the right mindset


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
Lately I've been making things seem bigger then they really are. I almost got into a fight yesterdayyy and I've been killing myself ever since because I got intimidated by the kid. I HATE this feeling. I know people who get into alot of fights and afterwards act normal like it was no big deal. Yesterday this kid had me ****tin in my pants, i knew i couldve got a few hits and i would glady fight kids bigger then him but the fearless image intimidated me.

I know this aint the right place to post this but this does have something to do with girls. I get the same feeling by girls sometimes, I want to approach them and then it becomes too late and I end up killing myself inside. Since the fight yesterday I've been avoidiing friends and i havent gone out. My boys just went to the movies and I decided I didnt want to. Another thing is now in school everyones gonna call me a pu**y.

What im trying to say is, i could definitely use any tips anyone has about past experiences or what i should do.

Also how can I learn to be easier on myself? is it a good thing that I'm hard on myself like this? I havent hit the gym in almost 3 weeks and because of what happened yesterday I hit the gym first thing this morning.

I really dont know what this feeling inside me is, it cant just be fear. IT IS TAKING CONTROL OVER ME. Never in my life would i have thought that i would just stand there all shook up when it came to a fight. 2 years ago was th last time i got into a fight, and back then i would fight and i wasnt afraid.

Once again i know this aint the right place to post this but i tried posting this up in the highschool forum and noone really replied. This is eating me up too much inside, if you guys need to know the rest of the story then please go to the highschool forum and read my post. I WOULD REALLLY APPRECIATE ANY REPLYS.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
let me write the whole story here.

Yesterday I was talkin to some girl and then we got into an argument, her friend got into it and started talkin sh*T. She said she gonna get someone after me cause i think im tough. So i told her to get WHOEVER SHE WANTS. This was while we were walkin up the block from school. We get down about another block and her brother is there. At first I was hoping that this wasnt her brother cause he looked scary. He comes up to me and right away throws two punches at me but he misses and people break us up. I left and called my boys, we came back there were 4 of us. I get out and although i was scared and i felt i would get beat up, I was still going to fight him. Before we were about to fight, my boy went to check if he had anything on him, and he actually did. While my boy was about to check him, the kid throws a punch and nails my boy good, my boy hits him back and then the kid pulls out a 6 inch blade. So we ran up the block, my boy ran and then right away turned around and went back to hit him. He almost got stabbed but since the kid had a knife on him, we were about to jump him, we nailed with a couple of harddd shots and some how the kid escaped and ran away. Later on his sister calls us and her brother talks to my boys. He says he doesnt want to fight anymore, he said he got scared when he saw how big my boy was, he said he pulled out the knife cause he was afraid of my boy.He also said that if anyone comes after him then hes going to come after me, but bottom line its over.

The thing that is driving me crazy inside is that i showed him i was scared. He knew i was scared. He said it himself. What scared me was that he was a little taller then me and alot thicker. He was also tatted up, has a scary face when he talked and sounded scary. I was going to fight him anyway cause all my boys told me that i could f**k him up. This give me a little bit of inspiration. And now that i think of it, i couldve had a good chance of beatin him up but he just intimidated me.

HOW CAN I OVER COME THIS FEAR? I thought this kid was very scary and i thought he wasnt afraid of no one. After wards, hes apoligizing to my friend and admitting he was scared?
I CANT ****EN BELIEVE WHAT I DID. ITS EATING ME UP INSIDE AND NOW WHEN I GO TO SCHOOL THEY GONNA BE SAYING THAT I RAN AWAY. Yea i ****en ran away he had a knife and he was swinging it. Even though i know its better to be called a ***** and still be alive. A part of me still feels like a coward.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
MANNNNNNNN, first of all how old are you? I am gathering you are only about 16? Secondly you will and have to learn when you get older, WHO GIVES A FUKC WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!!!! If you keep livin your life on what other people think, u are never gonna be happy. Walk into school with your head held high, and if anyone calls your sh*t laugh. Yes you got it LAUGH. Show them it doesnt bother you and after a while it will stop. Plus who cares about this sh*t, man this is highschool crap.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Go back there, roll up your sleeves, and beat the **** out of him. Make sure he has a knife so he can slice you to bits.

I'll set up the funeral arrangements for you if you want me to. Only $500, cheap plot, right smack in the nicest part of the cemetary. No fuss, no mess.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2002
Reaction score

How can you overcome this fear?

Don't get yourself in those kind of situations! There are always ways of avoiding stuff like that.

Walk tall, and be respectful to others. Respect yourself, and other people will respect you.

..And stop getting in arguments with girls that have big scary brothers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
so what should i do? go through out my whole life running away? I want to be able to not fear anything.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
and another thing, people are already talkin ****. ITS GETTING ME MAD. I cant stand people talkin ****. I'm being called a p***y. Ur telling me that i shouldnt care what people thinkkkkkk? how do i do this?? how am i supposed to respect myself if others dont respect me?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
Damn brooklyn, heh. You don't got problems here at Seattle.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Kid , seriously , learn to ****ing type.

Fear is perfectly natural and it's your hindbrain running programs that have worked to keep you alive for hundreds of thousands of years , metaphorically.

There are two ways to dispel fear. The best is to do scary things a lot. It's fun , and you'll expand the circle of what you're capable of.

The second way is to daydream. Seriously. The way you train the hindbrain programming is through experience , however it can't tell the difference between imagination and reality.So what you have to do is daydream those situations youre scared of , but with you reacting in a dynamic and positive way. Soon you reprogram those battle instincts to be a bit more practical for the modern world.

Honestly , if it works for HALO training it can work for Djing.

And learn Karate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hb, I posted on another one of your threads and I just noticed something here. You've been on this forum since the year 2000. The first thing that comes to my mind is, 1)How old are you? 2)I can't understand the mindset you are in because the DJ bible is the embodiment of taking control over ourselves.

I dunno man. I don't live anywhere near you, I have no clue what your life's been like, but I do know that if someone's been here on this forum for at least 6 months they're a different person after. What have you been doing here? Just venting?

I'm not trying to get you angry or nothing, I'm just trying to understand where you're at in the DJ process.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
So your confidence is hammered... so what?

What would you rather have? ****he@ds at school calling you a pu$$y, or your friends sending you flowers in hospital? What you don't want is a knife in the guts and then having to wear one of those bags you pi$$ into for the rest of your life.

Go and learn to fight: karate, boxing, whatever. You won't give a rats ar$e what other people think and you won't panic as much if you do get into a fight.