My ******** needs some work!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
OK fellow DJs, I need some help here decoding some ******** I have gotten recently from a girl. The deal with this girl is I've seen her a few times but we haven't even had a date yet. We have mutual friends but we end up hanging out together.

Here's what she said:

i feel like we should talk about where u think we are right now. And then she tells me she's seeing other people too? I don't get it! Then she goes further saying that she doesn't even know when 2 people are officially going out. I am so close to leaving her, but I might just give her a chance.

That quote to me means ... "When are you going to ask me out? If you don't I will continue dating other guys/AFCs."

"I think the guy should always ask out the girl. Girls should'nt have to ask out the guy."
This one should be obvious but is it possible for girls to hide their interest level? I am finding it difficult gauging her interest level. My friend who's quite the DJ himself says I've pretty much got her.

My gut tells me, she's digging me, but she just hasn't admitted it to herself yet. My opinion and other peoples'. Seriously, this is why I don't want to date girls in their early 20's. They don't have their heads on straight!

Interpretations of the ******** would be much appreciated, thanks guys!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
I'm pretty good at decoding ******** (had several LTRs). To me both remarks mean the same thing. She wants to know how much you like her, how much she means to you. I think she's unsure of what your IL is, and wants you to right out tell her what it is. She's also trying to get you to give her some kind of commitment. Women are often like that, they need security. The reason she told you about the other people she's seeing is because she doesn't want you to think you're her only option. She doesn't want to look desperate or needy. And she want's you to make the first move.

As to what you should do with this info, I'm not far along in DJdom to give you advice. Perhaps some of the more experienced guys can help with that part...


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for your feedback ZeeOwl. Admittedly this girl (38th?) is by far the most interesting I have met all year.

One thing I noticed though is that when interest starts to develop in one girl, others start noticing you. In the last two weeks 3 girls I haven't spoken to in years have been trying to get a hold of me. Actually I have a date planned this Friday with one of them hehe. Those 3 girls were former prospects but nothing ever came of it.

Funny isn't it? How a girl's radar never shuts off, and they somehow know when to come back for another chance.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone else want to drop their feedback for me?


Don Juan
May 25, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Lodz
Originally posted by Aisle55

Here's what she said:
I feel like we should talk about where u think we are right now.

She wants you!

And then she tells me she's seeing other people too? I don't get it! Then she goes further saying that she doesn't even know when 2 people are officially going out. I am so close to leaving her, but I might just give her a chance.

That quote to me means ... "When are you going to ask me out? If you don't I will continue dating other guys/AFCs."

Yes! You got it right!

"I think the guy should always ask out the girl. Girls should'nt have to ask out the guy."
Isn't it obvious?
Huge hint!

This one should be obvious but is it possible for girls to hide their interest level? I am finding it difficult gauging her interest level. My friend who's quite the DJ himself says I've pretty much got her.
And is it possible guys hide their intrest level? Read DJ Bible!

IMHO she is wondering why haven't you made a move on her already! Ask her out and stop wondering what she thinks!
Good luck