A Paradox when it comes to women...


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
This is intended primarily for all the newbies out there.

I consider this essay to be somewhat of a corollary to what I call Murphy’s Law of Blarney, which states: “The women who are easiest to talk to are the ones least likely to be available”. Of course there will be exceptions, mainly in the case of bars and dances where sin runs rampant and the women are looking for one-night stands, and being hard to talk to won’t get the woman anywhere. But this is pretty much true everywhere else.

I’m sure many of you newbs have run into a situation where you have gotten to know women who are really easy to talk to. They open up to you quickly, are very adept at carrying a conversation, and seem to warm up to you so much that you’re sure there’s a connection brewing. But it turns out that she has a boyfriend. Or, she’s engaged, or married. It would take me just about forever to count all the times I’ve seen some newbie start a thread, saying, “Met really cool girl, has boyfriend, help!” and they’ve totally lost it over this woman. Sorry. By the Murphy’s Blarney Law, this won’t get you anywhere. Give it up.

Fortunately, Murphy’s Blarney Law can be your friend. Likewise, many of you guys know of at least one girl who will talk to all the guys in the room, but sort of act as if you don’t exist. They don’t act rude to you, but instead of saying hi to you like all your other female friends would, they “zone out”. They may say hi to you, but don’t make any attempt to carry on a conversation by themselves. The same newbie who’s falling in love with the already-taken chick with a boyfriend will assume that this other girl (or girls) for some reason just doesn’t like him. If the girl isn’t really shy, if you talk to her first, she may warm up to you and asking you questions about you or what you’re doing, but sometimes it may seem as if you’re trying to carry on a conversation by yourself.

If a girl acts this way, then my advice to you is: go up and talk to her, and get her number. Yes, it may seem intimidating, but you’ll find much better results than if you try to chase after the eloquent but committed women you run into.

Why would a girl who likes you “zone out” when you’re around, yet talk to other guys? It’s primarily instinctual, but it’s a known fact that women generally have the heavy guns when it comes to the dating game. They know that talking to her crush as if he’s just another friend will get her stuck in his “Friends Zone”. No mystery. It’s considered unladylike for a girl to talk to a guy first, and this, compounded with the butterflies-in-her-stomach feeling that anyone with an infatuation feels, will make it even more likely for her to clam up. Sometimes you may catch her looking at your chest or some point close to you (but not actually at your face) with an odd smile on her face. Get the hint? ;)

In summary, if you’re frustrated with all the married women or girls with boyfriends you’re running into, try talking to that pretty girl who talks to every guy in the room but you (unless you did something really nasty to her, which would be another story!). You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

BGMan :cool:


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2003
Reaction score
You just reminded me my ex-oneitis :)

Just wondering - where does that name - "Law of Blarney" come from?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
GOod post!

Hey the stuff you said makes l lot of sense. Good tip!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Very informative post!! I think that part about a girl looking at a part of your body with an odd smile should be posted as another sign of possible interest.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Originally posted by carbani
You just reminded me my ex-oneitis :)

Just wondering - where does that name - "Law of Blarney" come from?
Blarney = ability to speak eloquently and freely, named after the Blarney Stone in Ireland. As in, "Girls don't show a lot of blarney when they like you". ;)
