday) however i DID NOT ANSWER IT since i was sick.

but you say i still shouldnt call her?

i havent called her yet (its tuesday now) but i think ill call her sometime before this weekend and either say lets hang out this weekened ill call you later, or asking her to go do something on sunday, DEPENDING ON THE VIBE I GET on the phone

what do you think about that?

PS- dont worry about me looking for other chicks :) its impossible for me not to, in fact i got a hb 7.5's number at party lol