A small AFC story. Dont be that guy


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
I have a friend that works at the local Y. I stop in to his office around 3 times a week to hang out and shoot the crap. Well he had an intern working for him. The intern is a great guy. He lifted weights in college so he’s a big boy. Looks like a good ol farm boy, that milked 100 head of cattle by him self a day. The only thing is, he’s an AFC. I didn’t know this at the time. Neither did my friend. There’s no reason for him to be. He has the boyish looks, and the size. He also had what appeared to me as confidence.

He had been flirting with one of the aerobics instructors. She would come into the office and hang out with us. She had the best round azz Iv ever seen. She is a nock out, and I want her. However she has a boy friend.

Well after around 3 months the intern was going back home. At his going away party, we found out that the aerobics instructor has the hots for him. She still has a boyfriend by the way. Of course being an AFC, he didn’t realize it. Plus he was going home to a different state.

So he got back home and wrote her a letter of how he felt about her. She was overtaken buy it I guess. She wanted to go visit him and find out if they have a spark. Who knows what would happen from there.

This is the chance of a lifetime for the intern. He’s been single for a long time, and he could be just what she’s looking for.

After a month she went up to see him for the weekend… Guess what happened………………………………......

He……….had……………..NOTHING PLAND………………NOTHING. She got up there, and they watched TV the whole weekend. She suggested if they could hang out with his friends, and he said naa. She asked what do you want to do? He said I don’t know what do you want to do? The only kiss she got from him is when she kissed him good by to come back home. She had to kiss him. She wanted him too kiss her all weekend.

I bet he doesn’t get another shot at her again. I bet he won’t find such a hot looking girl to like him anytime soon. If he finds him self in another situation like that, I hope he plans the time she’s going to be with him.

Remember a woman loves a man with a plan, who has confidence
Don’t be the intern


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Good story. I feel sorry for that intern guy though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
i always make plans and they normally dont want to do most of the stuff. Thats why i make multiple plans now.