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  1. C

    She's been with older guys and now...

    We're meeting up. I'm in my early 20s and she's anour 3 years younger and has been in two relationships both with mid 30s guys. Anticipating the hang out is makin me anxious in a nervous way, I can't understand it. I was thinkin maybe because of her past its putting pressure on me. I keep...
  2. C

    Text Messaging

    I'm asking what's the best way to handle a no response from a girl you text?
  3. C

    friends at social gatherings

    any tips? or do i avoid them at all costs?
  4. C

    friends at social gatherings

    tonight i brought a girl i've been talking to for a friend's b-day little bash. two of my friends who also came along were monoplizing the conversations, diverting all attention on to themselves which at first i was laughing and being entertained like the rest. about 20 minutes into it, i just...
  5. C

    you invite her to a party

    true although i knew if you talk to a girl at a party you should do all you mentioned but wasnt sure if that applied to when you invite and arrive with a girl to a party.
  6. C

    you invite her to a party

    how often should you stick by her side throughout the thing?
  7. C

    Text Messaging

    should they be used for conversations or just short flirtatious phrases, when do you know to stop and if say she doesnt reply, should you text again or let it be until she either replies or initiates at a later time?
  8. C


    haha thats good. i guess i did take it too personally, think she felt that by walkin away and not responding?
  9. C


    in the pancake situation, should i have said someting or was walkin away best?
  10. C


    whats the best reaction/come back to a girl who says "ew" after you make any sexual innuendo remark to her? i know a girl who 70% of the time responds with that. last time i suggested she make me pancakes and bring them to me in bed, she simply said "ew" and i just walked away.
  11. C

    seemed like a good idea, but now i wonder...

    she has talked to another guy before me so i'm not worried about that. but i have a hunch she wants to make her ex jealous since he's dating someone now. not sure what to make of it... should i mention it to her?
  12. C

    seemed like a good idea, but now i wonder...

    this girl i was just hanging out with who i have been seeing every now and then had broken up with her long term bf in may. he works at a local theatre tonight she mentioned that she saw her ex last night and they were catching up a bit and that he was dating someone. so whatever i get off...
  13. C

    Would it hurt attraction?

    The younger crowd has a lot to do with it. They sometimes take it literal and miss the humor in the tone.
  14. C

    Would it hurt attraction?

    Good point although that's not how I viewed it. Would it make sense that I'm conditioned to use jk in real life from chatting online where there's no emotion with text. so droppin a jk shows you're being playful?
  15. C

    Would it hurt attraction?

    Its just that sometimes what I say will come off too serious or hurtful so I just add a jk to show I'm being funny and observative. How could I get around that?
  16. C

    Would it hurt attraction?

    I'm a sarcastic person and throw in lots of ****y and funny into the mix. My only draw back is that I tend to say just kidding a lot after a remark. Its almost instant with no control. Bad thing?
  17. C

    first kiss in car.. awkward?

    kissing new girls? yes but never first time in my car, it felt weird leading into it. she just felt too far away in a sense i felt like a creep if i had to lean in that far. i usually have them next to me otherwise like outside or a different setting and pull them in playfully and its a lot...
  18. C

    first kiss in car.. awkward?

    met up with a girl tonight for first time after meeting off myspace. it was a quick meet at a spot (half way between each other's houses) she jumped in my car and we talked it up for a bit gettin in the comfort zone. the problem was i wanted to kiss her but being seated in my car made me feel...
  19. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    that should explain it :)
  20. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    haha did you even read the convo between them two? it was about me